Coach's Corner
Week of January 29, 2024 ❄️

Week of January 29, 2024 ☕
Meet Your Coaches (AKA Instructional Collaborators)!
Instructional coaching or collaboration is based on the Partnership Principles:
10 Ways to Build Relationships with Your Students
Say hello and goodbye to every student every day
Student letters and questionnaires
Have students tell you everything about themselves
Parent input
Have parents let you know what motivates their child
Appeal to their interests
Speak to students with respect
One on one talks during breaks
Attend outside activities
Let students inside your world
Let students have a voice in classroom decisions
Be real
Let them see your mistakes
Trust that they will do great things
Every kid needs a champion | Rita Pierson | TED
Ready to collaborate? Here's how to reach us!
- Talk to your principal
- Email us directly
- Fill out the Google Form below:
Zack Schulz
Zack is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters