Wayne County 4-H
News and Notes
Season's Greetings!
Happy Holidays from the 4-H Team to you and your family. We appreciate all that you do throughout the year to help make our 4-H and Jr. Fair programs possible. We hope you enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday season with your family and friends. Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
-Doug, Lisa, Nicole, and Stephen
The 2018 Wayne County 4-H Calendar of Events is now available on the Extension Office website. Feel free to download a copy and mark important dates on your personal calendar.
Please note all dates are subject to change. Please visit wayne.osu.edu/events for the latest updates as well as event & meeting times and locations. In the event of inclement weather listen to WQKT 104.5 FM, call the Extension Office at 330-264-8722 and/or check the wayne.osu.edu website for cancellation notices.
Animal Science Education & Evaluation Committee
Formerly known as the Skillathon Committee - this new committee will have a broader responsibility. This committee will be responsible for planning / implementing Skillathon, Livestock Project Interview Judging, and creating criteria and judging process for a new Outstanding 4-H Record Book Award. Committee to be comprised of two representatives from each of the Junior Fair Livestock Departments - including Horses and Dogs and two 4-H Club Organizational Advisors.
Jr. Fair Awards Committee
Responsible for working with the Junior Fair Secretary to identify types of awards to be given at livestock shows, combining purchasing power when possible, ensuring consistency among species for awards given out during the fair, working with livestock committees to identify award sponsors, and improving the sponsor billing process. Committee to be comprised of one adult volunteer and one Junior Fair Board member representing each of the Junior Fair Livestock Departments – including Horses and Dogs.
Jr. Fair Livestock Auction Committee
Responsible for working with the Junior Fair Liaison Committee and each of the Junior Fair Market Livestock Committees to ensure a smooth and successful Jr. Fair Market Livestock Auction. Committee will assist with decorating, set-up / tear down, promotion, buyer registration and other aspects as needed to improve the livestock auction experience both for youth exhibitors and buyers. Committee will be comprised of one representative from each of the Junior Fair Market Livestock Departments, Dairy Committee (Dairy Products Auction), and two At-Large Buyer Representatives.
Beef Project Rules Updated for 2018
Please read over the Beef project letter that was mailed out December 5th to all youth enrolled in a Beef Project in 2017 and share this letter with anyone you know that is planning to take a Beef project in 2018. The letter contains important information about Weigh-In / Tag-In and updates to the Beef Department rules for 2018.
Reminder About Volunteer Background Checks
Junior Leaders to Tour Grosjean's Agricultural Museum
The next Junior Leaders meeting will take place on Monday January 8, 2018 at Ron Grosjean's farm and agricultural museum near Wooster. During the meeting Junior Leaders will get to tour the museum and learn from Ron about his amazing collection of farm equipment, tools, and other agricultural historical artifacts and memorabilia. The meeting will take place at 7 pm. Ron's farm and museum are located on State Route 3 south of Wooster just past the Triway Drive Thru.
Wayne County 4-H
Email: foxx.2@osu.edu
Website: wayne.osu.edu
Location: 428 West Liberty Street, Wooster, OH, United States
Phone: 330-264-8722
Facebook: facebook.com/WayneCty4H
Twitter: @WayneCo4HOhio