Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
February 1, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Family,
I would like to thank everyone for the hard work and dedication required to complete the Science and Engineering Fair projects. Parental support is extremely important when completing this process. The hard work pays off once the project is submitted. Congratulations to all the students moving to the regional level. I know they will represent us well in March at the University of South Alabama.
February is another active month here at Clark-Shaw Magnet. We will begin our Jump Rope for Heart Campaign to raise funds for heart disease. Clark-Shaw has been recognized as the largest contributor of donations on the middle school level in MCPSS for the past three years. We want to keep that record in 2023. Our Black History program this month gives students an opportunity to learn about the contributions made by African-Americans to this great nation. We are hosting our first Archery Tournament next week with well over 350 participants. Soccer, softball, baseball, and track seasons begin this month. Our Scholar’s Bowl team is competing in the ASCA’s Middle School State Tournament in Hoover. This is a great opportunity for our students to compete against grade levels from other districts in the state. Finally, Mardi Gras break wraps up the last days of February. Our students are always busy.
I encourage parents to check student grades and attendance weekly. If you have questions about your student’s progress, please contact us for assistance. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Taylor-Jackson
“No one gets a trophy in parenthood. Just do your best.” - Sue Atkins
Science Fair Results
Open House for Prospective Students
Healthy Heart Month
In addition to the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser, PE will be selling Candy Grams each day throughout February. Candy grams are heart lollipops, a keychain, and message card for a $1.00 that students can buy, make, and give out during PE to classmates. Students, faculty, and staff are also invited to donate $2 to WEAR RED on Fridays in February - February 3, 10, and 17. For a $2 donation, students can wear red shirts, tennis shoes, and red accessories (socks, bows, etc.) with their uniform bottoms to raise awareness and support for healthy heart habits. All proceeds will go to the American Heart Association.
Winners of the 6th grade jump rope contest at the Jump Rope for Heart kick-off assembly: Evie Weeden, Alaina McGrew, and Hannah Collins with AHA's Meghan Robinson.
Mrs. May's "a-MAY-zing" Discovery!
Mrs. Tami May, 8th grade science teacher, made an amazing discovery in early January. She came across a gulf sturgeon, which is considered a protected threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act and has been dubbed a "living dinosaur" by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Her find made the news with exciting headlines such as "Living dinosaur washes up along Alabama’s Mobile Bay," and "Prehistoric find in Mobile Bay!" The story has appeared in news outlets across the U.S. and as far away as India! The 5-foot fish, with its distinctive rows of hardened scales called scutes, is a species of fish which dates back 200 million years. See the story: https://www.fox10tv.com/2023/01/10/prehistoric-find-mobile-bay/
Many Clark-Shaw students were able to attend a special presentation with Mrs. May, Dr. Michael Andres from the University of Southern Mississippi, and Mr. Greg Graeber from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on Thursday, January 19. Dr. Andres discussed the results of a necropsy he and his team conducted on the gulf sturgeon. Students viewed a video of the dissection and were able to ask questions. View the story at https://www.fox10tv.com/2023/01/19/clark-shaw-students-get-up-close-look-gulf-sturgeon-findings/.
Scholars' Bowl News
Our team members also participated in the district Alabama Scholastic Challenge tournament at Bryant High School on January 21st. Our team faced off against 5 other teams and won 4 of our matches. Our individual match scores were Clark-Shaw 460 - Barton 170; Clark-Shaw 450 - Accel Prep 0; Clark-Shaw 320 - St. Mary's 210; Clark-Shaw 310 - Christ the King 240; and Clark-Shaw 220 - Phillips 290. We are proud to say that our team came in 2nd overall, just 20 points behind Phillips! Because of our strong performance, our team was invited to the state competition in Hoover on February 25th!
Next up for Scholars' Bowl is a tri-match (here at Clark-Shaw) against Barton Academy and Grand Bay Middle on February 9th and the state competition on February 25th. Keep up the great work, scholars!
Pictured above (left to right): Mrs. Van den Bosch, Garrett Langham, James Colleli, Grant Langham, Andres Gonzalez, Max Norris, Eli Weatherford, and Mr. Steiner at the district tournament at Bryant High School.
Archery Team
Our archery team has been on a roll lately! They competed in Gilliard Elementary's "Battle in the Swamp" tournament on January 14th. Our team came in 2nd overall in middle schools and achieved their highest team score yet with a score of 3128! Our top archers were Paden Roberts (270), Caleb Farnum (268), Senad Shabaneh (268), Sophia Piper (266), and Julian Agee (266). At the Saraland Elementary Tournament a week later, they bested their highest team score with a score of 3197 and 115 perfect 10's! They finished that tournament as the #1 middle school, beating out Denton, Phillips, Semmes, Foley, and Saraland middle schools. Top archers were Paden Roberts (279), Sophia Piper (275), Evan Bonner (270), Julian Agee (270), Brady Burkett (268), Landyn Randall (267), Caleb Farnum (266), Alejandro Serrano (266), Isabella Meade (263), Jordyn Adams (263), and Senad Shabaneh (263). Sophia Piper placed 1st in 7th grade girls and 2nd in all middle school girls. Caleb Farnum came in 1st in 6th grade boys, Brady Burkett came in 2nd in 8th grade boys, and Isabella Meade came in 2nd in 7th grade girls. At the Causey Classic in late January, the team earned a team score of 3133 with 100 perfect 10's! Top scorers were Julian Agee (279), Paden Roberts (278), Evan Bonner (274), Caleb Farnum (274), and Landyn Randall (266).
The team is hosting a tournament from February 8 - 11, 2023 and is looking forward to your support!
At the archery tournament held at Dixon Elementary last month, 7th grader Isabella Meade (above) came in 1st place of all 7th grade girls who competed as well as 2nd place in all middle school girls. She shot a 273 with 12 perfect 10's! Congratulations!
Honor Band
Faculty Spotlight
Our faculty spotlight is someone who's been featured on several local news stations this past month! Mrs. Tami May is an 8th grade physical science and forensics elective teacher. She is a graduate of the University of South Alabama with a bachelor's degree in biology and master's degree in secondary education. She is the receipient of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship and is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) and mentor to NBCT candidates. She was the 2016-17 Semmes Middle School Teacher of the Year as well as the MCPSS Middle School Teacher of the Year. Mrs. May has been at Clark-Shaw for the past 6 years.
She is married with two teenagers, both of whom came through Clark-Shaw. Mrs. May loves gardening, playing in the dirt, fishing, and all kinds of outdoor activities. She also is a huge pet lover who has lots of cats and Jamal, the bearded dragon who lives in Room 202!
Thank you Mrs. May for being a great teacher and educator! Your enthusiasm and drive to keep learning is an example to us all!
WOW (Worship on Wednesdays!)
WOW is a group led by our Fellowship of Christian Athletes that meets on select Wednesday mornings at 6:50am for a time of prayer, devotional, and worship songs. All 6th – 8th grade students are welcome! A yellow pass from Ms. Caz will allow you to be released from the cafeteria or gym on the mornings of our meetings to report to Room 207 on 7th grade hall. Remaining dates for WOW are as follows: Feb 1, Feb 8, March 1, March 15, March 29, April 12, May 3, and May 10. Come join us as we start off the day with an encouraging word! For questions or passes, see Ms. Caz (Room 207).
Thank you, Custodial Staff
Our top-notch custodial staff consists of Gloria Pretty, Gabriele Kittell, Sherry Everett, Walter Kidd, Priscilla Taylor, and Ashley Friend. Please thank them for their hard work!
Show Some Love! Help Eagle Wings
NJHS Announcements
Upcoming dates that NJHS members need to know:
Feb 1 - Report Card due to Mrs. Howell for a grade check & NJHS shirt color vote closes
Feb 7 and 9 - Poster Making Opportunity for Fundraiser
March 14 - Current Member Movie Social
March 17 - Fundraiser for Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation
Members should check the NJHS Schoology group for more information. Any current member who needs access to the group should email Mrs. Howell or Ms. Roberts.
Basketball Season Wrap-up
Our boys basketball team before their play-off game vs. Semmes.
Our girls basketball team poses with Coach Brooks after their last home game.
Our cheerleaders at the pep rally before the Championship.
Our dance team at the play-off game vs. Semmes. They will be marching in the Hickory Ridge Mardi Gras parade on February 11th!
Spring Sports Schedules
January Highlights
(Above) Mr. Braswell and Mrs. Harbin joined forces with their 6th grade Social Studies classes to create "Hoovervilles" using available materials. Hoovervilles were shantytowns built by poor and unemployed people during the Great Depression and named after unpopular U.S. President Herbert Hoover. Through this project, our students learned how to make something out of very little, which is a valuable lesson on what life was like for many Americans during the Great Depression.
Mrs. Coumanis and Mrs. Burch's students have been working in small groups to learn about various cycles of matter in 7th grade life science.
Some of their finished work is on display in the 7th grade hall.
Mrs. Van den Bosch introduced her 7th grade geography students to physical, political, and thematic maps with a Gallery Walk in the Maker Space.
During Speed Debating, students had to quickly debate and rebut arguments while switching partners and topics every few minutes.
Students in grades 6-8 can be a part of SECME - a new after-school organization which engages in hands-on STEM challenges.
Among the many SECME activities are designing and building a mousetrap car and other STEM projects.
(above) Mrs. Steiner's English Language Arts students have been collaborating in small groups to analyze figurative language in poetry.
Jigsaw Planet is an engaging tool to use on both ViewSonic boards as well as student Chromebooks. Here, students in Mrs. Van den Bosch's 5th period work together to construct a world map as part of their introduction to geography.
Mrs. Kirksey, one of our 6th grade science teachers, has been busy lately visiting elementary schools to spread the word about Clark-Shaw. Her secret weapon? Jamal the bearded dragon, who can normally be found in Mrs. May's classroom but who seems to be enjoying the attention!
Students who achieved A Honor Roll or AB Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter were recently presented certificates and rewards in their Homeroom. Congratulations to all who were recognized!
Our incredibly talented media specialist, Mrs. Toni Morris, continues to decorate the library media center with engaging displays like this Mardi Gras book tree!
Clark-Shaw held its first-ever Cheer Clinic on January 30 - Feb. 1st after school. They had great participation from students, current cheerleaders, and guest cheerleaders from Davidson and Baker High Schools.
Mrs. May's physical science classes learned first-hand the importance of wearing a seatbelt as Sleeping Beauty rode atop a romote-controlled vehicle during a demonstration of inertia.
Former Eagles in the News
The MCPSS Superintendent's Student Advisory Council meets with Superintendent Chresal D. Threadgill to offer input and to learn more about how the school system works. Two students from each high school are nominated for this honor. This year's council includes many former Clark-Shaw Eagles, including Madison Lassiter of Baker, Isabella Nguyen and Presli Turner of Bryant, Chase Howard of Blount, Chase Travis and Jordan Martin of Davidson, Kaylei Touchstone of Mary G. Montgomery, Samantha Guillotte of Murphy, and Faron Brown, Jr. of Vigor.
Mrs. Hester, Ms. Roberts, and Mrs. Van den Bosch had the pleasure of seeing former Eagle and current Baker High School freshman Morgan Zaborny starred as Anne Frank in the Joe Jefferson Players' production of "Anne and Emmitt."
8th grade Yearbook ads
Purchase a Yearbook!
Our PTA needs you!
Please consider joining or helping our PTA! Joining PTA does NOT require you to volunteer on campus. But for those who would like to help, several opportunities are available, including dance committee, awards committee, concessions and ticket sales, Spring Fling, and other events. We appreciate the efforts and support of our parents and families, and we hope you will consider joining! To join: [click here]
Important 3rd Quarter Dates
February 16, 2023: Black History Program
February 20 - 24, 2023: Mardi Gras holidays (no school)
March 17, 2023: Last day of 3rd Quarter
March 20, 2023: Teacher Workday (no school)
March 21, 2023: 4th Quarter begins
2022-2023 School Calendar
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com