EVHS Bi-Weekly Announcements
Edition #30: 1.18.2022
- Friday, January 21: No School- Teacher Workshop
- Friday, January 28: End of Quarter 2
New: Course Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year
Course registration for the 22-23 school year is right around the corner! Elective program and department leaders at EVHS will be hosting an Electives Exploration Virtual Open House on Tuesday, January 18th and Wednesday, January 19th. This is an opportunity for you to meet with our elective program and department leaders to learn more about the unique opportunities available to our students through elective courses. Each department leader will host a 20-minute Zoom session with a brief presentation followed by a question and answer session. You are welcome to attend as many sessions as you would like. The schedule and Zoom links are on our website (https://evhs.district196.org/academics/registration/electives-exploration), along with contact information for the program/department leader. We look forward to sharing the exciting opportunities available through our elective course offerings!
New: Graphing Calculator Donations
Do you know someone who still has their old graphing calculator from high school (TI-83, TI-84 or any model of graphing calculator)? If so, please consider donating it back to Eastview for other students in need who may not own a calculator. calculators can be mailed to Eastview High School or dropped off in the Main Office.
Mail to:
Eastview High School
6200 140th Street West
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Thank you in advance!
New: EVHS Wrestling Team Fundraiser At Chick-Fil-A
On Monday, January 24th from 4:00-8:00 pm, Chick-fil-A in Apple Valley is hosting a Spirit Night to benefit the Eastview Wrestling team. A portion of all proceeds will go directly to supporting the wrestling program. Thank you for your support!
Semester 2 Parking Permits
Permits for Q3/Q4 (January 31 - June 8) are now available for purchase on MyPaymentsPlus. They are $120 for the semester.
Permits can be picked up in the EVHS Learning Commons during lunch period on Thursday and Friday, January 27 and 28.
Parking permits are optional. There is free parking available for students in the lot near our tennis courts, south of EVHS.
Student Responsibilities When Absent
- Check provided resources (Schoology, course calendar, notes, etc.)
- Collaborate with peers to obtain additional information, notes, homework, timelines, etc.
- If further clarification is needed, prepare questions for the teacher.
- Meet/email with teacher(s) as needed to obtain clarification and/or plan for make-up assessments.
Interested in Developmental Psych?
Juniors interested in Developmental Psychology (DP) for your senior year social studies course—there will be an interest meeting Wednesday 1/19 after school at 2:35pm or Thursday 1/20 before school at 7:10am in A204. Come learn about this unique course! Applications can be picked up from the main office, your social studies teacher, or scan the QR code on any interest meeting flier. See Ms. Dumonceaux in C3, Mr. Gerber in A2 or Mr. Oxley in A3 with any questions.
Senior Party 2022 Info
Hey, seniors! It’s 2022! This is your year! Now is the perfect time to make plans to celebrate with friends on graduation night. The 2022 All-Night Senior Party is a chemical-free lock-in at EVHS on June 4, 2022 from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am.
Tickets are available at the low rate of $90 until March 31st. Join over 115 of your classmates that have already signed up for this night of fun and celebration! You can still win one of two Target gift cards if you register by March 31st.
Click the link below to be directed to the senior party website to purchase tickets and for additional party information:
Winners of the Early Bird Target Gift Card registration are: Alexis Schulke, Thomas Nelson, Gabe Tritschler, Katie Percival & Tanisha Kota. Congratulations!! A member of the Party planning committee will contact you to distribute your gift cards.
Eagan Chipotle Fundraising Night for EVHS Senior Party 1/19
Red Cross Blood Drive at Eastview on Friday, January 21
The greater Eastview community of parents, family members, and neighbors are invited to donate blood as part of the NHS-sponsored drive on Friday, January 21 from 7:30AM to 1:30PM in Eastview’s South Gym. Donation registration is completely online @ http://www.redcrossblood.org/give/drive/driveSearch.jsp Type “eastview,” our sponsor code, in the search box and the follow the online prompts. See John Kelly in C232 or email at john.kelly@district196.org with questions. Please keep in mind that there is no school on January 21, 2021. All ages 16+ are welcome to donate.
Check Out The Latest Episode of The Flash
ORDER - 2021-22 Yearbooks are now for sale! Go to www.yearbookforever.com and purchase yours today!
Educational Benefits Program (formerly Free and Reduced-Price Meals) Application
Visit the District 196 Food & Nutrition Services website for more information.
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
New: EVCF Looking For Board Members
The Eastview Community Foundation (www.evcf.org) is seeking new board members. Our volunteer board is made up of dedicated members of our community. We seek talented, committed individuals to join us in supporting the students and teachers of the Eastview community. To learn more about the board and access a link to our board application form, please visit our website at https://evcf.org/our-team/.
Senior Student and Parent Section
Senior Party 2022
If your New Year’s resolution includes trying to stay organized during this busy year for your senior, we can help you get off to a successful start! Register NOW for the All-Night Senior Party and mark it off your to-do list.
The 2022 All-Night Senior Party is a chemical-free lock-in at EVHS on June 4, 2022 from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am.
Tickets are available at the lower rate of $90 until March 31st. Don't miss out on your chance to win one of two Target gift cards if you register by March 31st.
Click the link to be directed to the senior party website to purchase tickets and for additional party information: https://sites.google.com/view/eastviewseniorparty2022
From Community Education
Intro to Snowshoeing (families, ages 5+)
Sat | Feb 12 | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | $15 ea | Lebanon Hills Visitor Center
Less than 5 spots left!
Kung Fu: Beginner, White, Yellow and Orange Belt (ages 5-adult)
Sat | Jan 29 - Mar 5 | 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. | 7 sessions | $79 ea | DHMS
Bowling League at Bogart’s (adult and child ages 7+)
It’s time to strike up some fun on the lanes this winter. Bowling is a fun and competitive sport for all ages. Weekly session includes three games of bowling against another team, with standings kept for friendly competition. Includes pizza and pop the last week of the session, along with ball, shoes and bumpers if needed.
Location Bogart’s Entertainment Center,
14917 Garrett Ave, Apple Valley
Sat | Jan 8-Feb 5 | 10:00 a.m.-noon | 5 sessions | $209/pair | ABLB-W1
Sat | Feb 12-Mar 12 | 10:00 a.m.-noon | 5 sessions | $209/pair | ABLB-W2
Parents ...
Bridging the Political Divide: Skills for Civil Conversations
Learn skills for having respectful conversations that clarify differences, search for common ground and affirm the importance of maintaining relationships with those on the other side of the political divide. Practice conversation skills in pairs with someone of your same political persuasion.
Sat | Jan 22 | 10:00 a.m.-noon | Wescott Library
Tue | Jan 25 | 6:30-8:30 | p.m. | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Raising Racially Conscious Kids (parents and students in Grades 3-5)
Mon | Jan 24-Feb 28 | 6:30-9:00 p.m. | 6 sessions | $65 | Live Online | AHSRR-W1
Say Yes To No: Why Kids Need Loving Boundaries and How to Set Them
Any Day | Any Time | Access for 3 months | $45 | Online | AEWYN-W1
CONNECTED: How to Show Up For Your Kids in the Digital Age
Any Day | Any Time | Access for 3 months | $45 | Online | AEWC-W
Why Do They Act That Way? Proven Strategies to Understand and Stay Connected To Your Teen
Any Day | Any Time | Access for 6 months | $89 | Online | AEWAW-W1
Health & Safety
Masks Required on Buses and Inside Schools
State officials have given school districts the responsibility to determine COVID-19 mitigation strategies at the local level this school year. The 2021-22 COVID-19 Operational Plan for Families, Students and Visitors to Schools that was unanimously approved by our School Board on August 26 requires all students, staff and visitors in all District 196 buildings to wear a face mask indoors when the local transmission level is “substantial” or “high” as measured by the CDC transmission matrix. Currently, the transmission level in Dakota County is high, meaning face masks will be required in our schools to start the year, just as they are required to enter a growing number of businesses, government buildings and on all public transportation and airline flights.
Your partnership is critical to the success of our students. We expect students, staff and visitors to comply with the mask requirement, as outlined in Administrative Regulation 708.7, COVID-19 Masks, until the COVID-19 spread in Dakota County drops to the “moderate” level of transmission. Masks help reduce spread and give us the best opportunity to provide consistent in-person education all year. Just like last year, students will have opportunities for mask breaks during the day, such as at lunch or while outside. If parents and guardians are concerned about their child’s ability to safely wear a mask, they should refer back to Administrative Regulation 708.7 COVID-19 Masks.
Our district is committed to doing all we can to ensure students can continue learning in person this school year. This includes HEPA filters in all learning spaces, social distancing, recommending COVID-19 vaccinations for those who are eligible to receive them and requiring masks when the local transmission level is substantial or high.
Review and Update Emergency Information
If you haven’t already done so, please update your family’s information on record with the district by completing the online review in your Infinite Campus Parent portal account. This is the one time each year the district asks parents to complete the review to ensure schools have up-to-date contact information, emergency contacts, student health records and more. It is important for schools to have current information in order to be notified in case of emergency, changes in the school schedule and to receive regular communication from the schools and district.
All District 196 parents and guardians are encouraged to have an Infinite Campus Parent account of their own to stay involved in their child’s education, and to access end-of-term report cards, transcripts, attendance and other important information. Parents who do not have their own Infinite Campus Parent account can request an activation key from the office at their child’s school. For information on setting up an Infinite Campus Parent account and completing the online review, visit the Family Resources page on our district website.
We look forward to partnering with you to make 2021-22 a safe, fun and productive school year for all of our students and families.
Counseling Office Newsletter
Friday, January 14th Newsletter
The Eastview Community Foundation Scholarship Application is Live!
Reminder for Seniors Families: The Eastview Community Foundation scholarship application is live! The online application must be completed by 8 PM, Sunday, January 23rd, 2022. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. See resources and link below to apply:
EVCF Scholarship Resources
· Review the instructions and full scholarship list here.
· Download file to filter by scholarship criteria here.
· View the scholarship review rubric here.
· See all documents and the application in Schoology Class of 2022→ Resources → EVCF Scholarship Information and Naviance → Homepage → Pages
The application deadline is Sunday, January 23th, 2022.
Senior Families: Need Help Completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?
Financial Aid Virtual Room at Inver Hills Community College, Monday-Friday 10 AM-2 PM.
Get individual help on your FAFSA from a financial aid officer. You do not need to be attending Inver Hills. They will help you get your FAFSA completed for any school. https://www.inverhills.edu/FinancialAid/index.aspx
Dakota County Library
Dakota County Library now has access to free online FAFSA help, via the library’s Help Now service. Users just need a library card to access it—sign up for a library card online.
Peer Tutoring in Math
Every Wednesday from 2:30-4:30pm
Learning Commons
All students/math levels welcome!
New: Upcoming College and University Visits
Students should stop by the Counseling Office and get a pass to attend the college/university/military Rep Visit prior to the right visit. These university/college or military visits are small group meetings typically lasting 20-30 minutes. These admission reps are often times the same people that review college applications, so it's a great connection for students.
11:20am Marines
11:20am Army Reserves
11:20am U.S. Navy
New: Girls Track and Field Captains Practices
Where - Indoor track by the weight room doors.
When - Start Tuesday January 18th at 2:45
Who – Anyone interested in Track & Field not in a winter sport
Lilly Peterson will lead
Why – Get ready to be the best athlete you can be this spring
What -wear workout gear and have a water bottle
EVHS Girls Golf Meeting
Anyone interested in joining our spring golf team should come to a parent/player meeting on February 28th at 7:00 PM in the Learning Commons.
Check out our website here: EVHS Girls Golf Website. Contact head coach, Coach Colucci or JV Coach, Alex Currie, if you have any questions. Tamara.k.colucci@apps.district196.org. Alex.currie@apps.district196.org .
Lightning Boys Hockey, Thursday, January 13 v. Lakeville North
The Lightning Boys Hockey team surrendered the first four goals to Lakeville North on Thursday losing 6-3 after fighting back from a tough second period.
The Lightning carried the play during the first period after a slow start for both teams that did not see the first shot on net registered until nearly five minutes into the game. Eastview generated several solid chances during an early power play and at one point, had seven consecutive shots on net. Unfortunately, the Lightning were unable to solve the Panther net minder despite leading in shots for the period 11-9.
Lakeville North took control in the second period by scoring two early even strength goals two and half minutes apart. The game went from bad to worse as the Panthers scored goals in the last minute of the second period and then the first minute of the third en route to the 4-0 lead. North outshot Eastview 15-6 in the second as the home team struggled to move the puck through the neutral zone.
The Lightning finally scored one minute into the third on a goal from John Kisch with an assist from Cody Domagalski. Lakeville scored again to make it 5-1 and slow the Lightning’s momentum. The Lightning battled back with goals by Tyler Cords (assists to Domagalski and Nick Karam) and Tanner Kronberg (assists to Gabe Tritschler and Jordan Larkee) with goalie Jay Svaren pulled. Unfortunately, the Lightning were unable to score again and Lakeville added an empty net goal for the 6-3 final.
The Lightning have a pivotal stretch coming up with a Tuesday section game against Park and South Suburban matchups at Burnsville and Eagan on Thursday and Saturday.
Eastview High School Girls Varsity Hockey falls to Orono High School 5-2 - 1/17/2022
The Lightning hosted the second ranked Spartans in a Monday matinee. Last season, Eastview bested Orono 3-0 on the road and, this time around, Orono left the home-team’s building with a three-goal win.
Orono scored the only goal of the opening period and the shots were 2-13 in the visitor’s favor.
Eastview tied the score 20 seconds into the second when senior MacKenzie Henning found senior Captain Avery Chesek on the edge of the Orono crease and Chesek beat the sliding goalie. Orono quickly regained the lead and pushed it to 1-3. At 8:20 of the second stanza, however, senior Captain Nora Stepan picked up a loose puck in front of the Lightning goal, skated it to the Orono slot and ripped the puck into the upper corner of the Spartans’ net. Unfortunately, that was it for Eastview’s scoring on the day. Orono scored 2 more times in the period and led 2-5 going to the third. The shots were 12-22.
There was no scoring in the third and the shots ended 15-33. The loss moved Eastview to 9-7-1 on the season. The Lightning return to action and conference play on Thursday, January 20, at Shakopee. The puck drops at 7:00.
Eastview High School Girls Varsity Hockey beat Apple Valley High School 4-1 - 1/13/2022
Eastview “hosted” the team to the west in the latest rendition of the crosstown showdown and controlled the play throughout, leading to a 4-1 win.
At 1:42 of the opening period, senior Captain Avery Chesek took a feed from junior Jessica Wilhelm and rifled a shot top shelf for a 1-0 lead. Mid-way through the period, the Eagles tied the score, but at 13:01, Chesek struck again. Senior MacKenzie Henning fed sophomore Erin Hayward who was flying up the ice. Hayward left a drop pass for Chesek who ripped the puck past the goalie for a 2-1 lead. Henning’s assist is her first varsity point. After one, the shots were 15-8.
Chesek landed the hat trick at 7:44 of the second when she tucked in a rebound off a Hayward shot to make it 3-1. The score stood 3-1 after 2 and the shots were 26-18.
Hayward found the net for the last goal of the day after Chesek made a slick pass in front of the Eagle net, Wilhelm pounded the puck at the goal, and Hayward potted the rebound. The shots ended 37-25.
The win was Eastview’s 4th in a row and moved their record to 9-6-1 and 8-4 in the south suburban conference.
Eastview High School Girls Varsity Hockey beat Lakeville North High School 5-4 - 1/13/2022
Eastview and Lakeville North played a thrilling affair at AVSA and the Lightning snuck away with the 5-4 OT win.
North scored first, at 1:49 of the opening period, but Eastview responded quickly. On the power play, it was Captain to Captain for the equalizer. Senior Captain Avery Chesek fed Senior Captain Nora Stepan at the top of the right circle and Stepan ripped the puck to the far, upper corner to make it 1-1. Less than 2 minutes later, Chesek sent junior Jessica Wilhelm on a short-handed breakaway and Wilhelm made a slick move to render the goalie helpless and tapped the puck to the back of the net for a 2-1 lead. Thirty seconds later, the Panthers tied it, but, with just over two minutes left in the period, Stepan struck again. Working with the man advantage, Chesek moved the puck from the wing to senior Assistant Captain Dani Farrington at the point. Farrington found Stepan on the opposite wing and she lasered another shot past the Panther net minder to make it 3-2 at the end of one. Shots were 9-8.
There was no scoring in the second, but it became apparent that two games in two days may be taking its toll on Eastview. After two, the shots were 12-21.
Eastview struck early in the third, as a scrum in front of the net resulted in a goal by sophomore Erin Hayward with assists to Chesek and Wilhelm. The Panthers scored twice, however, and sent the game to overtime 4-4. The shots after regulation were 21-30.
The Lightning controlled the overtime, putting 5 shots on goal to Lakeville’s 0, and, eventually, Hayward broke the tie on another melee in front of the net. Chesek notched her 5th assist of the night and Wilhelm her second. The shots ended 26-30.
The win moved Eastview’s record to 8-6-1 on the season and 7-4 in conference play. Stepan is now Eastview’s all-time leading scorer for defensemen and her two goals on the night moved her to #10 on the Lightning’s all-time scoring list.
Eastview High School Girls Varsity Hockey beat Kasson-Mantorville High School 6-0 - 1/12/2022
The Lightning traveled south for a non-conference match-up with the Dodge County Wildcats and skated away with a convincing 6-0 victory.
Senior Captain Avery Chesek started the scoring :23 into the game, putting away a rebound from senior Assistant Captain Dani Farrington’s shot. At 16:21, sophomore Erin Hayward pushed the lead to 2-0 with a rebound in front of the net. Chesek and junior Jessica Wilhelm assisted on the goal. At the end of one, the shots were 9-5.
The Lightning struck 3 times in the second. At 9:00, Chesek scored her second of the night, short-handed and unassisted. At 13:24, Hayward scored her second with assists to Chesek and Wilhelm. Chesek had a hat trick before the end of the second frame, with assists to Farrington and Wilhelm, and the score stood 5-0. Shots on goal were 17-6.
Eastview potted one more before the game was done. Senior Captain Nora Stepan fed Hayward for her third of the night and the final was 6-0. Senior Assistant Captain Angie Lombardi stopped 11 shots for the shutout and the shots on goal were 31-11.
The win moved Eastview to 7-6-1 on the season.
Eastview Boys Swim and Dive Jumps into the New Year
The Eastview Boys Swim and Dive team dove into 2022 by facing off against Eagan High School on Friday, January 7 and Prior Lake High School on Tuesday, January 11. Lightning swimmers and divers have been working hard to build endurance, gain speed, and sharpen their skills to earn points for the team and make personal gains. Individual and team highlights from both of these meets include:
January 7 vs Eagan High School
Varsity 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1st place
(Ethan Klein, Nicholas Phomsouvahn, Hank Stanton, and Alex Schmidt)
Varsity 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 2nd place
(Nicholas Phomsouvahn, Hank Stanton, Trevor Larkee, Alex Schmidt)
Varsity 200 Yard Freestyle - 3rd place by Sebastian Gillen
Junior Varsity 200 Yard Individual Medley - 2nd place by Jakob Linscheid
Varsity 200 Yard Individual Medley - 1st place by Nicholas Phomsouvahn
Varsity 50 Yard Freestyle - 3rd place by Hank Stanton
Varsity 100 Yard Freestyle - 3rd place by Trevor Larkee
Varsity 500 Yard Freestyle - 2nd place by Alex Schmidt
Varsity Diving - 3rd place by Isaac Field
January 11 vs Prior Lake High School
Varsity 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1st place
(Ethan Klein, Nicholas Phomsouvahn, Hunter Dunne, Will Jerome)
Junior Varsity 200 Yard Medley Relay - 2nd place
(Prem Bahl, Benjamin Belz, Ivan Kraft, Isaac Field)
Varsity 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 2nd place
(Alex Schmidt, Nicholas Phomsouvahn, Trevor Larkee, Will Jerome)
Junior Varsity 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1st place
(Benjamin Belz, Miles Nordquist, Prem Bahl, Isaac Field)
Varsity 400 Yard Freestyle Relay - 3rd place
(Alex Schmidt, Ethan Beckman, Hunter Dunne, Jackson Fox)
Varsity 200 Yard Freestyle - 2nd place by Alex Schmidt
Varsity 200 Yard Individual Medley - 2nd place by Nate Getman
Junior Varsity 200 Yard Individual Medley - 2nd place by Jakob Linscheid
Varsity 50 Yard Freestyle - 1st place by Nicholas Phomsouvahn
Varsity 100 Yard Freestyle - 2nd place by Alex Schmidt; 3rd place by Trevor Larkee
Junior Varsity 100 Yard Freestyle - 2nd place by Ivan Kraft; 3rd place by Blake Sundberg
Varsity 500 Yard Freestyle - 1st place by Sebastian Gillen; 3rd place by Ethan Beckman
Varsity 100 Yard Butterfly - 3rd place by Hunter Dunne
Varsity 100 Yard Backstroke - 3rd place by Ethan Klein
Varsity 100 Yard Breaststroke - 1st place by Nicholas Phomsouvahn; 3rd place by Nate Getman
Junior Varsity 100 Yard Breaststroke - 2nd place by Devin Jackson
Varsity Diving - 2nd place by Isaac Field; 3rd place by Miles Nordquist
The boys will dive into their next round of competition on Tuesday, January 18 against Lakeville South, at Falcon Ridge Middle School. Eastview swimmers, divers, and their fans look forward to seeing the continued results of hard work and dedication at this next meet….go Lightning!
Wrestlers 3rd at Mounds View Duals - 1/15/2022
The varsity wrestling team improved their record to 11-2 and placed 3rd at the Mounds View Duals on Saturday. The team defeated Orono 72-6, won 7 of 14 matches but lost a hard fought match to Blaine 34-36, and defeated Maple Grove 60-24 in the 3rd place match. Earning 3 wins on the day were Carter Harris, Brady Kelley, Ezra Formaneck, Ethan Dupont, and Jack Stevens. Earning 2 wins were Spencer Lee, Nolan Enderlein, Ayden Columbus, Cole Frost, Luke Habeck, Alex Baccoli, and Peyton Bishop. Also earning wins were Aiden Enderlein, Tommy Schmidt, Pierce Lewis, and Landon Odegard.
On Thursday, the Lightning lost and exciting match to Apple Valley 29-39. Earning falls were Brady Kelley, Ezra Formaneck, and Luke Habeck. Also earning wins were Nolan Enderlein, Ethan Dupont, and Jack Stevens.
1/15/22 – Eastview JV Boys Hockey dominates the Eagles from Apple Valley
The Lightning opened the scoring at 8:28 of the first period on the power play When Graham Ellingson #22 scored from the point with an assist from Billy Downs #23. Eastview added an even strength goal at 12:25 when Mike Cherevatsky #8 scored with assists from Owen Iikubo #13 and Luke Wasilowski #25. Eastview outshot the Apple Valley 13-6 during the period, taking a 2-0 lead.
Eastview continued to carry the play in the second period, but the Eagles cut into the lead at 5:49 with a power play goal, making the score 2-1 Eastview. There was no other scoring in the 2nd, so the period ended with the score of 2-1. However, the Lightning again put up twice as many shots on goal in the period, outshooting the Eagles 16-8, and 29-14 for the game. The Eagles goalie kept his team in the game through 2 periods.
The Eagles made it 3-1 at 3:44 of the third period, when Sean Kalthoff #34 scored an even strength goal with assists from Reed Ellingson #14 and Billy Downs #23. The Lightning continued to pound pucks at the Apple Valley goal, but the Eagles scored an even strength goal at 11:21 of the 3rd, making the score 3-2 Eastview. The Eagles pulled their goalie late in the third period and the Lightning scored an open net goal at 14:29, when Sean Kalthoff #34 notched his second goal of the period and the game, with the lone assist to going to Graham Ellingson #22. The Lightning outshot the Eagles 21-4 in the final frame, outshooting Apple Valley 48-18 for the game.
Another solid game between the pipes for Lightning goalie Kaden Goff #1, who stopped 16 of 18 shots to help lead the Lightning JV Boys Hockey team to a 10-4-3 record on the season. The Lightning hit the ice next on Tuesday evening January 18, 2022, at 5:00 PM at Hayes Arena against the Park Cottage Grove Wolfpack.
1/13/22-Jensen Hot In Net Again as Eastview Boys JV Hockey Team Blasts Lakeville North
Eastview goalie Blake Jensen continued his strong presence between the pipes as Eastview notched their second win of the week against the Lakeville Panthers on Thursday night. The Lightning were first on the scoreboard when forward Sean Kalthoff capitalized on a nice pass from Caleb Nelson to pick the upper corner. Kalthoff’s goal was the only one of the period, and the Lightning ended the first with a 1 to 0 lead. The Panthers out-shot Eastview 14 to 6 in the first, but Jensen’s glove was hot and kept the Lightning in the lead.
In the second, Caleb Nelson earned his second assist of the night on a sweet break-out pass to Billy Downs as Downs went the length of the ice to score. The goal put Eastview ahead 2-0 and they never looked back. With less than a minute to play in the second period, Kalthoff scored again and the Lightning secured a 3-0 lead. North still dominated shots on goal through the second with Jensen making 22 saves to the Panthers’ 13.
Lakeville began to close the gap early in the third when they sniped the upper corner to bring the score to 3-1 Eastview but the Lightning came back strong. Forward Jaymeson Zackery nudged Eastview to a 4-1 lead with 11 minutes left in the third. With 2:45 left in the game, the Panthers pulled their goalie. The Lightning were quick to take advantage of the open net, and forward Louis Rogers put Eastview in a comfortable 5-1 lead with a nice tap in. Linemates Ethan Hansen and Jaymeson Zackery were credited with the assists. Final score was 5 -2 Eastview.
1-11-22 Eastview JV Boys Hockey team tames the JV Bears from While Bear Lake
Despite the Lightning dominating the play for most of the first period, the Bears drew first blood at 8:49 when with a back door even strength goal to make it 1-0 in favor of the Bears. The Lightning tied it up late in the first period at 15:30 when Jaymeson Zachary #37 tied the score 1-1 with the lone assist going to Louis Rogers #28. That concluded the scoring for the first period. Shots were 17-6 in favor of the Lightning.
Eastview came out fast in the second period scoring at 2:36 to make it 2-1. Graham Ellingson #22 scored an even strength goal with assists from Ethan Hansen #15 and Mike Cherevatsky #8. The Lightning scored again at 3:18 , another even strength goal, Ethan Hansen #15 lit the lamp from Brady Swenson #39 to make the score 3-1. That ended the scoring in the second period. Shots in the period were 13-6 for the Lightning for game totals of 30-12 at the end of the 2nd period.
The third period was all Eastview, scoring 3 more even strength goals and making the score 6-1. Jaymeson Zachary #37 started the scoring in the 3rd at 1:12 with the assist going again to Louis Rogers #28. Brady Swenson #39 scored the Lightning’s 5th goal at 7:35, with an assist from Graham Ellingson #22. The Lightning’s final goal of the evening was scored at 9:24 by Sean Kalthoff #34, assisted by Caleb Nelson #20. Shots were 9-3 in the third period, for game totals of 39-15 in favor of the Lightning. Goalie Kaden Goff #1 was solid in goal making 14 saves and backstopping the Lightning and improving their record to 8-4-3 on the season. The Lighting take on Lakeville North on Thursday 1/13/22 in an early game at Hayes Arena at 4:00 P.M.
Eastview High School Girls Junior Varsity Hockey falls to Lakeville North High School 3-2 - 1/13/2022
The EV Lightning girls JV hockey team played Lakeville North last Thursday night at AVSA. Lakeville North came out on top with a 3-2 win.
North scored early in the 1st period. The lighting tied it up later in the 1st period. #14 M. Droege scored the goal with the assists going to #18 A. Dugan & #2 L. Schwartz. North scored again late in the period to make it 2-1.
EV tied it up early in the 2nd period as #26 B. Dihel scored with an assist from #5 E. Patterson. North came back & scored a goal midway through the 2nd period to take a 3-2 lead. There was no scoring in the 3rd period.
The lightning finished the game with 33 SOG. LN also had 33 SOG.
The loss left the JV lightning with 6-7-2 record.
The lightning are back in action Monday, January 17th as they play Orono at home-AVSA. Game time is 12:00 p.m. GO ⚡️⚡️
Eastview High School Girls Junior Varsity Hockey ties Kasson-Mantorville High School 1-1 - 1/12/2022
The EV Lightning girls JV hockey team played Dodge County last night at the Dodge County arena. The game ended in a 1-1 tie.
Dodge county scored early in the 1st period. The lighting tied it up early in the 2nd period. #22 S. Cords scored the goal with the assists going to #34 M. Luce & #14 M. Droege. Both teams had some good scoring chances the rest of the way, but the goalies stood tall for both teams. There was not an overtime period played.
The lightning finished the game with 19 SOG. Dodge County had 22 SOG. The tie left the JV lightning with 6-6-2 record.
The lightning are back in action Thursday, January 13th at home as they play Lakeville North at AVSA. Game time is 4:00 p.m. GO ⚡️⚡️
Eastview High School Girls Junior Varsity Hockey falls to Rosemount High School 2-0 - 1/8/2022
The EV Lightning girls JV hockey team played Rosemount this past Saturday at RSC arena. Rosemount came out on top with a 2-0 victory. The EV girls battled & played well despite only having 8-9 players available.
The Lightning finished the game with 29 SOG. Rosemount had 24 SOG.
The loss left the JV lightning with 6-6-1 record.
The Lightning are back in action this Wednesday as they travel to play Dodge County. Game time is 5:30 p.m. GO ⚡️⚡️
On Friday, January 7th, the Eagan/Eastview Alpine Skiing Junior Varsity team began racing at Buck Hill, but the race was cancelled halfway through due to issues with the timing.
The JV team also raced Monday night, January 10th and the Girls JV team took 1st place, while the Boys JV team took 3rd place. The below zero temperatures gave the course ice rink like conditions. Elara Egner (10) came in fourth place overall for the girls, and Nathaniel Reedstrom (10) took 11th place overall for the boys. Great racing all around for both teams!
The Eastview Alpine Ski team raced on Tuesday, January 11th after a nice warmup from the freezing temps over the weekend. The Boys Varsity team took 5th place and the Girls Varsity team took 6th.
Noah Rolling (11) came in 10th place overall for the boys and Owen Schultz (8), Max Espena (9) and Simon Gruman (8) added over 20 points each to the team score. having one of the best runs of the night. Owen Shcultz (8) and Zack Kier (10) were also top contributors to the teams overall points.
Megan Young (10) coming in 2nd place overall for the Girls Varsity team! Katelyn McClure (12), and Elara Egner (10) all contributed over 20 points each to the teams overall score.
JV Wrestling Announcements - 1/18/2022
The Eastview Lightning JV Wrestling Team competed in a dual meet competition against Apple Valley on Thursday January 13th, 2022 at Apple Valley.
The Lightning defeated Apple Valley by a score of 33-21. Earning wins for the Lightning were Riley Myers, Todd Ostler, Nick Leichner, Landon Odegard, Damien Mogere, and Landon O’Neil. Brock Taylor, Sam Cohen, Laif Lewis, Jack McNeeley, Ben Nguyen, and Juan Gonzalez also competed with valiant effort.
The Eastview Lightning JV Wrestling Team competed in an individual round-robin competition at Mounds View on Saturday January 15th, 2022.
Lightning wrestlers claiming 1st place were: Brock Taylor, Todd Ostler, Sam Cohen, Hafiz Masoumi, Riley Myers, Laif Lewis, Jeremiah Poindexter, Landon Odegard, Colton Hanneman, Damien Mogere, and Landon O’Neil.
Finishing in 2nd place were: Owen Guyette, Logan Ostler, Juan Gonzalez, Calvin Lema, and Traveon Garcia.
Finishing in 3rd place were: Eli Zillhardt, Logan Myers, Benjamin Nguyen, Nick Leichner, Kye Brouchet, Elsie Olson, and Jack Bauer.
Finishing in 4th place were: Dominic Petti, Vinny Petti, Jack McNeeley, Saqib Kanwar, Aiden Frost, and Austin Finne.
The Eastview Lightning JV Wrestling Team’s current season record stands at 11-0.
New: BPA Meeting on Wednesday
There will be a brief Business Professionals of America meeting on Wednesday 1/19 for all members in C239. Two options – 7:15 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
New: EVHS One Act Play: Rinse, Repeat
Eastview Performing Arts Presents: RINSE, REPEAT
Rinse, Repeat sharply conveys the painful truth about a woman's fight for her life in the face of an eating disorder.
Competition Performance at EVHS on Tuesday 1/25
6:15pm in the Performing Arts Center
CW: Eating Disorder
New: Next NAHS Meeting
The next National Art Honor Society Meeting will be Thursday, January 27. There will be no NAHS meeting this Thursday, January 20.
New: EVHS BPA Does Well at Regions
Our EVHS Chapter of Business Professionals of America participated in our Region Leadership Conference this past Saturday, Jan 8th. Below are the state qualifiers along with their events and place. Several students qualified in more than one event. State Leadership Conference will be held in March. The team is coached by Leah Lencowski.
Charles Molitor (12)
Fundamental Spreadsheet - 2nd
Banking & Finance - 3rd
Tanisha Kota (12)
Graphic Design Promotion - 1st
Human Resource Management - 1st
Tarun Kota (12)
Personal Finance Management - 2nd
Banking & Finance - 4th
Presentation Management Team - 2nd
Sam Cairns (12)
Nathan Getman (12)
Maxwell Leach (12), Java Programming - 1st
Joshua Schaefer (12)
Small Business Management Team - 2nd
Anna Nguyen (12)
Greta Riedl (12)
Kyra Schwanz (12), Presentation Mgmt Individual - 2nd
Kenley Smith (12), Human Resource Mgmt - 3rd
Chi Yin Liew (11)
Economic Research Team - 1st
Fundamental Accounting - 1st
Isabel Schindler (10)
Advanced Desktop Publishing - 1st
Digital Marketing Concepts - 2nd
Lana Lei (10)
Economic Research Team - 1st
Financial Analyst Team - 1st
Nikhil Athmaram (10)
Aadith Balaji (10)
Anirvin Iyer (10), Banking & Finance 0 1st, Financial Math & Analysis Concepts - 1st
Eshaan Jay (10), Computer Programming Concepts - 3rd, IT Concepts - 3rd
New: EVHS Debate Team Places at State
The Eastview Debate team enjoyed a highly successful 2022 MSHSL State Debate Tournament. All Eastview entries advanced in the tournament highlighted by Isaiah Dalzell and Izhan Qureishy finishing as State Runner-ups in Public Forum Debate. Malaya Galindez and Caden Hubbs were State Quarter-finalists in Public Forum Debate. Sami Tesfaye and Allison Champ both advanced to the finals in Congressional Debate with Tesfaye finishing 8th and Champ finishing 9th.
Eastview also had 11 students named All-State debaters. Congratulations to Allison Champ (Congressional Debate), Malaya Galindez (Public Forum Debate), Caden Hubbs (Public Forum Debate), Elisabeth Nielsen (Public Forum Debate), Izhan Qureishy (Public Forum Debate), Allison Nathan (Classic Debate), Thomas Nelson (Classic Debate), Rhea Rajvansh (Classic Debate), Silvie Reitz (Classic Debate), Riddhi Suresh (Classic Debate), and Faye Zhang (Classic Debate).
Eastview’s Public Forum Debate Team is coached by Greta Thomas, Todd Hering, and Alex Baker. Our Congressional Debate Team is Coached by Zach Prax.
New: Science Olympiad Earns 2nd Place in Conference Competition
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad team for placing 2nd in the South Suburban Conference on Saturday. Congratulations to Ethan Christensen, Himani Mondal, Alana Wick, Regina Dehnert, Nick Adelmann, and Anna Sachdeva for getting 1st in their events. The team is coached by Mary and Pat Strey.
New: Mock Trial Regions
Agnes High School on all judges ballots; Junior Sigrid Froehlig was named “Best Attorney” and Junior Shruti Chandrasekar “Best Witness” in the trial. Eastview White defeated Cretin Derham Hall, with Sohpomore Jordan Sparby named “Best Attorney” and J.P. Sacta-Espinosa named “Best Witness.”
As a tune-up before Regions, the teams also competed in the Minneapple Tournament on Saturday, January 8. Judges Exemplary Performance awards went to Junior Breanna Price as an attorney and Junior Ian Machalek as witness for the Eastview Blue team; Junior Neha Ravella received Exemplary Performance awards as both an attorney and a witness for Eastview White team.
This season’s competition case involves criminal charges of fraud and swindle against the founder of a pet rescue charity, with team members portraying one of six witness roles on either the defense or prosecution side, or serving as the attorney conducting direct and cross examinations of the witnesses. Both teams will be back in action for Round 2 next Tuesday evening.
New: Urinetown Earns Twenty Five Spotlight Awards
After a year and a half of creating theatre for the screen, it was fantastic to see so many of you joining us in-person for our musical! I am writing to share this year’s Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards (see below). For perspective, many theatre programs garner just a few awards. The company of Urinetown shelved twenty-five. Spotlight is the state-wide educational arm of the Hennepin Theatre Trust. It sends four evaluators out to participating schools, to four different performances, to critique a production and offer awards.
Musical Directing Team
Director: Scott Durocher
Vocal Music Director: Kari Douma
Choreographer: Linda Talcott Lee
Technical Director/Audio Mixer: JJ Miller
Instrumental Music/Conductor: Ben Harloff
Costumers: Jan Battles and Jennifer Taylor James
Company Awards
Outstanding Award in Overall Production
Outstanding Award in Acting Performance
Outstanding Award in Vocal Performance
Outstanding Award in Overall Technical Team
Outstanding Award in Light and Sound Crew
Honorable Mention Award in Achievement in Musical Theatre
Honorable Mention Award Overall Performance
Honorable Mention Award in Ensemble Performance
Honorable Mention Award in Dance Performance
Honorable Mention Award in Student Orchestra
Honorable Mention Award in Costume Crew
Honorable Mention Award in Run Crew
Individual Awards
Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role: Ella Douma as Hope Cladwell
Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role: Piper Kuehl as Little Sally
Outstanding Award in Technical Leadership—Stage Manager: Morgan Gallagher
Honorable Mention in a Leading Role: Blake Hoffman as Bobby Strong
Performance in a Leading Role Shout-Out: Nate Krekeler as Officer Lockstock
Performance in a Leading Role Shout-Out: Zach Goldberg as Caldwell B. Cladwell
Performance in a Supporting Role Shout-Out: Uchenna (Uche) Ngwu as Miss Pennywise
Run Crew and Technical Crew--Assistant Stage Manager Shout-Out: Aidan Sutherlin
Run Crew and Technical Crew--Assistant Stage Manager Shout-Out: Jay Wetenkamp
Run Crew and Technical Crew—Deck Chief Shout-Out: Gideon Niskey
Run Crew and Technical Crew--Deck Chief Shout-Out: Godwin Agbara
Run Crew and Technical Crew--Light Board Technician Shout-Out: Zoe Champ
New: Rock Climbing Club - Student Led Club
Looking to try something new? Looking for the “ thing" that will compliment your current athletics and sports? Come harness up and climb with us!. No experience needed. We meet every Thursday at 3:30pm at Vertical Endeavors - Bloomington. Cost $16/session. Carpooling is available first come, first serve too! Email: EVHSRockClimbing@gmail.com for more details!
School-wide Recycling Competition
The Climate Action Club is holding a school-wide recycling competition. To reduce our carbon footprint, we are encouraging students to recycle beverage containers in their (9th, 10th, 11th 12th) labeled round bin in the commons. At the end of January, we will pull out plastic, cans and bottles and invite students to make a statue with their recyclables. (We will bleach them first!) The grade with the largest number will win the recycling cup!
For more information or if you have questions, contact Mrs. Porterfield.
EVHS Winter Dance Show
Looking for something FUN this weekend??? Come see the WINTER DANCE SHOW!!
Sunday, January 23rd at 7pm in the Eastview Performing Arts Center
This show will feature student choreography, Step Team, dance combinations by our featured guest artist, and amazing soloists!
ALL TICKETS are online $5 plus processing fee, GENERAL SEATING
(please order prior to the show as all tickets are online!)
Hope to see you there!!!
French Club Meeting
The next French club meeting will be on Monday, January 24 after school in room B220. We will be watching a movie. Popcorn and candy will be provided. The meeting will start at 2:40pm and go until the movie is over.
BRAVO! 2022 Auditions
The audition consists of 2 parts; singing and dancing. Click here for Audition Information.
Auditions are:
Sunday, January 30 from 3:15 - 4:15pm (LDT dancers)
Tuesday, February 1 from 2:45 - 5:15pm
Wednesday, February 2 from 2:45 - 8:15pm
Sign up for an audition time here.
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning