Guardsman Gazette
August 18th, 2023
Upcoming Events
Clearsight testing for Math & ELA Start this week.
Monday, August 21
- 4:00 Football Practice
- 4:00 Volleyball Practice
- 4:00 Cross Country Practice
- 7:00 PHM School Board Meeting @ the ESC
Tuesday, August 22
- 6th grade Meet the Teacher Night (5:00 - 7:00)
- 5:00 7th Grade Football Game vs Northwood @ GMS
- 5:00 Cross Country Meet vs. Schmucker @ DMS
- 5:00 Volleyball Game vs West Side Middle School @ West Side
Wednesday, August 23
- 4:00 - Football Practice
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Volleyball Practice
- 4:00 - Cross Country Practice
- 7th/8th grade Meet the Teacher Night (5:00 - 7:00)
Thursday, August 24
- 4:00 Football Practice
- 4:00 Cheer Practice
- 4:00 Cross Country Practice
- 5:00 Volleyball vs. Concord @ GMS
Friday, August 25
- 7:30 AM Cross Country Practice
- 4:00 Volleyball Practice
- 4:00 Football Practice
- 5:00 PHM Community Tailgate
Meet the Teacher Nights
We recognize that not all families can make it right at 5:00 or stay the full two hours, so the format of this night will be more of an open house. Teachers will be available in their classrooms to share information, answer any questions, and help build a home-school connection that will benefit our students during their time at Grissom.
Textbook Fees
We are hoping you have heard, but we have great news to share regarding student book fees! The Indiana General Assembly passed a bill (HEA 1001-2023) that eliminated textbook and curriculum costs at public schools, which includes school supplies like pencils, paper, and notebooks. Parents will no longer be asked to pay school fees. For more information on the specific details, click here.
We wanted to share that legislation was passed (HB 1447, effective January 1, 2024) that all schools prepare a catalog of materials found in the school library Alexandria and a response and appeal procedure for materials parents find questionable.
We have that process in place already and it is posted on all school websites Instructional Material Feedback. In addition, secondary teachers will provide their syllabus to you with listed materials and classroom teachers have been asked to create a master list of titles in their classroom libraries. Teachers will have these available via Canvas or email in the coming weeks. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher or me.
Back to School Consent Form & Packets
Parent Info Night
8th Grade Washington, D.C. Parent Info Night
Contact: Laura Plasschaert lplasschaert@phm.k12.in.us
Patrick Higgins phiggins@phm.k12.in.us
Grissom School-Wide Expectations
Common Grade Level Expectations
At the end of last year, our teachers worked together to create common grade level expectations. This was designed to help with common expectations so that our students know what is expected of them no matter which teacher's class they are in.
8th Grade Expectations
7th Grade Expectations
6th Grade Expectations
Grissom Concession Stand
Looking for a way to help support our students?
The PTO fundraises throughout the year, mainly through the concession stand at all sporting events (outdoor and indoor). All funds earned from concessions go directly back into the school, with 30% going to athletics and the other 70% going to a variety of things for Grissom.
We need your help! EVERY student and staff member in the building benefits from the concession stand profits. If every athletic parent, music parent, or art parent signed up for one shift, we would have more than enough!
Our first concessions sign up opportunities for this school year are for Rocket Football and Grissom Football games. These days are some of our most profitable events for our school. Please consider signing up for a Grissom Football game, or a Saturday morning shift between 8:00 and 1:30 in August or September for a Rocket Football game. The whole family is welcome to serve together. Concession stand volunteers receive free admission to the games and a free food or drink item.
Never worked concessions before? Check out our concession stand guide (with videos)!
Rocket Football Concession Sign Up
Grissom Football Concession Sign Up
Grissom Spirit Wear
- Visit the online shop here
- The online shop will be live August 6 - August 27, 2023
- All orders will be placed online this year.
Penn Youth Basketball Sign Up
The start of the 2023-2024 school year is right around the corner!
Please bring your completed registration form and payment with you to sign-ups. All parents will also be required to complete a liability waiver and a parent/guardian code of conduct. If you would like to help coach, please sign-up on Sept.10 as well. We recommend bringing your daughter to sign-ups to get her jersey size. We will have samples. The reversible jersey is the ONLY required gear item for the league. If you already have one and it fits, then you are good to go. The gear store will be an Online store and will be available starting Sept. 10.
The league registration form is attached to this email and it will also be found online soon on the school websites.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon! Have a great start to the school year!
Coach Kristi Ulrich
Futures Lifting
SCAN THE QR CODE TO REGISTER! Or use this link https://forms.gle/KUaU6d52wTx1nVxs6
WHO: Any Middle School Athlete, 6-8th grade enrolled at Schmucker, Grissom, or Discovery
WHAT: FUTURES Lifting Program (FREE to Penn Student Athletes)
WHEN: Mondays and Wednesdays Starting Monday September 18 at 7:30am-8:15am
WHERE: Penn High School Weight Room
Enter Through Door G
To All,
We will be operating a middle school lifting program next school year. All 6th-8th graders (must be an athlete) can train at the high school for free starting September 18, Monday and going every Monday and Wednesday for the school year during zero block before school from 7:30-8:15am. (School recess, vacations, 2 hr delay, E Learning, or cancellations will result in NO training that school day if it falls on a Monday or Wednesday) Zero block before school is the best so that it does not interfere with games or practices.
We have two buses available every Monday and Wednesday for middle school athletes. One bus will transport students to Discovery and the other to Grissom, Schmucker will walk. Both buses will park at Door C and wait for the middle school athletes. This service will be available for the entire school year. (The Penn Strength staff will supervise and escort students to door C while they wait for bus service).
Principal, Grissom Middle School