Whaling News
Message from Principal Hernandez
Dear Lido Family,
We begin this month with celebrating and honoring our staff for Staff Appreciation week (May 1st to 5th). Thank you for supporting our Lido team! We are grateful and honored to work with the Long Beach/Lido school community.
State Exams:
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will participate in the Math state exams on Tuesday, May 2nd and Wednesday, May 3rd. Any student not participating in the Math state exams will wait in MPR B.
Outdoor Gear:
Please note that if your child comes to school with outdoor gear (coat, jacket, or sweater), our staff will ask them to put it on prior to going outside for recess. If you wish for your child NOT to wear their outdoor gear during recess, please inform your child's teacher.
23-24 School Year:
A great deal of time and effort goes into our annual reorganization process at Lido School. For us to create classes that are well balanced, specific teacher requests may NOT be honored. Please note, a teacher’s assignment may change from year to year.
Each spring, there is considerable discussion about placing children in classes for the next school year. This is a matter that we do not take lightly at our school. The staff and I spend countless hours forming well-balanced classes in which all children will have an opportunity to gain experience and to grow in their academic and social skills.
If you have any concerns, regarding placement for the upcoming school year, reach out to your child’s teachers.
I hope that this review of our procedures for class placement of students will lessen the need for parents to individualize their concerns or make requests for specific teachers.
Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher and/or Mr. Webel or myself (Dr. Hernandez) if you have any questions and/or concerns.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
We are Lido Strong and Lido Proud!!
Learning Waves
Dr. Hernandez Favorite Books
Use the links below to listen to a read-aloud of some of Dr. Hernandez's favorite books.
The Little Butterfly that Could
This comical companion to Ross Burach's The Very Impatient Caterpillar pays loving homage to every child's struggle to persist through challenges while also delivering a lighthearted lesson on butterfly migration. Remember, if at first you don't succeed, fly, fly again!
Click here to access the read aloud.
Staff Appreciation Week
Dear Teacher,: A Celebration of People Who Inspire Us
From the #1 New York Times bestselling team behind Dear Girl, and Dear Boy, comes a heartfelt thank-you letter written to educators, coaches, leaders, role models, mentors, and heroes everywhere! A perfect gift for back to school, National Teachers' Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the last day of school.
Filled with gratitude, Dear Teacher, thanks all the people that empower and inspire little ones to be themselves and overcome all of life’s obstacles.
With the same tenderness as Dear Girl, and Dear Boy, Paris’s charming text and Holly Hatam’s stunning illustrations come together beautifully to express well-deserved appreciation for teachers of all kinds.
Perfect for fans of the teacher appreciation classic Because I Had a Teacher who are looking for a new gift to give.
Click here to access the read aloud.
NYS MATH State Exam Tuesday, May 2nd & Wednesday, May 3rd
Lido Stem Newsletter
2nd Place PARP Winner Toilet Paper Mr. Webel
The Harder Family donates a Tree for Earth Day
1st Place PARP Winner Silly String Dr. Hernandez
Lido Safe Zone
While daily attendance is vital for students’ success, students who are ill should remain home and recuperate so they can perform their best at school. Students who have fever symptoms must not come to school for 24 hours since the onset of the fever. State law requires an explanation for all absences. Please send an absence note on the day your child returns to school, no matter how brief the absence. If your child is going to be absent, or if your contact information changes, please notify the Health Office at 897-2148 (Pre-K-5).
Please be advised that with the new schedule, students in Kindergarten – Fifth grade will be marked late if they arrive past 8:55 am. Instruction begins promptly at 8:45am for K – 5 students. Pre-Kindergarten students will be marked late if they arrive past 8:20am (AM session) and 11:30am (PM session). Instruction for our Pre-Kindergarten AM session begins promptly at 8:20am and instruction for our Pre-Kindergarten PM session begins promptly at 11:30am.
Drop Off Lane:
When you come to the drop off lane, be sure to let your child/children exit your car on the curb side (right side). You cannot park and leave your car in the drop off lane. Please do not double park or create two drop lanes, near the drop off lane for the safety of students and staff. If you would like to walk your child/children to school please park your car in the parking lot.
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to stand in the walker zone during dismissal. Students will not be allowed to walk to the parking lot area without an adult. We also ask that students are not taken off their line without notifying their teacher first for the safety of all students.
Visiting Lido:
Whether you are visiting our school, heading to the nurses office, or need to do an early pick-up, please be sure to go to our security in our main entrances and bring photo ID.
Lido Spring Concert
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 09:45 AM
Long Beach Middle School Auditorium
Lido Loves
On the first Friday of each month, we celebrate Spirit Day by wearing our Lido gear or Lido color (blue) to show our school pride. Please visit https://lidospiritwear.com/ to purchase your Lido gear!
Our students participate in our Social Emotional program Choose Love each week. This month we will focus on courage. Please visit https://chooselovemovement.org/ for additional information
Pre-Kindergarten month at a glance:
Unit: Growing Our Garden
Letters: y, x, z & q
Math: Geometry
Nursery Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Choose Love: Compassion in action
School activity: Planting
Save the Dates:
May 4th: Pre-K Lions Vision Screening
May 24th: Long Island Children’s Museum visit: Build It Workshop
May 29th: No School for Memorial Day
Prekindergarten PTA News
Planting Season
Author Dr. Liz reads to Pre-Kindergarten
Kerboom Kidz
Pre-Kindergarten Lion See (Vision Screening) is on May 4th
Lido PTA News
Plant Sale May 11th & 12th
Field Day Logo
BoGo Book Fair May 17th & 18th
Memorial Day - School Closed Monday, May 29th
Contact Us
Email: ihernandez@lbeach.org
Website: www.lbeach.org
Location: Lido Elementary School, 237 Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Phone: (516) 897-2141
Twitter: @LbnyLido