
Important Dates!
- Music Programs
2nd grade - 6:00 pm
4th grade - 7:00 pm
- Character Assembly
- Holiday Feast (3rd, 4th, 5th)
12/22 - 1/8
-Winter Break
-Welcome back!
Check out these Flyers!
Follow our Facebook Page!
Bubbles has been featuring on our Facebook page everyday showcasing his nightly shenanigans while alone in the school. Help your student check every day to see what Bubbles is up to!!
Uh oh! Bubbles found his way to the school kitchen and had too much fun with marshmallows! Bet he has a tummy ache and sleeps all day!!
Bubbles found his way to the library and had fun trying on Santa’s suit on Santa’s clothesline!!!
First Grade
November has flown by for 1st grade and we are preparing for December!
Math- We’re in the middle of Module 2. In this Module we are working on adding and subtracting bigger numbers. With this we will be working on several different strategies, like counting on/backwards and finding a ten.
ELA- We have started Unit 3, where we are learning to focus on story sequence beginning, middle, and end. We are also learning about choices and how they can affect us and others around us.
The first day of Winter Break will be December 22, 2023. Fliers will be sent home as we approach this date.
Be on the lookout for more information from Northwest.
Thank you!
First Grade Teachers
Ms. Barrientos, Mrs. Falcon, Mrs. Morton
Second Grade
Second grade has been reading biographies and writing informational text. We are practicing reading words with plurals and identifying long vowel sounds in words. In math, we are still using place value strategies to solve 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction problems. Students are very excited about their music program coming up on December 14th.
Third Grade
What a month for 3rd grade! We are working more with multiplication and division in math. We are continuing to learn vocabulary words and improving our writing skills. We have learned about different environments and how we interact within them. We are excited to start a new science unit! Things are moving fast here in 3rd grade! Thanks for all you do to help us out!
Fourth Grade
Happy December!
Math: -We will be wrapping up Module 3- Multi-Digit multiplication and Division. We will be completing Topic G: Division of Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and Ones, and Topic H: Multiplication of Two-Digit by Two-Digit Numbers. We will then take our Module 3 Test. Before break we will begin Module 5- Fractions.
Reading: We will be continuing Unit 2 Module B. In this module, readers will state and support opinions to demonstrate their understanding of both literary and informational texts. Writers will use text-based evidence to state and support opinions. Learners will understand how interactions among communities affect cultures and people.
Social Studies: We will be continuing Chapter 2: Americans and Their History. Students will focus on how people have changed over time and how they’ve stayed the same over time. At the end of December, we will focus on Kansas History.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
-4th grade team
Fifth Grade
As we approach the end of our first semester, 5th grade will be completing our second unit in ELA. In this unit we have been reading about superheroes! We will continue talking about the characteristics of a superhero. This will lead us to a project in writing where we will select a Real-Life Superhero, research that person, and complete a project about this person.
In math we are about half way through our unit on adding and subtracting fractions. Once we are finished, we will move on to multiplying and dividing fractions. Please continue working with your child on basic multiplication and division facts. When we are comfortable with these facts, other skills become easier.
In Social Studies we are beginning to learn about early slavery in the colonies. Followed with the cooperation and conflicts between Native Indians and the European nations. Which ultimately touches base on the causes of the French and Indian War. We will learn about important people, such as George Washington and Indian leaders that allied or fought to keep settlers from spreading to gain more land. We will finish this semester discussing the consequences of the war.
Before we leave for our break in December, we will finish learning about our watery planet. We will focus on the water cycle, water involved natural disasters, and how engineering can save a town from a hurricane.
Our 5th grade team would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday season!
Mr. Struzik, Miss Ochoa, and Mrs. Whelchel