The Synapse
Updates from the Sciences at Loyola University Maryland
September 2021 | Issue 35
Welcome to the 2021 - 2022 academic year! Loyola's campus is a flurry of activity with the return of students, faculty, staff, and administrators for the fall semester. The new Fernandez Center provides fantastic spaces for collaborative learning. Learn more about the many upcoming events on The Bridge, the university's new platform for the campus community. Share your news, photos, inspiring stories, and events for a future issue. Please send any feature suggestions to Jen Sullivan at jlsullivan4@loyola.edu.
Wishing all a successful and healthy start to the year!
Welcome new NAS faculty and administrators
Learn more about our newest faculty and administrators in the sciences here >>>
Kamal Benslama, Ph.D.
Jason Carbaugh, Ph.D.
Jonathan Fried, M.S.F.S.
John Hendrix
Andrew Mehri
Firooz Nejad, Ph.D.
Henrique Rocha, Ph.D.
Alan Thoms-Chesley
Zoe Derrickson
Hauber Summer Research recap
Please join us in congratulating our Hauber fellows and mentors for another successful summer of research!
Lightboard for teaching
Megan Olsen, professor and chair of computer science, demonstrated Loyola's new Lightboard technology during the fall teaching enhancement workshop. View Megan's video demo here.
Wondering how you might use Lightboard for teaching? Birgit Albrecht, associate professor and chair of chemistry and biochemistry, has created some lessons utilizing Lightboard as well. View a few samples on Panopto here:
NAS in the news
First cruise leaves the Port of Baltimore this weekend after 18-month halt for COVID-19. Vaccination and negative test result required. featuring Christopher Thompson, Ph.D., associate professor of biology
- Why are we wasting time and money on education when so many choose willful ignorance anyway? Commentary by Joe Ganem, Professor of Physics (The Sun)
- What do the new COVID-19 vaccine developments mean going forward? featuring Christopher Thompson, Ph.D., associate professor of biology (WBAL)
- COVID safety during lunchtime has become point of concern for some parents as Baltimore-area schools resume featuring Christopher Thompson, Ph.D., associate professor of biology (The Sun)
Upcoming Campus Events
Activities Fair
Tue, Sep 14, 2021, 4 PM – 6:30 PM
Community Engagement Fair
Wed, Sep 15, 2021, 4 PM – 6:30 PM
McGuire Hall
STEM Career Fair
Wed, Oct 6, 2021
Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) hosted at Loyola in October
The Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) is being hosted by Loyola and UB this October at Loyola. GCEC might be of interest to faculty and staff who want to learn and share best practices in entrepreneurship education and teaching innovation. More info about the conference, “Leading with Entrepreneurship: Succeeding in Revitalization” and the registration link are here https://www.gcecbaltimore.com/. CI&E has covered the GCEC membership fee for all Loyola attendees and a 10% discount is available for the registration fee (contact Wendy Bolger, webolger@loyola.edu, for more information).
Keynote speakers will include:
Nnadaga and Louise Isa, CoFounders, lor tush
Allysa Dittmar, Co Founder, Clear Mask and Ryan Maliszewski, CEO Mozzeria
Philip Gaskin, VP Entrepreneurship, Kauffman Foundation
GCEC will take place October 13-16, 2021, with two days of sessions on experiential learning, university hubs and innovation spaces, and community engagement and revitalization. Key to the conference experience is lots of networking with other schools, including a gala and awards ceremony at AVAM.
For more information, contact Wendy Bolger, webolger@loyola.edu, Founding Director of Loyola's Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
MIRIC Calls Upon All CUR STEM-Related Divisions
The CUR Biology Division's Mentoring the Integration of Research into the Classroom (MIRIC) network is seeking new participants for the 2021-2022 academic year. MIRIC is seeking both new mentors and mentees in all CUR STEM-related divisions as it focuses on discussing strategies for effectively teaching science through research and for removing barriers faced by students and instructors in engaging in course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). MIRIC's goal is to build affinity groups focused on specific challenges of CURE implementation (“starting from scratch,” online instruction, diversity, equity and inclusion, introductory vs. advanced coursework, etc.) that alternate meetings with network-wide discussions on common issues related to developing successful research experiences in undergraduate courses. MIRIC hopes to develop a set of strategies that network members can follow as they develop engaging class experiences for the coming year and beyond.
Fall Semester Resources
Academic Calendar
Coronavirus Resources
- Loyola Coronavirus Updates - General university information for all students, faculty, staff including the fall 2021 COVID operations plan, COVID-19 dashboard, FAQs, policies, and resources.
Student Support Resources
Employee Support Resources