Panther Press

For the Week of September 3, 2023
Upcoming Events
September 4: No School - Labor Day
September 6: PTO Meeting in the library @ 6
September 7: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 8: 5th Grade to STARBASE
September 11: 5th Grade to STARBASE
September 12: Picture Day
September 14: Picture Day (Rain Day)
September 14: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 15: Early Release Day
September 15: First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 20: Open House and PTO Book Fair 6:30-7:30
September 21: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 22: 5th Grade to STARBASE
September 26: Caverly’s Younger Preschool Picture Day (Rain Date: 9/28)
September 27: Caverly’s Older Preschool Picture Day (Rain Date: 9/29)
September 28: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 29: 5th Grade to STARBASE
First Days of School Pics
Lunch Menu for September
Important Events
Our Back to School Open House will be held on September 20, from 6:30-7:30. The PTO will also be hosting a Book Fair. More info to come!
Important Info to Note
Please note the updated link to the Lothrop Student/Family Handbook. https://lothrop.rnesu.org/page/lothrop-student-handbook
Lunches are free for everyone this year. We still ask families to fill out the Vermont Income Information form. Only one is needed. Without this information, we may not have access to critical resources. I have included the links below:
Please complete the electronic form here:
Household Income Form FAQs
Remember that student drop-off is between 7:35 and 7:55. It is important that we start classes promptly at 8:00. If your child arrives before 7:35, we can't guarantee a staff member to supervise them. Car pick-up begins at 2:35.
From Mrs. Roy: Clarification of PE acceptable shoes
The no slip ons refer to dressier shoes including boat shoes. Slip on sneakers are definitely acceptable and make it easier for all with no tie laces!
ALL visitors to RNESU schools will be required to scan their ID in order to have access to our building beyond the main office. The ID would be a government ID in the form of a driver's license or other government issued ID card. Passport books cannot be scanned. Once this ID is scanned, you will be given a visitors label to wear while in the building. When leaving the building, please give your label to the front office for sign out. Once the ID is in our system, you will not be asked to provide it again. You will be asked to sign in at the office and receive a visitors label. In the event that a visitor has no scan-able form of ID, the Raptor system allows for the manual entry of information (first name, last name, and date of birth) for screening purposes. Only the minimum data needed to accurately identify an entrant is collected (i.e., no address information, no Social Security number, no physical characteristics data—hair color, eye color, weight—is ever captured). No other data is collected from the ID, and a photocopy of the ID is not retained.
From the Nurse's Station
Medication at School
All medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian for safety reasons.
All medication must be in a pharmacy labeled prescription container or the original container for non-prescription medication.
The nurse needs signed permission from a parent/guardian to administer medication of any kind.
The nurse will request an order from the prescriber for prescription medication
News from the PTO
Other Community Events & Info
Email: ewilliamsharryman@rnesu.org
Website: https://lothrop.rnesu.org/
Location: US Route 7, Pittsford, VT, 05763
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LothropSchool/