Sunset Express
March 19, 2021
Sunset Lake Elementary, PreK-5th Grade Building
Principal Amie McCaw
At Sunset Lake, We are Lifelong Learners and Lifelong Leaders.
Email: amccaw@vicksburgschools.org
Website: Vicksburgcommunityschools.org
Location: 201 N Boulevard St, Vicksburg, MI, United States
Phone: (269)321-1500
Twitter: @TLIMPrincipal
Principal's Message
Hello Sunset Lake Families,
It feels like March Madness to me thinking that we are already at the end of our third marking period! We are in our assessment window and students and teachers are working hard to complete their end-of-unit assessments and complete our STAR Reading and STAR Math assessments.
Next week students report for four days and there are no students on Friday, March 26th, while teachers report for their Records Day. Spring Break is March 29th-April 2nd. School will resume on Monday, April 5th.
* I will not be sending out a SMORE next week. Our next Sunset Lake newsletter will be sent out on April 9th.
Please note that we are working on our summer intervention services for our students. Our first priority is in-person instruction since we really believe this is the most beneficial learning environment for our students. However, we may be able to offer some other options for families who are not able to work out an in-person instruction model.
Recently, Mr. O'Neill sent out a notice about the uptick in our COVID exposures at VCS. Although we have had a few cases with our students at Sunset Lake, I am happy to share that our number of exposures for other students has been limited. This is due to your commitment to keeping your children home if they have any symptoms or have potential exposure. It has really helped us keep our exposures reduced. THANK YOU!!
We continue to ask if there is anyone in the household who is being tested for COVID-19 to keep your child home until the test results come back. Also, please be sure to go through the student screener questions (see below) each day before you send your child(ren) to school.
As always we continue to encourage all of our families to try and keep safety precautions in mind. Every measure counts and together we can try and minimize the negative impact COVID-19 could have on your child's education.
Please visit this link at State of Michigan Covid for up-to-date information.
Together we can work to minimize exposure for our students and staff. Thank you!
Thank you Sunset Lake Families!
Yours in Learning,
Amie McCaw
Sunset Lake Elementary Principal
Virtual Learning Updates
During this time of year, our students are needing to complete end-of-quarter assessments. Here is an article about things to know when taking assessments at home:
KVIC last day of school is June 4th. This is different than VCS Virtual and our In-person students. Please help your child be sure to get all of their assignments in on time. If you have any questions regarding their progress please contact Tamara Young at 321-1562 or email Chris VanderMei, your child's teacher. Thank You!
VCS Virtual:
If you are unsure if your child has materials to pick up please check with your child(ren)'s teacher. Please just come to our front door to buzz the front office. We will bring your child's material out to you. The best time for pick-up is typically 9-3 pm to help avoid the busy times of drop-off and pick-up times.
March 26 - No school, Records Day
March 29-April 2 - Spring Break
April 5 - School Resumes
VCS is excited to be partnering with the Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Department and South County Community Services by offering a vaccination clinic that will be held in the VHS gym over spring break on Tuesday, March 30.
The clinic is available to residents based on the following eligibility:
1. Resident of South County: Townships of Vicksburg, Pavilion, Climax, Wakeshma, Brady, Schoolcraft or Prairie Ronde
2. Age 50+
Please see attached for registration details, etc.
If you have family or friends 50+ that live in one of the townships listed above, feel free to pass this information along.
Enjoy your day,
Keevin O'Neill
Vicksburg Community Schools
Message from Mrs. Kling...
I want to let everyone know that registration for Bulldog Beginnings 2021-2022 school year is now open for children who are 4 years old by September 1 and is completely free for families that meet the qualifications. Applications can be found in the Sunset Lake office and if you have questions please feel free to contact me or Alyssa Thomson at Community Education 321-1020. Thanks for all your help in spreading the word.
Jennifer Kling
VCS 5th Grade Virtual Newsletter
Read Aloud from our Magician Cameron Zvara
Reading Month with Michigan's Secretary of State
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
For pick-up please be sure to drive around the baseball fields and use Wellhouse to the Sunset Private drive to enter our parking lot. Please stay in your car to keep our traffic flowing. If you need more time for buckling we have found it beneficial to pull forward slowly or park your car to take care of buckling your child.
*IMPORTANT: Our bus ramp should be clear of all cars during our start and end of the day. Please do not pull into our bus ramp area to drop off your child in the morning.
Below you will find our Sunset Lake Drop-off and Pick-up plan in more detail.
International Travel Protocols for VCS
VCS Families and Staff:
Spring Break is just around the corner! Please be aware that based on current CDC guidelines, and after consultation with the Kalamazoo County Health Department, VCS has revised procedures concerning international travel.
The CDC requires all air passengers arriving to the US from a foreign country to get tested no more than 3 days before their flight departs and to provide proof of the negative result to the airline before boarding the flight. Air passengers who have had a positive viral test for COVID-19 in the past 3 months, and have met the criteria to end isolation, may travel instead with documentation of their positive viral test results and a letter from their healthcare provider or a public health official that states they have been cleared for travel.
Due to the change in CDC requirements and in consultation with the Kalamazoo County Health Department, Vicksburg Community Schools requires all students/staff traveling to the US from a foreign country to quarantine for 7 days before returning to school (previously the District required a 10 day quarantine). Staff and students must also provide documentation of negative test results obtained before departure from the international location.