Tiger News September 1, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year!

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
Administrative Announcements
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year at CMITNES!
Please see important information below.
Drop off procedures-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IbVYT-ishYD0xKnakHluourcMXQJGpJj/view?usp=sharing
Parent Handbook-
We are excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year!
Principal Tiger Den Updates
Front Office
Please note, we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann (sally.warf@pgcps.org), Dr. Fryson (tfryson@cmitelementary.org) and Mrs. Virgil (evirgil@cmitelementary.org). Please click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form: https://forms.gle/zoLQx9kZThEH8Gge6 to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes. ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until after the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences. For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Mrs. Virgil, Principal's Secretary
Nurse Updates
Immunizations must be up to date and received by the school nurse to prevent exclusion from school.
Medication Forms attached. Please hand carry newly prescribed medicines in pharmacy packaging, any adult may deliver to the nurse (appointments must be made)
Immunization Information!
Please review flyer!
Important PTO information!
Hi Tiger family! We are so excited to be your PTO Executive Board for the School Year! We can be reached via email at cmitespto@gmail.com
Save the Date!
We will have another Used Uniform Sale during Back to School Night on September 12th. We are in need of FINGER PRINTED/APPROVED volunteers. Please click the link to signup to volunteer https://forms.gle/rk1zepqFTi46iunE9. You can also contact the PTO if you have any donations (in need of size medium and smaller shirts).
We will be having our 1st PTO meeting of the school year on Wednesday September 27th at 6pm. The meeting will be in person and via Zoom, pizza will be served!
Stay in touch:
PTO Website Link: www.cmitelementarypto.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CMITElementaryParentTeacherOrganization?fref=ts
when you like the page, be sure to hover over "liked" - you'll get a drop down box - click "get notifications" otherwise, we will not show up on your feed.
Text Updates via Reminder.com: Text @cmitespto to 81010
PTO Executive board
President - Adrienne Settles
Vice President - Angel Brown
Treasurer - Natasha Persaud
Corresponding Secretary - April Broadnax
Recording Secretary - Dominique Barnes
Teacher Representative - Celisa Glasper
Admin Representative - Michelle Crosby
Kind Kindergarten News!
Hello Kindergarten Families:
We made it through our first week of school successfully. Our scholars will continue to practice our routines/procedures and review our classroom/school wide expectations. Our kindergartners are learning to walk down the hall on the yellow line to get to their classrooms and put away their belongings in the morning. We will begin our KRA Assessments within the next couple of weeks, please make sure your scholar is well rested and eats a balanced breakfast daily.
As mentioned last week; we know that communication is one of the key elements in starting on this educational journey for everyone. Please make sure that you are connected to your scholar's ClassDojo and have access to your child's teacher email information. These are the best forms of communication between ourselves and your families. Please make sure that you are reading any messages via ClassDojo, class story, or emails pertaining to your scholar’s class. We have implemented a communication folder that should go to and from school with your scholar on a daily basis, please remember to place it in your scholar's backpack.
Your scholar should have a full set of extra change of clothes that are labeled with their full name (uniform) that can be kept in their cubbies. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL…. PLease label all of your scholar’s items with their first name and last name on it.
Specials have begun; please be mindful of dropping your scholars off on time. There are two kindergarten classes that have specials that begin at 8:00 am, and the other two kindergarten classes have specials at the end of the day. It is important that your scholar attends school daily and on time, unless they are not feeling well.
We have incorporated a snack time within our schedule, due to our lunch beginning at 10:00 am. We have several students that have nut allergies in several kindergarten classes, so we ask that you pack a nut free snack for your scholar daily to eat in the classroom.
All kindergarten backpacks have been tagged with their form of dismissal in the afternoon Please make sure that these name tags are kept on their backpack. If your scholar’s form of transportation changes for dismissal, please complete the necessary forms and upload into the document, as well as notifying your scholar’s teacher in a timely manner.
We are in the process of planning a fall field-trip, and we are looking forward to families volunteering as chaperones. If you are interested, please click on the link below and follow the procedures.
Did You Sign the Publicity Release Form?
If you have not done so already, please fill out the photo release that can be found in the school newsletter that was sent out by Ms. Virgil. We like to share photos on our ClassDojo of scholars during lessons, small groups, recess, and on any field trips or special programs in school.
ELA: We will Introduce singular nouns, have guided drawings and labeling, Identifying, and writing the letter “M m” and the letter “Tt” initial sounds.. We will introduce the sight words I, am, the, like, to, a.
Social Studies: We will discuss what cooperation looks like. How do people best cooperate? We will Introduce the vocabulary words: school, learn, choice, and we will create our class rules.
Math: We will learn how to count groups of 1, 2, and 3. We will recognize 1, 2, and 3 objects, and learn to read, make, and write the numbers 1-3. We will also introduce sequence counting up to the number 5, and we will identify the number symbols.
Science: we will discuss the different ways objects move. We will ask the question: Who knows what it means to push or pull an object?
Health: We will discuss handwashing. When should we wash our hands? What is the proper way to wash our hands? and Why is it important to wash our hands? We may use shaving cream as an experiment.
Teacher emails:
jmajor@cmitelementary.org athornton@cmitelementary.org
mshulman@cmitelementary.org tlewis@cmitelementary.org
If you have any questions, please feel free to send a message to your scholars’ teacher.
First Grade
Fascinating First Grade News!
This week, our scholars were becoming accumulated with all things first grade! We practiced routines, procedures, and expectations during this first week.
Next week, we will continue introducing our curriculum; please see our learning objectives below:
RELA: 1st person narratives, verbs
Phonics: short and long vowel sound review
Math: addition and subtraction word problems
Social Studies: Good Citizens
Science: Light and Sounds
If you would like, please sign the publicity release form. This allows teachers to post pictures of the students, and their day on ClassDojo. :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNIOgwb3ui3guw9xCJOL3Ol7U_fOupo0iKGmZl-z7XE7FQNg/viewform
First grade will also be going on field trips this year. If you would like to be a chaperone please be sure to fill out the parent chaperone forms ASAP.
Thank you!
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Supreme Second Grade News!
What an awesome first week it has been in our second-grade classrooms! During this past week, our focus was on building connections. Scholars had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their teachers, their peers, and the classroom expectations that will guide them throughout the school year.
Next week, we will begin Unit 1 in reading, titled, "You Are Here." Our genre focus will be realistic fiction. In class, we will be reading "How Many Stars in the Sky." The big question for the unit is "How do different places affect us?" The weekly question is, "What can we understand about a place when we look at it closely?
The spelling pattern will be long and short vowels. In Math, we will begin working on Topic 1 which covers fluently adding within 20. In Science, we will explore the properties of matter. In Social Studies, we will begin with our Chapter Opener: Families Today and in the Past.
Please label your scholar’s belongings, especially water bottles and clothing items.
School Closed- September 4th in observance of Labor Day.
Back to School Night- September 12 (6pm-8pm)
If you have any questions, please contact your scholar's teacher via ClassDojo. Have a fantastic weekend and we will see everyone on Tuesday!
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Welcome to Third Grade!
The first week of school is finished! We truly enjoyed getting to know your scholars. They
have worked very hard learning the procedures and routines of the classroom and school.
Math: Your child is learning how to multiply. Help them think of multiplication as joining equal groups. For example, 5 × 2 is 5 groups of 2. So, 5 × 2 = 10.Your child is also learning how to divide. Help them think of division as sharing equally. For example, 42 divided by 7 can be thought of as 42 crayons and 7 boxes. Each box has an equal number of crayons. There are 6 crayons in each box.
Science: Scholars will be introduced to our first unit of motion and forces. This physics-focused unit will have students predicting and describing the movement of objects.
In Reading, they will be exploring the theme of traditional tales. In Writing, they will learn how to identify and analyze personal narratives.
In Social Studies, students will be learning about how to interact with land and water in chapter one. ClassDojo is our main form of communication.
Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s ClassDojo. Please check ClassDojo for any updates and new information to be shared. We are extremely excited to have your scholar as part of our team. Have a great week!
Upcoming Dates:
No School Monday- September 4th (Labor Day)
Back to School Night- September 12 (6-8 PM)
Third Grade Team
Fourth Grade
Fantastic Fourth Grade News
We took the time this week to get to know our scholars and our scholars had the opportunity to get to know us. We had a jam packed week getting acquainted with each other while setting the groundwork for a successful year. We are looking forward to the amazing work that scholars will be producing throughout the year.
Next week in Reading, students will be taking their Progress Check for Unit 1 Week 1. We will also begin Week 2 analyzing details and generating questions in a biography. In Social Studies, we will be learning about the 5 regions of the United States and how each region’s landform is unique. In Math, students will be studying place value relationships including comparing and rounding whole numbers. In Science, students will learn about energy speed and moving objects.
The one thing that we would like for you to remember is that we are all better when we work together. As a team, we can accomplish anything. With your continuous support, we know that we will have an awesome year!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Grade News!
5th Grade Team: Ms. Tellis, Ms. T. McCants, Ms. D. McCants, Mrs. Linton-Philp
Tigers! Tigers! We are moving right along this week! What an adventure! Thank you for being a part of the 5th grade class as we move in excellence! Make sure you are connected to DOJO and that you have received your email addresses as well as passwords for the school year. If you are not connected to DOJO and need support, please contact us immediately.
Remember, Tigers wear school uniforms daily and they only wear sneakers during P.E. Shoes that are all black or brown should be worn any other day. Please be in uniform. If you need support, inform your teacher and they will be happy to help.
Subject Agenda
Math & Science:
In Math this week, students will focus on deepening their understanding of both whole numbers and decimals. Students will explore the structure of our base-ten numeration system by recognizing the relationships among the place values.
In Science this week, students will learn that there are different states of matter, and matter has different properties in each
Our reading focus is to understand the concept of the Main Idea and to analyze details that support the main idea. The ability to use evidence in supporting the main idea through explanation helps with comprehension and confirming facts. Students will work in teams and use a Daily Reading Focus to help support reading literacy.
Students will develop a personal narrative by using the writing steps and writing elements.
Social Studies:
The adventure begins with learning the indigenous people and native Americans in the New World. Students will learn about the various types of tribes and how they operated in our land as a people.
Way to go scholars! Continue to move full S.T.E.A.M. ahead in excellence! All aboard!
5th Grade Team
Creative Arts
Superior Specials News!
We had a great first week here in Specials! We have been practicing rules, procedures, and expectations for our classrooms.We are very excited to have you all join us this year in specials. Your dedicated team of specials teachers are eager to engage scholars in some STEAMazing activities. We look forward to working with you to help our scholars gain a plethora of new knowledge while having fun hands-on learning opportunities.
Scholars are reviewing classroom norms and establishing their work environment. Art class projects have includeD Identifying their "Safe or Brave Spaces." We will be creating our classroom sketchbooks and designing the covers. This is a place or space of their creation where they feel confident, creative, and peaceful. This can be a fantasy or an actual place.
Mr. Dorsey
K-1: In technology scholars will be working on practicing mouse skills.
2-5: In Technology scholars will be working on practicing Home Row keys.
Mrs. Avsar
Welcome back to PE! We’re very excited to be back in the building. This week in PE, students are playing a game involving different color hoola hoops and using various motor skills in each hoop to practice movement, direction following, and build sportsmanship.
Mr. Livas
Welcome back to STEM it was a great first week of school. Students had fun building with legos.
STEM Engineering
Welcome to STEM 2. We had an amazing first week. We learned classroom expectations. We are going to have a great year learning the Scientific Method and Engineering and Design Process.
Ms. Carter
Students had a great first week in music. We learned our classroom expectations. We will review foundational music skills next week.
Ms. Battle
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.