News from the Principal
Kings Early Childhood Center, March 2024
Glow Walk Success!
Thank you for all who donated to our first annual Glow Walk fundraiser! Each class walked through the obstacle course one time with the lights on, and then it was time to Glow! Turning off the overhead lights was everyone's favorite part.
Students believe that the class who collects the most funds wins an ice cream party. However, they are all getting rewarded for their help! Shine Orthodontics, one of our amazing community partners, is providing ice cream bars or popsicles to all of our preschoolers!
Scroll to see pictures from our fun day with families and our staff. Staff dressed in an 80's themed wardrobe.
Stay tuned for the amount we've raised and what those funds are going towards!
Spring Break is March 25th through April 1st- School Closed
Our building is closed during spring break. Childcare, our before and after school program, is closed when school is closed.
Preschool classes and childcare will resume on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Registration Paperwork
Have you turned in all of your paperwork for the 2024-2025 school year? Please turn in all of the required paperwork if you have not done so. Thank you!
We still have spots open in our afternoon classes and childcare for the 2024-2025 school year. Share the news with friends and neighbors with little knights! We'd love to have them join our team!
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens today. Registration for kindergarten is online on the district's website. You may click the link below for directions on how to get your child signed up for this upcoming school year.
Jolly Trolley Donations
My teacher treat cart, now named the Jolly Trolley by Miss Sherri, is not so jolly right now. Any donations to help treat our teachers is so very appreciated. Thank you!
Yearbooks on Sale
Upcoming Events
- March 21st- World Down Syndrome Day
- March 25th - April 1st- Spring Break- NO PRESCHOOL OR CHILDCARE- SCHOOL IS CLOSED
- April 2nd- World Autism Day
- April 8th- Solar Eclipse
Lists for Learning!
Make a teacher's wish come true! Visit www.listsforlearning.com to see what materials and re-sources your child's teacher wishes to have in their classroom. At Lists for Learning, we believe that resources can greatly impact the classroom environment and make your child's learning experience the best it can be! Ask your child's teacher for details.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Did you know that you can receive a children's book each month for free? Children from birth to age five are eligible to receive one book per month for free! All you have to do is enroll at
Warren County has joined the efforts to get books out to all young children throughout the county. Reading to your child daily and giving them access to books helps provide the necessary foundation for successful reading in kindergarten and beyond. Sign up today!
Cincinnati Children's Parent and Caregiver Support
It can be overwhelming to care for a loved one with special/complex health care needs. Often parents experience a wide range of emotions, especially when they watch their child struggle. There are resources to find support for parents and caregivers who struggle as well.
Preschool Family Resources
You can find a vast amount of resources on Bold Beginning! site. Click the link to read about help and resources for families of young children.