School Updates - November 21st, 2023
Attica CS Projects
Attica Elementary School
Inclement Weather Information
Attica School Families
We have “officially” reached the winter weather season and recognition that snow and frigid temperatures are a possibility until March. Because of ACS substantial investment in technology, traditional “snow days” could become E-Learning Days; with instruction continuing virtually or through individually arranged options. The state has capped the number of ELearning days a corporation can use at three. Attica CS understands that the decision to remain open, delay, release early, close or move to ELearning due to poor weather has a substantial impact on all families. We will make every effort to inform Attica School Families the night before a move to a delay, closing or E learning due to weather conditions. Because of the timing of inclement weather, some decisions may need to be made early in the morning.
I want to take this opportunity to assure all Attica School Families that the safety of our students is our first priority. Factors that will determine a delayed start, early release, closing or an E Learning Day include road conditions, falling or rising temperature, visibility, accumulating and blowing snow, weather projections and shared reports with the city of Attica and surrounding school districts. Although the correct decision is made with the best of intentions, it is an imperfect system due to the unpredictability of the weather, especially in Indiana!
In the event Attica Schools must use an alternative schedule due to inclement weather or other emergencies, families will be contacted through our automated messaging system. Messages will also be posted to ACS social media, corporation website and information shared with local TV and radio.
Please know that any time there is inclement weather and our schools are open, but you do not feel the conditions are safe enough for your child to be out, we respect your decision to keep him/her at home. We do appreciate that you contact their school building to let them know of your decision. We appreciate your support in making certain all of our students get to school safely this winter.
Expect Victory!
Jon Acton - electronic Signature
Jon Acton - Ed.S
Superintendent - Attica CS
Attica Veterans Day Program
AHS Staff and Veteran
Mr. Chad Newsome, US Navy Veteran addressed the students and guests
Veterans Day Program
Playing of Taps by AHS Students Dallas Hollingsworth and Drew Mandeville
Special Guests
US Representative Jim Baird was an honored guest at out Veterans Day ceremony
Attica Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial Video by Kyle Askren
Attica Elementary Updates
Important Dates
November 22-24 - No School- Thanksgiving Break
December 4th - The Mobile Dentist will be here.
December 6th - AES Christmas Concert at 6 p.m.
December 22 - January 2 - Christmas Break
AES Staff Member Spotlight
Delainey Smyth
Years at Attica - 4
Favorite things about Attica - The strides we have made in our literacy instruction within the elementary school and collaboration between staff members.
Family - I have been married to my husband, Austin, for almost 6 years. We have an energetic and bright 2 year old boy named Nolan.
Hobbies - Listening to podcasts, reading non-fiction, and spending time with family
Pets - Gus our cat and Winifred our lab
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor - Chocolate chip cookie dough coconut milk ice cream
Favorite Food - Black Bean tacos
Favorite Quote - “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Fred Rodgers
AES Student Spotlight
Colton Loy
Family - I live with my mom and my brother. My brother is 14 years old. I stay with my dad sometimes in Veedersburg.
Pets - I want a dog but my mom says no .I used to have a fish.
Activities - I play basketball, soccer, football, swim, and I wrestle.
Favorite Ice Cream - Chocolate
Favorite things) about Attica - My friends.
Attica Jr-Sr HS Updates
Attica Jr-Sr HS Staff Spotlight
Chad Newsome
Years at Attica - 3
Favorite thing(s) about Attica - Closeness of the community, staff and students at Attica Jr-Sr. HS. The historic charm of a Midwest river port
Family - My wife is a school psychologist who works tirelessly to help students overcome challenges and realize their own potential. My 9th grade son is heavily involved in sports, playing on both the varsity soccer and baseball teams. An athlete too, my 6th grade daughter focuses on creative pursuits. She sings and plays both the piano and saxophone.
Pets - I have two small dogs. One neurotic and one lazy
Favorite Ice Cream - Traverse City Cherry Fudge
Favorite Quote - "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
Marcus Aurelius
Interesting Fact - US Navy Veteran. Guest speaker at Corporation wide Veterans Day Ceremony.
Attica Jr-Sr HS Student Spotlight
Carter Helms
Family - Dad- Travis, Mom- Erin, sister-Hadley (7) He has a very supportive family. They support everything he does.
Pets - Carter has one dog named Millie. She is playful; she’s a St. Bernard . She’s about 6 years old. She was a birthday present for his dad
Activities - Carter is in FFA. He used to work the crop plot at school. This is his 10th year in 4H. He’s shown pigs and crops both for 10 years.
Favorite Ice Cream - Moose Tracks
Favorite thing(s) about Attica - Pride for the town and school; everyone knows each other. We’ve got good community support and an interesting historical background
Attica Jr-Sr HS Activity Spotlight
Java and Threads - Mrs. Current’s Period 4 Administration of Office Management Class
Mrs. Current, Jace Herbst, Isaiah Watkins, Kiley Elmore, Eli French, Levi Crowder, Gabe Dreher, Xander Gibbs, Drew Mandeville, Charity Olson, and Mia Edwards
Mrs. Current and her 4th period class operate our in-school coffee shop during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. They recently received a $500 MAC grant from McDonald’s that will be used to continue their work
Attica Trick or Treat Night
Thank you to the Attica Community, staff and students from Attica Jr-Sr HS and Attica Elementary School for making our first event a huge success. We plan to make this event a new tradition!
Attica HS Cool Happenings
NWEA Incentive
Attica Jr-Sr HS continues to support, encourage and recognize students for the hard work in all areas of academic pursuits
Hanging Rock
Four C's Challenge Course
Hanging Rock
Class of 23 Certified as 100% Graduation Rate by Indiana Department of Education
Attica Ramblers Online Apparel
Attica CS 2023-24 School Calendar
Important Upcoming Dates
Nov 22-24 - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 6 - 21 - Middle School NWEA Winter Testing Window
Dec 13th - 6-12 Band/Choir Christmas Concert - 6 PM
Dec 20 and 21 - High School Final Exams
Dec. 21st - End of Semester 1/Quarter 2 grading period
Jan 3-19th - High School NWEA Winter Testing Window
Jan 5th - Quarter 2 Reports Cards Published
Links to previous newsletters
Attica Twitter/X handles
Attica Superintendent Jon Acton
Attica CS
Attica Jr-Sr HS Principal D.J. Jensen
Attica Athletics
Attica Building Administration
Attica Jr-Sr HS Asst. Principal - Barbi Balensiefer
Attica Elementary Principal - Dusty Goodwin
Attica Jr-Sr HS Athletic Director - Tom Lathrop
Attica CS Staff
Corporation Treasurer - Chris Goris
Asst. Treasurer - Elisha Goodwin
Director of Technology - Nick Corduan
Director of Maintenance/Facilities - Dan Goris
Director of Transportation - Andrew Hall
Corporation School Safety Officer - Kyle Askren
Cafeteria Manager - Danielle Williams
Attica School Board of Trustees
School Board
L to R - Mr. Chris Gayler, Mrs. Jill Mandeville, Mrs. Laurie Pierce, Mrs. Kelly Hiller, Mr. Chris Vandewater
Superintendent's Message
Superintendent Corner
On behalf of Attica CS, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We are Thankful for the opportunity to teach, coach, lead and love all of the students that make up Rambler Nation. As families gather this week to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope we all take time to reflect and give thanks for the Blessings in our lives.
The older I get, the faster our society moves. It seems we go from Halloween to Christmas the very next day. My hope for everyone is the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the company of family and friends. To enjoy the magic of the Holiday Season through the eyes of children. To remember that for some, the loss of loved ones makes this a difficult season of life.
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays and Blessings to All.
Expect Victory!
Jon Acton - Ed.S
Attica CS
Rambler Motivation
About Attica CS
Website: https://www.attica.k12.in.us/
Location: 205 East Sycamore Street, Attica, IN, USA
Phone: 765-762-7000
Twitter: @AtticaRamblers1