Twin Peaks Middle School
Home of the Rams
A Message from the Principal...
Dear friends,
In case it wasn’t apparent, the agenda for our Ram Way meeting was a bit ambitious. Unfortunately, we were unable to have a meaningful dialogue regarding our SAI program. It is important to me that people have an opportunity to share their perspectives, and I have heard from several of you that you would prefer a less structured conversation than the coffee talk hosted earlier in the year. Our next Ram Way meeting is not until February, but I don’t think it is prudent to delay the conversation. Since we will begin our preliminary master schedule work shortly after we return from break, and your feedback may have master schedule implications, I think it makes sense to meet sooner rather than later. Let’s plan to meet this Tuesday morning in the Library at 7:30. This meeting is completely optional and is open to all staff. I look forward to seeing you there.
Diane Maisonneuve Dec 4
Andy Moreau Dec 11
Jerry Wilson Dec 20
Nicolas Wan Dec 25
Jenn Faulkner Dec 27
Deanna McLaughlin Dec 29
Upcoming Events & Activities -December 16th - January 10th
Monday, December 16th
- Staff Bagel Breakfast, 7:45-8:30am, Work Room
- Spirit Week-Fuzzy Sock Day
- Jazz Ensemble Performance, 6-8pm, PCPA
Tuesday, December 17th
- Spirit Week-Twin Day
- Optional SAI CoffeeTalk, 7:30, Library
- Talia's Presentation, 12-1:30pm, Little Theater
- 1st RAM Andrade, Cruz, Laborin, Lou
- 2nd RAM Delaney, Fisher, Kaufman, Lingenhol, Merren
- 6th Grade Winter Concert, 7-9pm, MPR
Wednesday, December 18th
- Spirit Week-White Out Day
- Disaster Drill, 10:30am, 2nd block, schedule attached here
- PTSA Dessert Goodies, 12-1:30pm, Staff Lounge
- Winter Jazz Performance, 12-1:30pm, TBA
Thursday, December 19th
- Spirit Week-Tacky Holiday Wear
- Professional Time, 8-9am, Teacher Discretion
- Talia's Presentation, 12:23-1:41pm, Little Theater
- 1st RAM Brady, Keller, Matautia, Mello, Mocock
- 2nd RAM Chinn, Cuizon, Fixsen, Huerta, Wallace
- Happy Hour, 3:30-5:30pm, The Grub
- Board of Education Meeting, 6-10pm, DO
- 7/8th Grade Winter Concert, 6-8pm, PHS MPR
Friday, December 20th
- Spirit Week-Onesie/Pajama Day
- Minimum Day, 12:40pm Release
- Christmas Party, 1pm, LRC
Winter Break December 23rd - January 3rd
Tuesday, January 7th
- Joint Team Meeting, 7:30-8:15am, PCR
- Science O Meeting, 12-1:30pm, MPR
Thursday, January
- Professional Time, 8-9am, Content
I and O Team Minutes
Please click here for the I-Team minutes from 12/10/19.
Quarter 2 Professional Calendar ***Revised***
2019-20 Progress Notice & Report Card Timeline
Click Here for the 2019-20 timeline
Game Room for Students
Daily Tweets to Build Community
It's GREAT to be a RAM!
Twin Peaks Middle School
Email: chamilton@powayusd.com
Website: http://tpms.powayusd.com/index.html
Phone: 858.748.5131
Twitter: @TwinPeaksRams