What's Going On In The Silver Wolf World
October 17 - 21, 2022
Way to go Volleyball!! After an AMAZING season, our girls volleyball team fought hard making it to the district finals. They did awesome, but ended up in 2nd place. Way to go girls!!!
In the next couple of weeks we will have some different activities for students and staff to get involved in the Halloween Spirit. It will be a bit mysterious, intriguing, but most of all fun!
We will also have a new challenge coming up for 2nd term. What could it be? Students have been working, planning, and strategizing as to what we will unveil. We can't wait to see!
If your student needs additional help in classes, teachers will be available to provide content instruction and answer questions after school during Legacy Learning. Teachers from all four core content areas (English, Science, Math, History) will be available to assist students in the school library each Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 PM.
Have your students verify with their elective teachers when the teacher will be available after school.
If your student is not able to attend Legacy Learning, please have them reach out to their teachers, counselors, or to administration.
PTSA Corner
- The last Wednesday of every month will be the PTA Perks. Students who are PTSA members will be able to stop by the PTA table in the Lunchroom and get a treat! You can still sign up for the PTA. You can do this through myDSD, optional fees.
- Layton High PTSA is hosting a Battle of the Bands & open MIKE competition for this school year, and it is open to 9th graders. Anyone who loves music/singing/performing is encouraged to enter. Winners move onto regionals and then state. The main event will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:00 PM in the LHS Auditorium. For more information, click here.
We challenge all in our community to get out and vote. On this upcoming ballot is the 2022 Davis School District Bond. Please get informed regarding the bond and then participate in the voting process. You can find more information here or on our District Webpage.
A couple of things with first term grades:
- Classes housed in Canvas (typically elective courses) will have their regular grading scheme: A through F. Teachers will not issue I's unless they are working individually with a student and have a specific plan in place. Please note: the "I" is an exception, not the expectation.
- Classes in Summit (typically core [English, math, science, social studies] classes) will have a different grading scheme: A through OT. OT means Off Track. This means students have not submitted sufficient evidence or all of the required evidence to receive a grade.
- Students will be accountable for their OT status. Meaning, they will have to complete the learning experience to demonstrate evidence of learning.
- If a student earns an OT and are involved Athletics, or SBO's they must correct that within 5 school days to maintain eligibility for that extracurricular activity.
- Any cognitive skills that have not been assessed and is past due, will be issued a "0" for that cognitive skill. This DOES NOT mean that a student can't make it up, it simply means it is the evidence that we have until a student submits the final product. Students will still be able to, and has to, complete that learning experience to receive a grade.
Students are encouraged to participate in the Core Honor's Designation Programs at Legacy. These are embedded into their regular curriculum. If they are interested, please have them talk with their core content teachers.
You can find more information about our Honor's Designation options on our webpage, under Parents and Students.
We want to make things as easy as possible for parents to see what is going to be coming due for their students; therefore, we have created our What's Up Documents for each grade level.
This document will give you a main idea of when each Checkpoint, Project, and PFA. Remember, if it says the blue line passes on..... that means it is due that day.
Parents are always encouraged to log into Summitlearning.org to identify the specifics of their student's grades.
Here's the What's Up Documents for each grade level. These will also be found on our webpage under Parent Resources.
Did you know Legacy Jr High received over $140,000.00 in Lands Trust Funding from the State? The school uses Lands Trust money to meet our Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSS Plan or TSSP). The money must be allocated by the Legacy Jr High Community Council. To find out more information regarding how the money is being used, our current TSS Plan, please visit our Community Council Webpage.
A couple of issues we have seen in the past and will not be allowed:
- Students should be fully clothes and wear shoes at all times.
- Shirts need to cover the student's entire torso. Shirts and tops must have cap sleeves.
- Underwear such as boxers, briefs, and bra straps should not be visible at any time.
- Accessories such as chains, belt buckles, spikes etc. are not allowed.
- Costumes, including excessive makeup, are not allowed.
- Length of shorts, skirts, dresses etc. must be mid-thigh. This includes holes in jeans no higher than mid-thigh.
Students out of dress code will not be removed from the classroom or will not be forced to change their clothes. They will receive discipline points and will be asked to not wear that same clothing that violated the policy. Parents will receive an email restating the policy and informing them of the issue of discipline points.
One of the most important things we can help students learn is a growth mindset. At Legacy we teach our students that we are always "green and growing NOT ripe and rotting." We learn, grow, and make improvements. As we end first term, sometimes this is a bit of a shock for students. Many times students come to the Jr High setting and struggle with the adjustment. Please know, we help students understand they can continually improve, in fact we celebrate it and welcome it!
As parents and guardians, if your student is trying their best, by submitting their completed assignments, submitting their projects after having reviewed feedback, and putting forth their best effort, help them realize they will continue to get better.
We will have a lot of opportunities for parents to come in and learn the basics of the Summit Platform. We will share those dates / opportunities with you in the next week or two. We highly suggest taking advantage of one of the in-person or digital options. If that is not possible, we have a lot of support videos and information on our webpage. Please take a moment to go to our webpage, Summit Learning Program to find various resources.
Here's a direct link to some videos with some answers to some frequently asked questions.
We will have Summit Parent Nights on the following Dates and Times. To plan for numbers, please sign up for a date / time.
- Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - Virtual Session @ 5:30 PM. Follow this link to join the session.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the LJH Administration. Each administrator oversees different areas. We ask that you expediate the process by contacting the administrator over the specific topic / area.
TJ Strain - Principal (Budgeting (TSSP, TSSA, ESSR II, ESSR III), faculty / teacher concerns, office personnel, Community Council.
Terri Hall - Assistant Principal - LEA (Special Education), curriculum, scheduling, student activities, student recognition, new student experience.
Holly Hoyt - Assistant Principal - 504 plans, case management / interventions, district case management representative, attendance, standards committee, home and hospital, boundary variances.