Board Highlights
May 2022
Linking Generations
Linking Generations started in 2004 and currently have programs running in St. Theresa, École OLPH, Archbishop Jordan, Holy Redeemer, and St. John Paul II. Students volunteer their lunch hours to visit with their seniors, to share stories, play games and create connections. Linking Generations is celebrating over 4,700 volunteer hours this year, EICS students are making a difference in the lives of seniors in our communities.
Presentations to the Board
Superintendent Paul Corrigan led the Board in Faith Formation, celebrating Catholic Education Week.
Business Services
Director of Business Services Ryan Arndt provided an update on the work in the Business Services Department, reviewing the school audit recommendations from earlier in the year.
Locally Developed Courses
Each year EICS renews course offerings. Based on the needs of schools and their response to student interests, we acquire new courses created by other jurisdictions or create our own that are approved by Alberta Education.
The Board moved to approve the list of Locally Developed Courses for 2022/23.
2022/2023 Budget
The Board of Trustees approved the 2022/23 budget, an $82 million operating budget drawing $1.75 million from operating reserves. The proposed budget and allocation of funds will allow the Division to support schools and departments to maintain the current level of services and supports Division’s priorities set out in the Assurance Plan.
The 2022/2023 Budget has been developed with the following principles:
• Distributed Decision Making in resource allocations and budget decisions.
• Equitable distribution of funds to schools and programs.
The 2022/2023 Budget has been developed based on various assumptions, including projected student enrolment, average teacher and support staff salaries and benefits, and costs of services and supplies.
The budget has been developed with a conservative approach due to the continued uncertainty of the external environment.
All collective agreements are expired and expected to be ratified in the 2022/23 school year. The budget will need to be responsive and flexible to deal with the uncertainty of these outcomes.
In the fall, the Budget will be updated for the following items:
- Adjustments for use of the contingency funding set aside for specific student needs, substantial changes in enrolment.
- Changes to expenditures based on the above updates.
Total budgeted revenue for 2022/2023 is $79.8 million, with a funding commitment of $66 million from the Government of Alberta.
Budgeted expenses for 2022/2023 are $82 million, broken down as follows:
- Instruction (ECS): $ 2.1 million
- Instruction (Gr 1-12): $ 60.5 million
- Operations and Maintenance: $ 12.8 million
- Transportation: $ 3.8 million
- System Administration: $2.5 million
- External Services: $124, 262
The 2022-2023 budget report can be viewed here.
Edwin Parr Teacher Awards
- Josh Stang, Our Lady of Mount Pleasant
- Kristen Menzak, St. John XXIII Catholic School
- Brooklyn Chase, St. André Bessette Catholic School
- Kelsey Hunt, Madonna Catholic School
- Brianna Fischer, Holy Redeemer Catholic School
The 2021-2022 ASBA Zone 2/3 Edwin Parr Teacher Award nominee representing Elk Island Catholic Separate Schools is:
- Katie Workun, Holy Spirit Catholic School
Congratulations to our outstanding first year teachers.
CCSSA Excellence in Catholic Education Awards
- Alyre Morin, École Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School
- Aoife Cahill, Holy Spirit Catholic School
- Donamarie Lukie, Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School
The 2021-2022 CCSSA Excellence in Catholic Education Award Winner is:
- Tricia Murphy, Archbishop Jordan Catholic School
The Board also recognized the 2021-2022 Nominees for the Elk Island Catholic School Excellence in Catholic Education Award for Support Staff:
- Nadine Bonsant, Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School
- Paula Rumley, St. Luke Catholic School
The 2021-2022 Excellence in Catholic Education for Support Staff winner is:
- Barbara Van Engelen, Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School
Congratulations to all nominees and winners of the Excellence in Catholic Education Award.
Trustees' School Tours
The Board appreciates the time that staff set aside to host the Trustees, showcase their school and answer questions.
École Pere Kenneth Kearns Catholic School Modernization Celebration with Strathcona County
EICS Board of Trustees hosted a brief advocacy meeting with Strathcona County Mayor and Council afterwards.
School Assurance Presentations
Each school assurance plan is posted on individual school websites for review, and through this link here.
REAL Golf Tournament
The REAL Foundation raises money through our annual Golf Tournament and other fundraising activities to support faith enrichment opportunities in all Elk Island Catholic Schools. Some of the extracurricular activities that REAL funds to help students develop a lifelong commitment to their faith, include:
Catholic religious education IN-SERVICES and training for students/teachers
Special presentations/Guest speakers (Learn More)
Conferences on student leadership and faith formation
Religious retreats
Enhanced academic experiences related to religious education
For more information visit REAL Foundation.
Congratulations to Father Kris Schmidt for being recognized as the 2022 REAL Friend of Catholic Education.
- Graduation Celebrations in all EICS Communities.
- Farewell and year end Masses in all communities.
- Year end Parent Council Meetings
- June 14th, 2022 - Meeting with Vegreville Town Council
- June 15th, 2022 - Public Board Meeting and Organizational Meeting at St. John XXIII Catholic School in Fort Saskatchewan.
Elk Island Catholic School Board of Trustees
Vice Chair: Le-Ann Ewaskiw - le-ann.ewaskiw@eics.ab.ca
Sherwood Park / Strathcona County:
Trustee Jean Boisvert - jeanb@eics.ab.ca
Trustee Dean Sarnecki - deans@eics.ab.ca
Fort Saskatchewan:
Trustee Al Stewart - al.stewart@eics.ab.ca
Trustee Shelley Charchun - shelley.charchun@eics.ab.ca
Trustee Teresa Makowecki - teresa.makowecki@eics.ab.ca
Email: elkislandcatholic@eics.ab.ca
Website: www.eics.ab.ca
Phone: 780-467-8896
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EICS-Board-of-Trustees-101018508740065