ACURIL 2020 BAHAMAS Atlantis Resort, 7-11 June 2020
Beach Tower Hotel, Atlantis Resort
7-11 June 2020
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2019
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final paper due FEBRUARY 28, 2020
The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) is excited to announce that its 50th Conference to be held from June 7-11 2020, in Nassau, Bahamas.
The conference theme selected is Design Thinking in Libraries, Archives and Museums: Revolutionizing the way we do business.
Understanding how people interact with products or concepts and developing solutions around those interactions is at the core of design thinking. By focusing on the basic human needs and behaviors of the audience, design thinkers immerse themselves in a singular problem to come to an innovative solution.
According to Tim Brown, IDEO Executive, Design thinking is “a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success”.
The process of design thinking is generally understood to consist of 5 key stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.
· Empathize - Develop a deep understanding of the challenge
· Define - Clearly articulate the problem you want to solve
· Ideate - Brainstorm potential solutions, select and develop your solution
· Prototype - Design a prototype to test your solution
· Test - Engage in a short-cycle testing process to refine your solution
This is a collaborative, human-centric process that allows for the exploration of multiple solutions to a single problem, quickly and effectively. It empowers an entire workforce - not just designers - to question approaches and ideate on a wide range of possible solutions.
Through dynamic presentations, poster sessions, workshop, and the exhibitors fair, the 2020 ACURIL Conference seeks to:
- Increase awareness of current trends and development within the information profession.
- Introduce/reintroduce delegates to the concept of design thinking and its application for the information community in the 21st century.
- Explore processes for implementing design thinking.
- Create networks for further exploration of the concept of design thinking.
- Provide opportunities for discussion and the development of new knowledge.
- Provide opportunities for reflection and sharing.
- Identify new areas for professional development and staff engagement.
The ACURIL 2020 BAHAMAS Conference Programme Committee invites proposals for paper, workshop and poster presentations which explore the following Sub-themes:
1. Design Thinking: Global and Caribbean Context
2. Design Thinking: Innovation and Trends
3. Design Thinking: Professional Development
4. Design Thinking: User Needs and Community Engagement
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2019
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final paper due FEBRUARY 28, 2020
Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact :
Dr. Berthamae Walker, Ph.D.
ACURIL President 2019-2020 and
Chair, Conference Programme Committee
Email address: berthamae.walker@ub.edu.bs
Each presenter will be given 20 minutes maximum to present her/his paper. It is recommended that presenters highlight key points and not read their paper.
- 10 minutes will be allowed for questions and answers.
- All presenters must prepare a full paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings. See guidelines below on how to submit a paper presentation proposal.
- Proposal abstract must be presented in the English language. Translation will be made to Spanish and French.
- Papers can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL: English, Spanish or French.
Paper Proposals must include:
- Title of paper
- Abstract (200-500 words)
- Name of the presenter (s)
- Bio-data of the presenter (s) (150 words)
- Position/title of the presenter (s)
- Employer/Institutional affiliation (s)
- E-mail address(es)
- Telephone numbers
- Necessary IT-Equipment
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2019
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final paper due FEBRUARY 28, 2020
Guidelines for Submission of Final Paper
Document Format:
For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document of the presentation.
- The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word (.doc) file along with the presentation slides and videos.
- Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
- Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
- ·Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail – Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
- The abstract
- Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed.
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2019
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final paper due FEBRUARY 28, 2020
The purpose of the Workshop Presentation
The workshop presentations are intended to provide opportunities for delegates to exchange case studies and projects related to one or more of the conference themes.
The workshop presentation must speak to one of the above mentioned sub-themes and must be practical, with hands on experience. In addition, presenters are encouraged to relate their workshops to the ACURIL Special Interest Groups or Content Area Roundtables.
Workshop Format
Workshop size will be limited to 25 participants so as to encourage interaction. Presenters are also encouraged, where suitable, to use a wide range of illustrative matter to support their workshop presentations. Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, French or Spanish.
Time devoted to the workshop: 1 hour including questions and answers.
How to submit a Workshop Presentation Proposal
Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, French or Spanish. Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy.
Proposals must include:
- Workshop title
- Abstract (200 – 500 words) with content related to one of the conference sub-themes
- Name of the presenter(s)
- Bio-data of the presenter (s) (150 words)
- Position/title of the presenter(s)
- Employer/institutional affiliation
- Mailing addresses
- Telephone/fax numbers
- E-mail(s)
- Necessary IT-Equipment
Workshop presentation abstracts will be published in the final program.
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2020
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final paper due FEBRUARY 28, 2020
Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact us.
Dr. Berthamae Walker, Ph.D.
ACURIL President 2019-2020 and
Chair, Conference Programme Committee
Email address: berthamae.walker@ub.edu.bs
What is a Poster Presentation?
The aim of the poster presentation is to provide opportunities for information professionals to highlight and share successful ideas and experiences by presenting a special project, a problem-solving strategy, a research study, an innovative program or service in a library and /or information services aligned to the conference theme.
A poster presentation is a good way to showcase your projects, or get feedback on an idea that has been implemented. The information will be on a poster board that allows viewers to walk by and observe a particular work being presented. All posters will be mounted at the ACURIL Posters Caribbean Boulevard in ACURIL 2020 BAHAMAS.
How to Submit a Poster Proposal Abstract
Poster presentations can be in any of the three official languages of ACURIL – English, Spanish or French.
Proposals may be submitted by e-mail.
Proposals must include:
- · Poster presentation title (in relation to the conference theme)
- · Abstract (250 words)
- · Name of presenter (s)
- · Position of the presenter(s)
- · Employer/institutional affiliation(s)
- · Mailing addresses
- · Telephone/Fax numbers
Poster presentations abstracts will be published in the final program.
- Posters will be mounted in Nassau, Bahama, from June 7 , 2020.
- Poster presentations must address any of the sub-themes of the conference.
- The poster display should include a statement of the theme or problem, objectives of the research, project or idea being presented, the methodology used to solve the problem or implement the program, the major findings or outcomes and their significance, conclusions, and at least 3 references (APA style, 7th edition).
- An effective poster presentation must visually demonstrate the key elements or significant points of a theme, product or service related to the conference.
- The dimensions of posters should be in vertical format: 2.6 feet wide x 3.3 feet high ; that is 31 x 40 inches.
- Impressions may be in paper, from a Power-Point presentation or common poster characteristics.
- Screenprints, charts, drawings, photographs, and other graphics along with text, to illustrate the presentation, are encouraged.
- Lettering should be simple, bold, and easily legible from a distance of four feet.
- Posters may be accompanied with hand-outs.
- All materials to be displayed should be prepared before arrival. Supplies will not be available at the conference site.
- Presenters are required to bring finished posters to Nassau, Bahamas
- No electrical support or Internet connections are available in the poster area
Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact Dr. Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Executive Secretary - Coordinator, Caribbean Posters Boulevard executivesecretariat@acuril.org / luisa.vigo@upr.edu
Submission of Abstracts DECEMBER 20, 2019
Notification of Acceptance JANUARY 24, 2020
Final poster due at conference site June 7, 2020
Dr. Berthamae Walker, Ph.D.
ACURIL President 2019-2020 and
Chair, Conference Programme Committee
Email address: berthamae.walker@ub.edu.bs
Dr. Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary /Coordinator
ACURIL Caribbean Posters Boulevard
Design Thinking for Libraries | ideo.com
A toolkit that introduces an approach to improving libraries through creative problem-solving
FRENCH : http://designthinkingforlibraries.com/translations/2017/7/22/french
SPANISH: http://designthinkingforlibraries.com/translations/2017/7/22/oo9je5bcik6tcwet7m371d3k68mmv1
Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries
Email: executivesecretariat@acuril.org
Website: http://acuril.org
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Phone: (787)612-9343
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cibernotasacurilcybernotes