Pretzel Principal Post
Weekly Newsletter for NBE (Volume. 1, Issue 1)
Principals' Message
Monday mornings we receive an automated email message from SeeSaw letting us know what has been going on in the past week. This week it told us that there were 3085 new items posted to SeeSaw in the last week for our Pre-K - 1st Grade students. That means 3085 connections to students and 3085 opportunities to learn. As we look at the other platforms we are using we see similar connections. We have been with teachers as they teach their lessons and sat in on their classes. It was a joy to see our students faces and to say hello to our Pretzel Family!
We will not deny that there have been difficulties that we have had to navigate starting with issues with Zoom servers and some equipment issues. The majority of those issues have been settled and we look for ways to improve our remote learning every day. Many teachers have reported 100% participation in their online sessions and with class assignments. This is amazing!! Our students, families, and teachers should be very proud!
Next week, we will meet with our Remote Learning Planning Team to review our current status and the feasibility to return to in-person learning. While we all agree that a return to full in-person learning is the overall goal, we want to do so when we have the ability and resources available to do so safely. We miss our students in our hallways!
We also realize that this has not been an easy time for some of our students and families. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's teachers with any concerns or questions you may have. We are all in this together and want to help!
As labor day passes, the crops begin to be harvested, and we begin to feel the crisp air of fall we hope you find time to enjoy all that autumn has to offer us. We wish you all peace and continued grace during these times.
In this together,
Brian R. Bishop, Principal
Shelley Haas, Assistant Principal
First Day of School Pictures
Bus Safety
For an important safety video, click the link below.
Benchmark Testing Begins Next Week
We will be utilizing MAP Growth for these assessments. MAP Growth helps teachers understand what students know today, so goals can be set to improve growth throughout the year. Students cannot pass or fail this test.
This test will not affect grades. In fact, it's normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly. Please do not help them!
Given the challenges of learning from home, MAP growth test results are especially helpful for us this year. These results will help us know what students are ready to learn.
Specific information on specific test times will be sent out from your student's teacher. We will also provide additional information on any preparations that need to be made prior to the start of the test.
Again, these tests are for information, not for a grade. It is important that students complete their own test without assistance.
Thank you in advance for our cooperation.
MAP Growth helps teachers understand what students know today, so goals can be set to improve growth throughout the year. Students cannot pass or fail this test.
For a look at student resources for the MAP Growth test click the link below:
Contact Us
Email: bbishop@pretzelpride.com
Website: http://newberlinil.apptegy.us/o/new-berlin-elementary
Location: 600 Cedar Street, New Berlin, IL, USA
Phone: (217) 488-6054
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newberlinpretzels
Twitter: @MrBishopNBE
The Pretzel Pride PTO Needs Your Help
What it the Pretzel Pride PTO? It is an organization whose mission is to support the education of our New Berlin Elementary students and to support our teachers. The PTO provides teacher and building grants for special projects and supplies to support our student's education.
This is a critical time to support our students and teachers and the PERFECT time for you to take an active role in this amazing organization. Over the next month the PTO will be looking for candidates for President, Treasurer and Secretary with elections happening at the October 14th meeting.
If you are interested in running for office or just want to find out how you can help out you can email for more information at pretzelpridepto@yahoo.com and like Pretzel Pride PTO on Facebook and follow on Twitter @PretzelPridePTO for meeting updates and more information.
The Pretzel Pride PTO needs your help. Please consider attending our next meeting on October 14th at 6:00 pm via ZOOM. The link to the meeting will be posted on the facebook page and in the first October newsletter.
We hope to see you there!