Monday Notes
February 22nd, 2024

With March around the corner we are into full concert and MPA season. We know that the many hours of hard work will pay off in some wonderful performances. Have fun and enjoy the process and the result!
Music Performance Assessments
As you make final plans for MPA, make sure to invite your administrators to attend. This is a great time for them to "see what we do". If you really want to give them an insight into our world, have them accompany the ensemble into sight reading.
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Make plans now to attend the Summer Music Educators Workshop on July 13th in the Albuquerque area. Registration is now open...don't miss this great day of ideas, collaboration, and camaraderie.
State Band & Choir Contest
By now you should have received a tentative schedule from Zac. Make sure that busses, meals, chaperones, permission slips, and other needed details are taken care of. Again...what a great event to invite your administrators and school board members to.
State Marching Contest
As you know, NMMEA and NMAA have partnered to host the first official state marching contest. Mark your calendars to attend this event on October 26th in the Albuquerque Metro area. This will be an amazing opportunity for your students to receive feedback from nationally recognized leaders in the field and perform at a state contest. Registration information will be coming soon!
United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps
Albuquerque area people, make sure to attend the Battle Color Detachment performance at V. Sue Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho on Wednesday, 6 March at 4:30 PM. This performance will feature "The Commandant's Own," United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, the United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, and "The Commandant's Four" Official Color Guard of the Marine Corps and will be held in the football stadium. No charge - bring the entire family!