February Senior Newsletter
February 1, 2024
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
Feb. 1, 2024 - Delta College Scholarship Portal Closes
Feb. 2, 2024 - RSVP for CHS FAFSA Night CLOSES
Feb. 6, 2024 - FAFSA Night @ Coleman Jr./Sr. High School 5-7pm MUST RSVP // Dinner provided
Feb. 7, 2024 - Midland Area Community Foundation Scholarship Portal CLOSES
Feb. 7, 2024 - FAFSA Night @ Bullock Creek High School 5-7pm
Feb. 12, 2024 - Local Scholarship Application is available (Due 3/15)
Feb. 13, 2024 - FAFSA Night @ Northwood University--Griswold 213 5-7PM
Feb. 15, 2024 - Financial Aid 101 webinar 6:30-7:30PM
Feb. 21, 2024 - FAFSA Night @ Bullock Creek High School 5-7pm
Feb. 28, 2024 - Rep Visit from Douglas J. Aveda Institute
FAFSA Updates
As you all may know, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opened on December 31st. We are still amidst the "soft launch" period, however the application has been made available 24/7.
I also wanted to remind families: there has been a VERY recent change in Federal Student Aid guidelines in regards to the Free/Reduced Lunch checkbox on the FAFSA. Parents will be prompted with the question, “at any time during 2022 or 2023, did the student or anyone in their family receive benefits from any of the following federal programs” at which point they can check off a long list of federal assistance programs, including Free or Reduced-Price School Lunch. While it is recognized that EVERY student in public schools in Michigan RECEIVES free lunch, not every student actually QUALIFIES for free lunch. The NEW GUIDELINES FROM FEDERAL STUDENT AID say that families should only indicate that they receive F/R Lunch ONLY if the family meets the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) income eligibility guidelines.
We have been advised to tell families that if you have already checked the box for receive F/R Lunch, yet you don’t meet the USDA Income eligibility guidelines, to NOT SWITCH/CHANGE your answers. Just hang tight for now.
Please see THIS or THIS article for more information.
Additionally, announced VERY recently, FAFSAs will not be processed and sent to postsecondary institutions until mid-March. Therefore, you can expect your financial aid packages around April.
Hehttps://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/electronic-announcements/2024-01-30/2024-25-fafsa-student-aid-index-update-and-timelinere is the article that was released.
Below are all FAFSA resources for you to utilize:
GoingMerry FAFSA File Assistance (user friendly with live assistance for the FAFSA)
How to Create a FSA ID (video)
General Updates
Just a few general updates for families.
- If you ARE attending the FAFSA Night, some helpful items to bring would be: your FSA ID, your SSN, total current amount in checking and savings accounts, Net worth (value minus debt) of current stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 529 plans, etc., net worth of investment/rental property/rented portion of your home, net worth of parent-owned business(es) and/or family farm, amount of child support received in the past year for all children, and federal benefits (SNAP, WIC, TANF, etc.) received in 2022/2023.
- I have updated my running list of college/university Spring Open Houses, and different tour options. If you have time, please sit down with your student and explore their campus with them virtually, or please reach out if you'd like assistance scheduling an in-person campus visit. We may be able to assist with transportation costs.
- If you are unable to attend the FAFSA Night, I will be more than happy to schedule meetings with parents to help out with completing their section.
- The Coleman High School Local Scholarship Application will be rolling out this month. Please make sure to talk with your students about this, and encourage them to apply.
- While filling out the Midland Area Community Foundation Scholarship, if you do NOT have an estimated SAI, please put 0, and type up a short document, explaining your situation. **Only if you want to be considered for need-based scholarships.**
- I have also had the Counselor page on the Colemanschools website updated. Please use that as a resource as well!
Staying Connected
I have created a multitude of different ways for parents to stay connect with me, and the career/college happenings. Please utilize any of the following:
Remind.com: code @3habdc4
Google Classroom invite code: iurpfbl
As always you can email me at szink@colemanschools.net or call my office phone at 989-465-6171