Memorial High School Happenings
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a restful break and looking forward to a great 2024. Please take a look at a few happenings and updates in this newsletter.
-Mr. St. Onge
Supporting Our Community
The National Honor Society students and members of the Student Athlete Leadership Team (S.A.L.T.) volunteered for the Salvation Army. There were 42 Memorial members that assisted approximately 900 families with picking out toys for their kids. They were AMAZING!!! They were helpful, respectful, positive, mature, polite, and spread holiday cheer!
The S.A.L.T. students also held their annual toy drive and donated 5 boxes of toys to the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots.
Outstanding Best Buddies
At a recent awards ceremony, MMHS Best Buddies received one of only 10 Outstanding Chapter awards.
Crotched Mountain Foundation presented a $500 check to our Best Buddies Chapter for their outstanding work.
Staff Presenters
Family and Consumer Science HIGHLIGHTS
Our F.A.C.S. classes showed their skills in the Annual Grilled Cheese Challenge and Cupcake Wars. The winners were selected by staff judges.
NEASC Accreditation Self-Study and Surveys
The New England Association of Schools will begin the accreditation of Memorial High School in November of 2024. The process for accreditation begins with the school conducting a self-study. Part of this process is NEASC will conduct surveys of faculty, students and families. The survey questions are on the MMHS website and the link to the optional anonymous survey will be sent to students and families on January 4th.
We are excited to go through the accreditation process as it will help us continue to grow and improve. Feedback from the surveys will be tremendously valuable to our progress.
Extra-Curricular Clubs and Organizations
We are seeing continued growth and increased engagement with our extra-curricular clubs and organizations. Two recently student proposed clubs are the Humanitarian Red Cross Club and a Women in S.T.E.M. Club. Click here to see a full list of all opportunities.
Upcoming Events
- January 4
- NEASC Accreditation Student Survey in English Classes
- January 8 - February 2
- Winter iReady diagnostic window
- January 10
- Mid-Year Pop Up Art Exhibit - Library
- Unified Basketball Assembly
- January 15
- No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 23
- No School - NH Primary Voting Day
- January 25
- Grades Close - Last Day of Quarter 2
- January 26
- Quarter 3 (2nd Semester) Begins
- February 14
- Unified Basketball Assembly