South Row's Home Link
Week of: October 10th, 2022
Message from Mrs. Gilbert & Mr. Ramalho
Thank you to everyone who came out for the October PTO meeting. Our BCBA, Katie Hicks, presented during the Staff Spotlight portion of the meeting and shared information about her role as a behavior specialist at South Row. We look forward to having other staff present at future meetings.
We enjoyed meeting with all of your students at Grade Level meetings this past week. This is an opportunity for us to discuss our expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Safety with entire grade levels. We focused on the theme of "Never Give Up" and shared the story Emmanuel's Dream to inspire students to stick with it even when it's challenging.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Terri and Jayson
Week at a Glance
Monday, October 10th
- Columbus Day - No School for students
Tuesday, October 11th
- No events
Wednesday, October 12th
- Picture Day
Thursday, October 13th
- No events
Friday, October 14th
- High Five Friday with Chelmsford Police Department
****Saturday, October 15th*****
- Pumpkin Fair, 11am-3:00pm, South Row
Looking ahead...
Tuesday, October 18th
- Early Release Day - Teacher Professional Development - students dismissed 11:45am
Thursday, October 20th
- First Grade 4 Activities Planning Committee Meeting, 7:00pm in the cafe. We kindly ask fourth-grade parents interested in assisting with end-of-the-year activities for our fourth graders to please consider attending. It takes a village to make it all happen!
Friday, October 21st
- Chelmsford/South Row Spirit Day
Monday, October 24th
- Diwali
Thursday, October 27th
- Virtual Parent Presentation - Cindy Goldrich - ADHD/Executive Function
Monday, October 31st
- Orange and Black Spirit Day
Updates from the main office
We still have plenty of COVID kits available in the office, so please stop by between the hours of 10am and 2pm to pick one up (one per student) if you are interested. While supplies last.
When sending in dismissal changes for your student(s), would you please notify the office (and your teacher) via email or telephone when your request is within 24 to 48 hours of the dismissal change. This will keep our record keeping a much more efficient and accurate process. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Reminders/ Updates
Weather changing: Fall is approaching! Please be sure your child comes to school with a jacket/sweatshirt and is prepared for the changing temperatures that come with fall.
Schoolwide Fall Reading Challenge: Starting Tuesday October 11th through Monday October 31st we will host a schoolwide reading challenge based on minutes read at home. Similar to our challenge last year, students will be sent home with a sheet that they can use to record the minutes they are reading (or being read to) at home. Each time your child reads for 20 minutes please send in one item from their sheet to count towards their grade level minutes. At the end of the month the grade level with the most minutes will win a prize.
Virtual Parent Presentation: On October 27th at 7:00pm, Cindy Goldrich (see flyer below) will present to parent on the topic of essential strategies for parents with students that have ADHD and Executive Function challenges. Staff enjoyed Professional Development with this presenter in September. We hope you will consider joining us.
The zoom link is
Or go to Join meeting ID: 717-515-793. Password: 393537
REMINDER - Pokemon Cards & Sports Cards: Please DO NOT send Pokemon cards or sports cards to school with your student. Pokemon cards and sports cards are a distraction for students and have also added to disruption on the bus. Thank you in advance.
4th Grade Student Council: Click here for information! Please note the meeting listed as March 3rd should read March 6th. Sorry for any confusion.
Virtual Parent Discussion Night Flyer
PTO Corner
Thank you Katie Hicks BCBA for speaking at our PTO meeting in our Staff Spotlight! To have her at South Row is very special and we appreciate her taking time to join us.
Spirit wear has been struggling with some supply issues but stay tuned, we should be ready for orders soon.
Pumpkin Fair is FAST approaching! We need LOTS of help to run the event and activities so please check out the sign-ups below and see if you are able to help out.
To volunteer your time:
To bring baked goods:
Food Services Corner
- Tentative Breakfast Menu
- Tentative Lunch Menu
- Direct Link to Food Services webpage
Tentative Breakfast Menu - October
Tentative Lunch Menu - October
Food Services Website
Volunteer Opportunity with the High School Ecology Club
The Chelmsford High School Ecology Club is in need of parent volunteers who could come to the high school during student lunches (11:20-12:47) and help guide students to throw uneaten food scraps in the compost bin, instead of in the trash. The high school recently started the composting program this September. Parent volunteers would help prevent contamination of the compost by guiding students to the right bin.
Interested parents please contact Ecology Club advisor, Somi Chowdhury, .Parents can even directly sign up using the google sheet shared below:
October 4th, 2022 School Committee Meeting
Please send photos to Mr. Ramalho ( to be featured in our Home Link newsletter!
Kindness Matters Day
Pride Shout Outs
Walk to School Day!
Grade 3 Gardening!
An Important Message to Massachusetts Families With Children Under Age 9 Diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Open Request Application Period October 14, 2022 to October 31, 2022.
The Autism Division of the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) runs an Autism Waiver Program that provides one-to-one interventions to help children with autism who exhibit severe behavior, social and communication problems through a service called Expanded Habilitation, Education (intensive in-home services and supports). This service occurs in the child’s home or other natural settings under the supervision of trained clinical staff and is available for a total of three years. The program also provides related support services such as community integration activities and respite. At the conclusion of the three years of intensive services, a child may access supplemental services that meet the child’s needs and help with the transition out of the intensive Autism Waiver Program until the child’s 10th birthday.
For more information and to apply visit: DDS Autism Waiver Program
Care Solace - Are you in need of support?
Contact the South Row Administrative Team!
Mr. Jayson Ramalho, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal
Location: 250 Boston Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5177
Twitter: @CPSSouthRow
Contact the Main Office Staff
- Mrs. Terri Gilbert, Principal:, 978-251-5177 ext. 4
- Mr. Jayson Ramalho, Assistant Principal:, 978-251-5177 ext. 3
- Mrs. Shannon Vandevoordt, School Nurse:, 978-251-5177, ext.2
- Mrs. Debbie O'Neill, Secretary:, 978-251-5177, ext. 0
- Mrs. Kim Sepe, School Clerk:, 978-251-5177, ext.0
- Absentee Line: 978-251-5177 ext. 1