Principal Weekly Update to Families
8 -September - 2023
Brief Message From the Principal
- Here's the schedule & lunch menu for the week ahead
- See our photo highlights of the week
- Note the upcoming Parents Night on your calendar
- Make sure to fill out the attached forms from the Nurse's Office
- Review the reminders in the final section of the newsletter
🎉WE ACHIEVED Finishing Drop off line by 7:58am GREAT WORK, FAMILIES! 🏆
Hoping to finish by 7:55am everyday!
- Mrs. Mendez 😺
🌭 Lunch Menu for Week
😎 Great Moments from the Week
📆 Upcoming Events
Monday, Sep 11, 2023, 07:45 AM
Back to School Night
All parents/guardians of BRS Students are cordially invited to attend Back to School Night. We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom in order to become more familiar with the curriculum and classroom routines. If you have questions about your child’s individual progress, please contact your child’s teacher(s) to arrange a mutually convenient time to address your question. Please remember that Back to School Night is for parents only.
Complimentary childcare will be provided for BRS Back to School Night in the Lumberton Middle School (LMS) Cafeteria by our Extended Day Care (EDC) Program; childcare is provided for school age children (grades PreK-4 to 8.) Please park in the LMS parking lot, sign in your student in the cafeteria and proceed to BRS.
We ask that all families please register their children in advance using this form/link below – registration closes 9/12 at 8am. Pre-registration allows EDC to ensure adequate staffing to provide a safe evening event for your student. EDC may offer “drop-ins” for families that do not sign-up for $5/family; however, this is dependent on capacity.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting your family. Childcare sign-in/drop-off starts at 6:15pm in the LMS Cafeteria.
Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023, 06:30 PM
Bobby’s Run School, Dimsdale Drive, Lumberton, NJ, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 09:00 AM
Update from NURSE 👩⚕️
The new year is off to a great start! For your child’s safety, please complete all medical forms and bring in medication as soon as possible. Just as a reminder, your child can not bring medication in to school. All forms expire at the end of the school year, and have to be completed and updated yearly. I will be here on Tuesday evening for Back To School Night if you want to bring in the necessary forms and medication then. Forms were sent home at the end of last year, and can also be found on the Lumberton website under the family tab-forms for families/medical.
Thank you!
Counselor's Corner🤗
Check out our new Counseling resource
24/7/365 Mental Health Care Coordination Service for Lumberton Township School District Students, Staff, and their Families. Getting help can be a daunting process. Let their Care Companions find the help you need for depression, anxiety, stress, and more!
🍪 Update from the PTA
(Note: flyers & screenshots aren't translatable, so make sure to also include a text explanation)
🙋🏽 Important Reminders
- Dismissal Procedures...
- Special Walkers- designated escort will pick student up at main office with an ID.
- Walker- student will be dismissed to walk home without a designated escort.
- Parent Pick-Up- parents will pull car forward as far as possible and student will come to the car. Parents should not park cars along the driveway.
- Arrival Procedures...
- students should be ready to exit the car when you reach the coned area.
- parents should remain in the car.
- Review Safe Snack list
Contact Info
Bobby's Run School
Principal: Mrs. Lisely MendezAsst. Principal: Mr. Richard Brown
Asst. Principal of Discipline: Ms. Erica Holck
Main Office: Ms. Anna Marie Humphreys, 609-702-5555
Website: www.lumberton.k12.nj.us
Location: 32 Dimsdale Dr. Lumberton, NJ 08048
Phone: (609) 267-1406