Canterbury Elementary School
January Newsletter
Dressing for the Weather
Living in New Hampshire requires adaptability to frequent weather changes. We will go outside for recess every day that we can. Watch/Listen to local weather reports and help your child dress according to our guidelines (see attached letter). It is recommended that you post these
in a visible place at home!
If your student is not dressed for the weather, they will report to the nurse’s office and make a phone call home during their recess time. Thank you for your support as we work to ensure a safe, fun recess time for all students!
Important Dates
January 1: New Year's Day - NO SCHOOL
January 9: SRSD School Board Meeting at BMS - 6 PM
January 10: Drama Club Auditions
January 10: Budget Public Hearing at BMS - 6 PM
January 11: PTO Meeting - 6 PM
January 15: Civil Rights Day - NO SCHOOL
January 16: Public Hearing (Snow Date) at BMS - 6 PM
January 16-19: Class Spelling Bees
January 17-19: STAR Assessments for grades 3-5
January 17: Drama Club Begins (Cast Only)
January 23: Teacher Workshop Day - NO SCHOOL
January 23: SRSD School Board Meeting at BMS - 6 PM
January 24-26: STAR Assessments for grades K-2
January 24: 5th Grade Play - 6 PM
January 25: School-wide Spelling Bee (snow date 1/26)
January 29: NH Fisher Cats Reading Assembly
Congratulations to our Door Decorating Contest Winners, the Fifth Graders!
Car Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders
After the buses have departed, those in private vehicles may enter the school driveway and proceed to the playground entrance for car rider pick up. A staff member will escort each child safely to their ride. If folks arrive too early, the cars get backed up into the road. Please adhere to the 3:20 arrival time in order to mitigate this issue.
It is also essential that private vehicles do not drive around other vehicles (whether they are school buses or other private vehicles) while students are loading or unloading. Please wait until the vehicle in front of you begins to move.
Thank you for your help in ensuring that our routines are efficient and safe.
Regular attendance at school is critical for a student's success. The interactive nature of lessons at school today make it challenging to provide students with the same learning experiences when they return from an absence.
If a student reaches 10 half days (or 5 full days) of unexcused absences in a school year, the State of NH considers that student habitually truant. Our protocols require that we follow a process with families to ensure that the importance of attendance is understood and that unexcused absences are to be avoided.
The digital version of the CES Smore Newsletter includes a PDF of our attendance policy, as well as RSA 193:1 (Duty of a Parent - Compulsory Attendance) and RSA 189:35-a (Truancy defined).
Absences are excused in the event of sickness, a death in the family, or medical appointments. Other absences are considered unexcused and should be avoided.
Please note: SRSD School Board Policy JH states that for absences other than illness, parents must provide a written notice to the principal 10 days prior to the absence: the reason for the absence and how long the student will be absent.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for partnering with CES to support the success of all students.
PTO Update by Emily Perlet
The CES PTO meets the second Thursday of every month. Our next meeting is January 11, 2024 at 6PM at the CES Library. Please come and join us as we plan upcoming events and fundraisers! If you have any questions, please email Emily Perlet, PTO Chair, at emilyperlet@gmail.com.
The PTO would like to thank everyone who came to the Holiday Family Fun Night. It was a successful event and we enjoyed seeing all the families enjoying all our activities! We would like to thank our very generous sponsors as well! The local businesses and community members who contributed to our Holiday Family Fun Night are: Suzan Gannett, Brookford Farm, North Family Farm, Cold Garden Distillery, Tanglewood Hollow, Smitty’s Movie Theatre, Hermit Woods Winery, Altitude Trampoline Park, Granite State Candy Shoppe, Canterbury Tavern, 1759 Grille, Barne Store of New England, Osborne’s, USA Ninja Challenge, STREET Restaurant, Canterbury Soapworks, Funspot, Chuckster’s Family Fun Center, You’re Fired, Teatotaller, The Studio, Katie Van Cura, Jerry Perlet, Canterbury Country Store, Montshire Museum of Science, Fred Brewster, Canterbury Aleworks, Black Forest Nursery, Great NH Restaurants, Bark Box, The Boston Red Sox, NH Fisher Cats, Top O’ Hill Disc Golf, Krazy Kids, Gibson’s, Sloping Acres Farm, Constantly Pizza, Art Escape, Joe King’s, and Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. We are so grateful to the whole community for supporting our school!
January is a quiet month for CES PTO, so at next month’s meeting we will be planning future events. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting 2024 at CES! Wishing everyone in the Canterbury Community a peaceful new year!
Students Loved Participating in Holiday Seminars!
Remote Learning at CES
In the event of poor weather, Mr. Tursi may call for a traditional snow day, or he may call for a remote learning day.
The digital version of the CES Smore Newsletter includes a PDF of two documents, the CES Remote Learning Schedule, and our Remote Learning Expectations. Please review them, and reach out to me or your student's teacher if you have any questions.
Classroom teachers have sent additional details out as well. Thank you for your support!