Wayland Union Board of Education
Work Session Summary
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
The Wayland Union School Board met on Monday, February 21, 2022, at Wayland Union High School for their work session.
There were no public comments.
The Board recognized the District Odyssey of the Mind teams. Seven teams consisting of 40 students participated. Five teams are eligible to compete in the state tournament on March 12. The other two teams are K-2 and not eligible for state competition.
The Board welcomed Steve Hoekzema from TowerPinkster Architecture, Engineering and Interiors; and Scott Jernberg from Triangle Construction, who facilitated a presentation on the bond project scheduled to be placed on the ballot in August 2022. Mr. Hoekzema presented a conceptual design. The proposed HS pool will displace parking, so a parking lot on the west side of the building will be enlarged. Additional high school upgrades would include: woodshop, autoshop, wrestling mat room, band/orchestra room, and choir room. The high school pool may be similar in concept to Otsego High School’s pool, but actual design work has not begun, design teams will be formed for all affected areas post the August 2022 election. Wayland Union Middle School would receive a new roof and windows. All other buildings would receive toilet rooms, carpeting, furniture, and technology as needed.
Mr. Jernberg presented the budget based upon forecasted costs. If the bond passes in August, the smaller projects will be completed first allowing space for the larger projects. The pool construction would take approximately 12-16 months. In regards to the pool, Mr. Jernberg stated, “We only get one chance every 40 or 50 years for something like this, and we want to get it right.”
Pat Velie advised the Board that the current natural gas contract will expire in March 2022. The new 3-year contract with Interstate Gas Supply reduces the cost of CCF from $0.59 to $0.477 CCF. The district is projected to save between $19,000-$21,000 annually depending on usage.
Results of the Board Self-Assessment were reviewed. Areas assessed and discussed were: leadership; academic performance/accountability; board responsibilities; board effectiveness; data-driven decision-making; board-superintendent relations; and community engagement/advocacy. All, but one area, scored within the satisfactory range. President Cassini stated, “We (The Board) should strive for better than satisfactory.” One area of concern is Board/Superintendent Relations which scored within the “needs improvement” range. Those areas with the lowest scores will be made into board goals. President Cassini facilitated activities to help the governance team know each other better. He assigned all Board Members a section from the Board Self Assessment to review and discuss with an assigned board partner. The results of this activity will be reviewed at the March Work Session on March 28, 2022.
Results of the Casino Revenue Sharing Survey were reviewed and discussed. Dr. Hinds shared the top three results from staff, parents, and students. Social emotional learning, behavioral supports, field trips, and security improvements were topics of discussion. Trustee Mellema shared her experience with Capturing Kids Hearts training. Although it was 15 years ago, she said it was the best training she has ever had as it changed the culture and brought staff together.
The Board discussed the differences between a District Safety Officer and a School Resource Officer. All options will be reviewed by Superintendent Hinds and Mrs. Velie, then presented to the Board at upcoming meetings.
Board discussion of transportation by private vehicles, specifically student drivers. Dr. Hinds recommended the policy regarding student drivers on field trips be revised specifying the district’s stance on student drivers. The topic will be taken up by the policy committee.
In New Business, the lawn care contract was reviewed with a 0% increase and a final one-year renewal as this is the 5th year in the contract. In Old Business, the Board took action on the following: cost of adult meals was approved as proposed; sale of Fine Arts equipment to Rockford Public Schools was approved as proposed; a dishwasher at Dorr Elementary was approved as proposed; and a transit van purchase was approved as proposed.
Board Topics included the board budget to allow the ability to have a small fund for staff recognition and appreciation. Mrs. Velie advised this would need to come from casino funds. Discussion about raising the pay rate per meeting for board members, which will be added to New Business at the next Regular Board Meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022.
An outdated Board Concerns list was reviewed and revised. It was developed so members could keep a running list of their concerns for action.
In Board Comments, President Cassini gave a shout out to Coach Harter for being named regional wrestling coach of the year.
The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 14, 2022 at 7:00pm and will be held in the Dorr Elementary Cafeteria.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, March, 2022.
Recognition of the Odyssey of the Mind Teams
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181