MCCHS Friday Focus
270th Issue - October 6, 2023
From the Desk of Mrs. Kaitlin Bordeaux
As an alumna of Marian Central, my deepest source of pride lies in our incredible community, our Hurricane family. This community is very special and unique; it brings together families from a diverse array of 30 different zip codes this year. Our families are connected through one common ground, one heartbeat! It’s been remarkable to see how vibrant our community has been this school year from passionate fans at athletic events to Homecoming festivities to prospective students’ shadow days.
We owe our recent successes to the unwavering support of YOU, our families. Whether it’s attending an athletic event, a concert or play, or volunteering for our school, I encourage you to engage with our community as much as possible. Your child’s time with us is only 4 years and we aim to ensure they fully embrace all the experiences Marian provides.
Strong communities are always evolving and growing. The excitement within our community is palpable, and interest in our school is on the rise. For the first time ever, we are excited to open our application for the Class of 2028 next week! This early release provides interested families more time to plan for investing in their child’s future.
We ask you to continue to be strong advocates of Marian Central Catholic High School, sharing the good news everywhere you go. With many events approaching for prospective families, this fall is an important opportunity to show off your Hurricane pride. My own high school experience at Marian Central laid the foundation of who I am today, and it’s the reason I proudly bleed red and blue. I want to afford others the same life-changing opportunities.
Future Hurricane Events:
VIP Shadow Day – any day school is in session
8th Grade Visit Day – Friday, October 20
Open House – Sunday, November 5
Placement Test – Saturday, December 2
Kaitlin Bordeaux
Director of Admissions & Development
Empowering God's Children
Bishop Malloy has approved the Virtus Teaching Safety - Empowering God's Children program for the 2023-2024 school year. We will be presenting this training during Theology classes during the week of October 16-20. This program offers a comprehensive approach to keeping our children safe. Lessons are taught at an age appropriate level and repeat over a 3-year cycle.
Please click here for an overview of the program. If you decide that you would rather have this discussion on your own with your student, please complete the Opt Out Form and the Acknowledgement of Training Form and submit both forms to your student's Theology teacher on Monday, October 16th. Your student will then be removed from the classroom during this lesson.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to protect our children. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Warren at frwarren@marian.com.
Health Documents Needed - Deadline October 13th
Please turn in any missing birth certificates (Freshmen), State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination forms (Freshmen), or immunization records (Seniors) by next Friday, October 13, 2023. The State of Illinois instructs that if schools do not receive these required documents by October 15 of each year, those students are not allowed to return to school until this requirement is met. If you have any questions, please contact Kris Johnson at kjohnson@marian.com or 815-338-4220 ext. 100.
October Calendar
Tuesday, October 10th - Teacher Institute; No School
Wednesday, October 11th - Grades 9, 10, 11 testing; early dismissal. Grade 12, no school - college visit day
Friday, October 20th - 8th Grade Visit Day; No School
Thursday, October 26th - Conferences; Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 27th - Conferences; No School
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 26th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
and Friday, October 27th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Teachers will be available for 10-minute meetings on these days. Conference times must be scheduled in advance (between Friday, October 13th at 8:00 am and Friday, October 20th at noon)
Please click here to create an account to schedule conferences. You can create your account prior to the scheduling period; however the scheduling period will begin on the 13th.
Please note that conferences are scheduled on a first-come, first served basis but are not mandatory.
Stock up on your canes wear! On Target will be selling Spiritwear at Marian on Thursday evening, October 26th during conferences.
Grandparents' Mass - October 18th
Grandparents play an important part in our students' lives! Marian Central Catholic High School would like to celebrate and honor our grandparents for all they do and the role they play in the lives of their grandchildren. Enjoy a day dedicated to our grandparents on Wednesday, October 18! Grandparents Mass is at 9:45am, followed by light refreshments and a tour of the school. Please pass along this event and have grandparents RSVP here.
Can't attend Grandparents' Mass, but want to receive invitations to special events and the Hurricane Alert magazine? Grandparents, share your info here.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com
Practice ACT - October 26th
Juniors will have the opportunity to take a free practice ACT on Thursday, October 26th beginning at 12:30pm. The test will last until approximately 4:30pm. To register for the exam, please visit Revolution Prep's website. For more information, please contact either Mr. Wochner or Mrs. Diamond in the Guidance Office.
Standardized Testing
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 (non-attendance day for Seniors)
This will be a shortened school day and buses will arrive for pickup at noon.
Testing will begin promptly at 8:00am and students should arrive in their Marian uniforms. PSAT/NMSQT Testing for juniors will be completed at approximately 10:30am and PreACT Testing for freshmen and sophomores will be completed at approximately 11:45am. Specific testing information is provided below:
PREACT 8/9 & PREACT - freshmen will be taking the PreACT 8/9 and sophomores will be taking the PreACT. These are paper-and-pencil tests that provide valuable practice for the ACT test. They include multiple choice questions in English, reading, math and science. The score reports reveal current knowledge in each area as well as critical areas for improvement. In addition, there is a career interest inventory as part of the test that provides information about career possibilities and career suggestions.
- What students should bring to the PreACT Tests: 3 sharpened, No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils), a watch for pacing (no phones), an approved calculator (ACT's calculator policy), students are allowed to bring a drink and snack for the break (if desired).
- ALL other items should be left at home, including cell phones and smartwatches.
PSAT/NMSQT - juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT. This is a digital test that students will take on their laptops. Juniors MUST bring their laptops (fully charged) and charging cords to testing as the test will be taken on an app called Bluebook that has been uploaded to all junior's laptops. Prior to testing, juniors will perform test prep activities and will participate in a test preview to familiarize them with the Bluebook testing app. The test consists of 2, 1-hour sections, 1) Reading and Writing, and 2) Math with a break in between. It measures the knowledge and skills that students are learning in high school and that matter most for college and career readiness. More information for students can be found here: The PSAT/NMSQT – SAT Suite | College Board.
- What students should bring to the PSAT/NMSQT: fully charged laptop & charger, a pencil or pen, an approved calculator, students are allowed to bring a snack for the break (if desired)
- ALL other items should be left at home, including cell phones and smartwatches.
Testing results will be distributed to and reviewed with students as soon as they're available. If you have any questions about testing, please contact Mrs. Hilton, Guidance Director, at khilton@marian.com or 815-338-4220, ext. 121.
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Thursday 10/12: DePaul University-1st Period, Central College-3rd Period, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign-3rd period
Friday 10/13: Truman State University-3rd Period; Central Michigan University-8th Period
Harlem Wizards are Coming to Town!
The Marian Central Athletic Booster Club is arranging a one-of-a-kind historical fundraiser that includes all our deanery schools united under one roof! On November 2nd at 6:30pm, Marian Central will host the famous Harlem Wizards basketball performance team! This exciting, super-fun, high-energy, slam-dunking family entertainment event will have us all on our feet to support our own teachers as they face the Wizards, a professional team of athletes and entertainers. Tickets and sponsorships are available now at https://harlemwizards.givesmart.com.