July Coalition News
Prevent Coalition Events, Resources, Opportunities and more.
Virtual Marijuana Public Health Summit
The Rede Group has chosen a virtual platform to responsibly hold the Marijuana Public Health Summit this Fall! There will be amazing opportunities for engaging with speakers and other participants throughout the summit.
With the emerging issue of illness and death related to vaping Marijuana products and COVID-19, public health and marijuana has taken center stage nationally. Join to hear the latest on these topics as well as others as we navigate this emerging field.
To register, visit www.ph-mjsummit.com/
Virtual CADCA Mid-Year Institute
The CADCA Mid-Year Institute has transitioned to a virtual conference happening July 25-30, 2020. Learn more at www.cadca.org/myti2020.
From the website:
"Times have changed, which means you may need to justify the expenses and time out of work required to attend Virtual Mid-Year. CADCA has developed a Justification Letter that you can share with your leadership to explain the importance of attending this unique world-class training event.
Highlights include:
- Reduced registration rates
- 85+ sophisticated training sessions and workshops lead by experts in the prevention field, coalitions from around the globe and federal agency partners
- Bonus content from additional keynote sessions led by national prevention leaders
- CEU/CHES credits available
- 24/7 access to on-demand recordings during Virtual Mid-Year
- This allows attendees to virtually listen into and experience every single training session offered
- Networking opportunities
- Wellness activities
- And more."
Latest National Research
Clark County Healthy Communities Map
Clark County Public Health has launched a new online data exploration tool called the Healthier Clark County InfoMap.
What is it? The Healthier Clark County InfoMap tool offers a new way of learning about health issues and how they impact people in Clark County. Through data visualized on maps and charts, users can explore how health and the circumstances and environments that influence health are distributed across the county.
What data are in the tool? Topic areas in the InfoMap include demographics and social factors that influence health, such as income, education and housing. The tool also features several public health focus areas, including maternal health, child health, adverse childhood experiences, chronic disease, substance use, and behavioral health.
Public Health envisions the InfoMap serving as a planning tool to support public health, schools, community-based organizations, and policy makers. Data from this tool can be used to identify priorities and prevention efforts to address health concerns, apply for grant funding, and promote policy/legislative priorities.
Contact Info:
Health Assessment and Evaluation, Public Health
Rural Communities Toolbox by ONDCP
Here you can find federal resources that may help rural communities become strong, healthy, prosperous, and resilient places to live and work. Find resources to address Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and the Opioid crisis.
Next Rural Network Meeting
Thursday July 23, 2020
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Email preventcoalition@esd112.org for invite and link to join. Link and password will be emailed the day prior.
Topic: Reflect on the final Needs Assessment Report.
Click here to access June meeting minutes.
Email preventcoalition@esd112.org or learn more and to subscribe for meeting reminders.
Latest Grant Updates
Full updates will be provided during meetings and in minutes. Highlights include:
- Website: Want to be listed on our website "Partners" website page? Email preventcoalition@esd112.org with your logo and website information.
- Sector Representatives: We've welcomed many new members to the network. There are currently 70 people who have asked to remain on our email distribution list. If new members are interested in learning more or need support outside of our full network meetings, email to set up an introductory conference call, or join one of our Office Hour calls.
- Map: The mapping portion of our grant is complete! Click here to view the report.
- Assessment: The Needs Assessment draft is finished and submit to Department of Health for review. It will be available to the public as soon as possible in July.
- Sub-Contract: The Epidemiology team has already begun work for Fiscal Year 2. This next round of work will include gathering, analyzing, and interpreting Healthy Youth Survey data from rural communities in Washington. They have officially been granted access to de-identified data from Department of Health and have begun this addition to the Needs Assessment Report for our network.
For a full grant progress timeline visit www.preventcoalition.org/rural/our-work/.
Challenge Accepted: Prescription Safety Starts With You!
During the month of June, Prevent Coalition collaborated with substance abuse prevention coalitions and organizations throughout SW Washington to launch a week-long social media campaign called Mind Your Meds Challenge: Prescription Safety Starts with You! Together, we raised awareness about opioid problems throughout our region, and all around the US, while challenging individuals to take an active role in medication safety.
The campaign ran June 1st through June 5th, and each day Prevent Coalition and partners shared posts on their Facebook and Instagram social media pages challenging friends and followers to take simple, yet important steps to mind their medications. The daily posts included helpful tips for medications safety and asked individuals to do their part to protect their loved ones by taking action. The daily challenges included pledging to safeguard their medications by storing them in a secured location, properly disposing their prescription and over-the-counter medications using a free medication disposal program, and having conversation with loved ones about alternatives to opioid use and the dangers of taking medications that aren’t prescribed for them.
Individuals who participated in the challenges and engaged with posts by liking, sharing, and tagging friends and family were entered into a daily drawing for a chance to win a $25 Visa e-gift card. Gift cards were provided by our partnering sponsor Molina Healthcare and the gift card recipients were randomly selected each day. Recipients of a Visa e-gift card included Amy Bristow, Sarah Irish, Dara Greenfield-Eastham, Maija Helen and Tere Clyne. Congratulations to each of the $25 Visa e-gift card winners and to everyone who participated in the campaign by taking an active role in minding your meds.
Thank you to the following partners for contributing to the development of the Mind Your Meds Challenge and using the campaign to inform and challenge our communities to take an active role in minding their meds: Central Vancouver Coalition, Clark College ACES Club, Clark County Green Neighbors, Coalition for Preventing Abuse in Klickitat County (CPAKC), Connect Evergreen Coalition, La Center United, Molina Healthcare, Prevent Together Battle Ground, Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH), Unite Washougal Community Coalition, Washington Health Care Authority.
Together, we do better. Together, let’s do our part to end the opioid crisis in SW Washington, and all around the US!
Missed the Mind Your Meds Challenge? No worries, it’s never too late to take an active role in safeguarding your medications. Learn more at GetTheFactsRX.com and bit.ly/LocksSaveLives.
Health Care Authority Recruits Cohort of Prevention Fellows
Applications for the next round of the 10-month Prevention Fellowship Program are due June 30. The program will start on October 1, 2020. This is an exciting opportunity to start or re-start your career in prevention science and community organizing. Application can be found online.
Welcome New Coalition Staff!
Tina Johnson, previously a Student Assistance Professional at Hudson Bay HS, will become a new Coordinator for the West Van for Youth coalition effective July 1.
Vitali Turlac, previously Workforce Specialist at Next, became a new Coordinator for the Unite Washougal coalition on July 1.
Congratulations Tina and Vitali on your promotions! We're so excited to welcome you to the Southwest Regional Network of Coaitions!
Now Hiring: Student Assistance Professional
ESD 112 is now hiring a Student Assistance Professional: Prevention/Intervention Specialist for the Vancouver School District. The job is now posted with a closing date of August 7. This position is located at Hudson Bay High School.
In Case You Missed It: Prevention Summit is now Virtual
The goal of the Prevention Summit is to provide an enriching and culturally competent training and networking opportunity for youth, volunteers and professionals working toward the prevention of substance abuse, violence and other destructive behaviors as well as integrating such prevention efforts with primary health care.
The pre-conference Washington State Prevention Provider Meeting will be held on Monday, November 2 followed by the Prevention Summit on Tuesday, November 3 and Wednesday, November 4.
Please visit the conference website for updates at preventionsummit.org.
Mark Your Calendar
Prevent Coalition events:
Coalition Coordinators Meeting (For Coalition staff in the SW Washington region)
Thursday July 2
9:30-11 a.m.
Online, link coming soon.
Rural Office Hours (Register for guidance/Technical Assistance. No formal agenda)
Wednesday July 15
1-2 p.m.
Online virtual conference call.
Rural Network Meeting (Collaboration of rural volunteers and leaders across Washington)
Thursday July 23
1-2:30 p.m.
Online virtual conference call.
Click for full calendar of coalition and community events.
Other Training & Events
Online Webinar by Dover Youth2Youth: Tuesday July 14, 2020 at 3:00 PM EST
Part #1: Introduction to Youth Empowerment:
This session will provide attendees with core principles and extensive insight on the process of implementing or enhancing a youth empowerment program. The One Voice Youth Empowerment Model will be explained and specific examples of steps that can be taken to prepare to implement that model will be illustrated. Topics covered include important considerations for getting a program started, staffing, funding, youth as a part of a coalition, and recruiting youth participants. Examples of action projects in 4 key categories of advocacy will be described: Education, policy change, media and community awareness activities. This webinar is designed for adults that work with youth advocates, those that supervise youth programs, or those wishing to implement a youth empowerment program. After the core presentation, time will be allowed for questions from webinar attendees. Click here to register.
Online Webinar by Dover Youth2Youth: Thursday July 16, 2020 at 3:00 PM EST
Part #2: Implementing Youth Empowerment:
The second session will focus on the implementation of a youth empowerment program. The training will include planning for meetings, holding the initial kick-off meeting of the group, developing core advocacy skills for youth advocates, selecting action projects, and using techniques for coaching youth advocates. Resources available from Dover Youth to Youth to assist this process will be described or provided. Part #2 is also designed for adults that work with youth advocates, those that supervise youth programs, or those wishing to implement a youth empowerment program. After the core presentation, time will be allowed for questions from webinar attendees. Click here to register.
* For more prevention events and training visit The Athena Forum.
** "Other Training & Events" listings are not sponsored by Prevent Coalition.
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Email: preventcoalition@esd112.org
Website: www.PreventCoalition.org
Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Facebook: Facebook.com/PreventCoalition
Twitter: @preventcc112