Monday Notes
February 9th, 2024

Happy February
Mid February - wow, where did the time go? As you approach the mid point of the month, we hope you have a great week and...Happy Valentines week! Just a couple of quick notes to share with you as you start the week.
Your Students - Future Music Educators
As students are looking toward the future and possible graduation, please share this great resource on a career in music education with them. As we all know, this is a great career, but sometimes a bit misunderstood. Provide them with this great resource to answer many of their questions.
ABQ Area - Student Opportunity
If you are in the metro area, consider having your students participate in ABQGODSTALENT talent search. For more information visit their website or contact Brandon Pea. Auditions are online and can be as simple as a cell phone video. Online auditions will be accepted through Friday, March 22, 2024.
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Registration is now open for the 2024 Summer Music Educators Workshop. Don't miss this great day of collaboration, workshops, and fun. The event will be in the Albuquerque area on July 13th and registration is $25.00. See you there...and register early!
Advocacy at a Glance
Need help getting started? Follow the link below to access an idea sheet that we borrowed from the Florida Music Educators Association. Happy advocating!
Have your All-State and conference fees been paid? Check with Neil Swapp to make sure all accounts are up to date.