Dragon Weekly
Monday, October 30 - Saturday, November 4
Groundbreaking Ceremony
On Wednesday, October 25, the Administration and Board of Education of Mountainburg Schools, along with Rep, Chad and Shawntill Puryear, representatives from Van Horn Construction, MAHG Architecture, Inc., Hawkins-Weir Engineers, along with Miss Mountainburg titleholders, our reigning homecoming king and queen, Jr High and Sr High Cheerleaders, many other students, teachers, and community members were on hand to break ground for the brand new Gym/Activity Center and Band Room!
Thank you to everyone who attended. It is great to be a DRAGON!!
Fall Activities Senior Night
Left to right: Tanika Sixkiller - Color Guard, Bobby Dean - Football, Band, and Golf, Jacob Bruton - Band, Noah Hecox - Band, Garrett Jones - Football, Kessler Olson - Football, Lane Biery - Football and Cheer, Cason Darrow - Band, Shay Pixley - Football, Eli Kimes - Football, Adi Gould - Cheer
She is Headed Back to Miss Arkansas' Teen Pageant!
Congratulations Willow!
Substitute Training
Slam Dunk to Dragon Basketball!
We are one week away from "slam dunking" into the 23-24 basketball season!
Admission is $5.00 for students Kindergarten - 12th grade and adults. This is a fundraiser for the boys basketball team. We ask that everyone pays. You will be given a ticket so if you need to leave and come back, you will not need to pay again.
If you have reserved a blue seat and would like to have it marked for Saturday, please drop your payment off to Roger or send it by your student to me. Labels will be put on Friday.
We have several great door prizes to give away on Saturday. More info on those soon!
Mountainburg Midweek
Tune in each week for a midweek recap from the Dragon Weekly and anything that has happened during the week at Mountainburg Schools.
Students in Mrs. Christian's Media and Communications class are leading this project from planning, videoing, and editing. You never know who you might see on the Midweek!
From Mrs. Dean, MES Counselor
Computer Science
ATU - Russellville visits MHS
Seniors begin ACT WorkKeys to Prepare for the NCRC
The assessment measures essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations and represents work readiness through the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).
The purpose of the NCRC is to provide students with a workplace certification that demonstrates their preparedness for the workforce, and measures their knowledge and skills in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents. There are four certified NCRC levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
From Mrs. Bradley
AVECC Player of the Week
Arkansas Valley Electric and Wave Rural Connect #StudentAthleteOfTheWeek is Ryan Allen.
Ryan Allen is a sophomore quarterback and defensive end for the Mountainburg Dragon football team. Ryan has been playing with the senior high team since the end of his freshman year.
Ryan views his position as a quarterback as a leadership position both on and off the field.
“I’ve always tried to help my guys do what they do to do and keep them out of trouble during school. I’ll remind them that we have a game Friday night, so everyone needs to keep up the good work. I try to keep them up. It comes with the role of being a quarterback.”
Ryan feels great pride wearing the Dragon jersey.
“Putting on that practice jersey and the game time jersey are two different feelings that rush the adrenaline. I get to show the pride of my school alongside my friends. It’s something different about Friday nights when you’re under those lights. It just hits home.”
The Dragons play the Hector Wildcats this Friday night, followed by Westside next week.
Dalton Longan with Shelter Insurance in Alma was on campus Monday, October 23 to present Ryan with a certificate.
Dragon Cross Country
Little League Basketball
To Apply for Employment at Mountainburg Schools
For applications visit https://www.mountainburg.org/
Applications are available on the APPLICATIONS PAGE. Please save this application and then email it, along with the other supporting documents to: hrapplications@mountainburg.org
If email is not available, please send all documents to: Superintendent – Mountainburg Public Schools 129 Hwy 71 SW Mountainburg, AR 72946
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER—The Mountainburg School District does not discriminate in employment and education practices relative to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.
Keep Up with Mountainburg Schools
The Mountainburg Board of Education meets once a month unless a special meeting is needed. A study session will be held at 5:15 and the business session will be at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held downstairs in the Mountainburg Administration Building.
Any changes regarding meeting dates and/or times will be posted on Facebook and the LiveFeed on the district website.
Meeting Dates:
- July 17, 2023
- August 21, 2023
- September 18, 2023
- October 16, 2023
- November 13, 2023
- December 18, 2023
- January 15, 2024
- February 19, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- April 15, 2024
- May 20, 2024
- June 17, 2024
Email: communications@mountainburg.org
Website: www.mountainburg.org
Location: 129 U.S. 71, Mountainburg, AR, USA
Phone: (479) 369-2121
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mountainburgps