PCDC Monthly Newsletter
May | June 2022
Parent Child Development Corporation
About Us
Email: nagee@pcdcva.org
Website: pcdcva.org
Location: 602 Main Street, West Point, VA, USA
Phone: (804)843-2289
Our Mission
The mission of Parent Child Development Corporation is to empower families to improve the quality of their lives through educational and self-help programs, family support services, and advocacy activities in partnership with the community.
Our Vision
The vision of Parent Child Development Corporation (PCDC) is to be a leader in comprehensive preschool programs, child care services, and family support services in Virginia’s Middle Peninsula. PCDC will provide direct services, coordinate regional and inter-agency service delivery systems for children and families, and advocate for programs and services which promote the welfare of all children and families in the community, state and nation. PCDC will forge partnerships with communities and organizations to effectively and efficiently utilize human and financial resources, both public and private.
From the Interim Executive Director
What a year! I know I’ve laughed… and cried this school year. We've hit many bumps and ran into some walls along the way, but with that said, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I am honored to serve families and children with you.
What you do is an honorable and hardworking profession. While we know the pay is subpar in the field of early education, you still show up day after day because of the love you have for children. And, that's admirable. You make PCDC great and full of heart!
I want to share my gratitude and thanks for all you do. I especially appreciate your patience and flexibility as we transition leadership and continue to fill vacant positions.
I hope everyone can enjoy the summer, relax, and rejuvenate. Preservice week will be here before we know it and it is going to be awesome!
I look forward to catching up at our end-of -year event! See you soon!
Take Care,
You're one stellar team!
Happy Birthday!
Candice Depping - May 4th
Morgan Dorrion - May 6th
Betsabe Santiago - May 7th
Anita Rohr - May 15th - Three Years
Candice Depping - May 17th - Six Years
Ashlyn Madison - May 30th - Three Years
New Hires
Summer Atkins - Kitchen Manager/Classroom Aide (as needed)
Danielle Riddick-DeLoatch - EHS Family Advocate
Emma Custalow - West Point Teacher Assistant
Job Announcements:
Family Advocates (West Point, King William, Gloucester)
Lead Teachers (West Point, Gloucester, Charles City)
Teacher Assistants (Gloucester)
Floating Teacher Assistant
✨✨PCDC Paparazzi✨✨
Ms. Dawn picking up Helmets for her Charles City friends!
Ms. Candice and Ms. Kathy laughing at me trying to be sneaky!
Ms. Mollie grabbing supplies for King William!
Ms. Gay and her Dad helping us deliver Hatch equipment!
Ms. Bree showing us her phenomenal drill work!
Ms. Bree and Ms. Laurie helping me put together the EHS playset!
Did you know a teacher that doesn’t know anything...
Child: I think we need a new teacher.
Mom: Why’s that?
Child: Our teacher doesn’t know anything! She keeps asking us for the answers…😂
Family Advocates are scheduling intakes before they leave for the summer. Family Services/ERSEA Manager is consistently working on filling the vacant spots in EHS.
Recruitment for the upcoming school year is in full effect. All of the management team is assisting with this effort so that we will have full enrollment next school year.
As we complete close out, I hope each and every one of you have plans to pamper yourself in some way over the summer break. Whatever brings you rest, relaxation, joy, and peace I hope you are able to dive into it.
I also genuinely hope that you DO NOT think about work during this time. I know some of you will be participating in trainings and others will be busy planning new activities and gathering ideas for the new school year, remember that summer break belongs to you. Use it in a way that enhances and nurtures your soul.
Thank you!
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the Head Start students and families. We appreciate all you do!!
Have a Terrific Summer!
Smart Start to host HS Summer Enrichment Program!
Grill Safely!
Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are real, common and treatable. And recovery is possible.
Studies have shown higher rates of depression, anxiety, and stress among early childhood providers ((Elharake et al., 2022). While this may not news to you all, it should be a reminder of the importance of self checks, self care, and engaging in effective supports for wellness.
Check in with yourself and complete a screening to see how you are doing. There are many free screenings available at https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/. Also, consider checking in with those around you. A simple and genuine, "how you doing?" could be really helpful. If you are in need of or interested in learning more about mental health resources, please reach out to me any time by email at jrussell@pcdcva.org or phone/text at 804-824-4358.
NAMITalks: Mental Health Awareness Month: https://namivirginia.org/namitalks-mental-health-awareness-month/
Prioritizing Mental Health Care in America Infograph:
The Importance of Mental Health Awareness: https://www.pinerest.org/newsroom/articles/mental-health-awareness-blog/
Tips for eating healthy while on a budget.
1. Fruits and vegetables can be expensive. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, stock up on frozen items. These items may cost less, and they’re just as good!
2. Pasta and rice are great options when on a budget. They’re also very convenient when food prepping!
3. When purchasing meat, look for the family-size pack or value packs. Anything that you don’t use, can be placed in the freezer to be used at a later date.
4. Yogurt can definitely be expensive, especially when getting individually packaged yogurts. Try buying the larger package of low-fat yogurt and make it your own by adding different fruits.
5. Buy drinking water! If you don’t like the taste of just plain water, add a lemon or maybe a strawberry to jazz it up.