Kingsmen Nation
Please Complete Short Google Form
Click here to fill out the necessary back to school forms.
Information on new state law
Starting July 1, HB 1608 requires schools to notify in writing at least one parent of a student, if the student is an unemancipated minor, of a request made by the student to change a student's name or pronoun, title, or word to identify the student. In accordance with this legislation, Penn High School will be informing parents of student requests to be called by a different name or use a different pronoun. This includes the use of middle names and nicknames. As these requests come in, counselors will communicate with parents/guardians to meet this requirement.
Information on Advisory
We are excited to bring back a new and improved Advisory to students' school day. What does this Advisory block of time look like? During the first Gold 3 Block of the week students will have different activities based on a four week rotation. Here is a breakdown of those rotations and what it will look like.
Week 1: Virtual Class Meetings. We started doing these class meetings last school year and found it was a great way to check in with students monthly and remind them of expectations and important upcoming news. The information will vary month to month.
Week 2: Naviance college/career lessons. Naviance is a college and career program that students will use to explore postsecondary interests, better understand their passions and skills, and also take steps to prepare for life after high school. Monthly lessons will be distributed by the Counseling Center in a coordinated effort to increase the college and career readiness of Penn High School students.
Week 3: Class competition/community building activities. With our theme this year of music #FindYourRhythm, students will have fun class competitions and community building activities.
Week 4: Grade check/Goal Setting. During this week students will check skyward and look at their current standings in all of their classes. Students will be provided with a document to track their progress and teachers will help monitor and come up with an action plan for any missing assignments, make up work etc. This week will also be used for academic goal setting.
Also part of this Advisory will be an attendance component that will occur the first Black 3 Period of each week. Similar to Grade checks students will be provided with a document to monitor their current attendance in skyward from week to week. Students will be regularly monitoring their attendance and setting up action plans with teacher support if needed.
We are excited to start the Advisory process and look forward to all the positives that it can help provide our students.
Homecoming Dance set for Saturday, Sept. 30
Join us on from 7:30-11 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 30, for our Sunset Dreams themed Homecoming Dance ever! Tickets will go on sale on Sunday, Aug. 27, for $25 per ticket. Everything will be online. The dance will be at Everwise Freed Field, and there will be yard games and food trucks. (The food trucks are not paid for by your ticket).
This dance is semi-formal. Dress to impress!
We hope to see you there!
Powder Puff practices start on Monday, Aug. 28
Powder Puff practices start on Monday, August 28, (6:30-8 p.m. on the practice football field).
Powder Puff Game Night is set for Wednesday, Sept. 27, 7 p.m.
Students must attend seven of the eight practices to participate in the game.
Participants must register in Aktivate (registermyathlete.com).
No physical is needed but you must pay the insurance fee.
You must sign up using the QR Code link below:
Attendance located at Door C
Attendance is located at Door C.
- Students who get an early dismissal will now be checking out and leaving through Door C.
- Parents who plan to pick up their students early can do so at Door C until 2:40 p.m.
Attendance can be reported through Skyward/Family Access
Parents/Guardians now have the ability to submit attendance reasons - for full-day absences, early dismissals or late arrivals - for approval by the school - through Skyward/Family Access, instead of calling Penn High School.
Click here for more information on Attendance procedures.
Requests can be entered on the day of the absence (i.e. a student is ill) or scheduled in advance (i.e. - a student has a doctor appointment).
Click here for instructions on how to submit attendance reasons through Skyward/Family Access.
In addition, guardians of Penn students who attend the Elkhart Area Career Center are responsible to report their student’s attendance issues.
Contact Trisha Malone, attendance secretary, 574-262-5650 or tmalone@elkhart.k12.in.us.
In addition, EACC offers a new email address: Email: Attendance@elkhart.k12.in.us
Textbook Fees Eliminated and Instructional Material Information
We are hoping you have heard, but we have great news to share regarding student book fees! The Indiana General Assembly passed a bill (HEA 1001-2023) that eliminated textbook and curriculum costs at public schools, which includes school supplies like pencils, paper, and notebooks. Parents will no longer be asked to pay school fees for curricular materials. For more information on the specific details, click here.
We wanted to share that legislation was passed (HB 1447) that all schools prepare a catalog of materials found in the school library Alexandria and a response and appeal procedure for materials parents find questionable.
We have that process in place already and it is posted on all school websites Instructional Material Feedback. In addition, secondary teachers will provide their syllabus to you with listed materials and classroom teachers have been asked to create a master list of titles in their classroom libraries. More information will be provided by your teacher in classroom newsletters. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher or myself.
On the Secondary websites, Alexandria is in different places in the menu. See the screenshots below.
Get Kingsmen Spirit Gear at the Bookstore
The Penn Bookstore has Kingsmen Spirit apparel on sale now.
- Polo shirts - $15
- Gym shorts - size large - $5
- Yellow 2022-23 t-shirts - $5
Freshmen Mentoring Block Bonding Aug. 22, 23 & 25
Freshman Mentor Block Bonding will meet at Door D during your Study Hall (see Canvas announcements):
Tuesday, Aug. 22 (Gold Day)
1G-9:10 a.m.
2G-10:05 a.m.
3G-11:30 a.m.
4G-1:55 p.m.
Wed. Aug. 23 (Black Day)
1B- 9:10 a.m
2B -10:05 a.m.
Friday, Aug. 25 (Black Day)
3B - 11:30 a.m.
4B- 1:55 p.m.
P-H-M Health and Safety Overview
Click here for the P-H-M Health and Safety Overview.
Mandatory Softball meeting set for Monday, Aug. 28
Penn Softball: Any girl planning to try out in the Spring for the Penn Softball team should attend a mandatory meeting Monday, Aug. 28, from 3:30-4 p.m. in Room 120 (Coach Griman's classroom). Penn Softball Fall Open Field workouts begin Wednesday, Aug. 30, from 4-6 pm.
Mandatory Girls Basketball meeting set for Tuesday, Aug. 29
Any girl planning to try out for the Penn Girls Basketball Team should attend a mandatory meeting, 3:30-4:15 p.m., in Room 168.
Fall Sports Athletes who plan to try out for the Girls Basketball Team need to see Coach K or email for info - kulrich@phm.k12.in.us
Fall Open Gym workouts begin after Labor Day. The schedule will be given at the meeting.
All participants in Fall workouts must have Register My Athlete (Aktivate) updated for the 2023-2024 school year. Physicals are due to be uploaded in registermyathlete.com by Oct. 2. Please complete ASAP.
Bowling Team call-out
Anyone interested in joining the Penn Bowling Team ( Boys and Girls) will need to attend the student/parent meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 29, at 6:30 p.m. at OC Lanes in Osceola. If you have any questions, please contact mbrazeau@phm.k12.in.us
School pictures information
Picture Days for Penn students will be Wednesday through Friday, Aug. 16-18, and Monday, Aug. 21, during study hall blocks (or dismissal blocks).
Senior Pictures will also be taken during this time.
See the above graphic or click here for ordering details.
The codes 79162J and 79162JT will both work for ordering photos.
Chromebook insurance available
If you wish to purchase Chromebook insurance, please make a $25 payment at the Penn High School bookstore or online at phm.revtrak.net (click “Chromebooks” then “Penn High School” ). Online payments are only accepted until 9/15/23. If you purchase insurance after 9/15/23, your Chromebook must pass an inspection by the Technology Department and the fee can be paid in the bookstore.
Click here for additional information on Chromebook insurance.
Student assistants needed in Counseling
JUNIORS & SENIORS: The Counseling Center & Student Services office is looking for student assistants to help out in our office. Responsibilities include running passes, greeting student and parent visitors, occasional administrative tasks, assisting the deans and counselors, and more. If this sounds interesting, come and talk to Mrs. Callender to see if this might be a good fit for you!
Student assistants needed in Attendance
Student assistants (Juniors and Seniors) are needed in Attendance. See Mrs. Rallo in the Attendance Office at Door C, or e-mail her at krallo@phm.k12.in.us if you are interesting in doing this in place of your study hall.
Attendance student assistants deliver passes to classes and have the opportunity to develop customer service skills and experience a professional work environment. This is in place of your study hall, but will be treated as such, so if you need to work with another teacher, you would be allowed a pass to that class.
DVT/Planetarium seeks interns
Interns wanted for the 2023-2024 school year at the PHM DVT/Planetarium!
Would you enjoy working with the public during our evening shows? Would you enjoy working on our Air & Space Museum displays? Would you enjoy promoting the DVT/Planetarium on social media or any other type of advertising? Have you ever wondered how the shows are created at the DVT/Planetarium? Do you have any creative ideas for shows? Do you enjoy learning new things? Would you like to have a unique work experience to make you stand out on your college applications?
Look no further and join the PHM DVT/Planetarium team!
Just like it takes people with various talents and skills to produce a TV or theater show, it takes a variety of people to create a DVT/Planetarium show and to help make the DVT/Planetarium run smoothly! We need students with skills in social media, visual arts, public speaking, research, script writing, artistic design, computer programing, sound/music, and more!
Interested? Contact Mrs. O’Malley at the DVT/Planetarium now!
DVT/Planetarium shows resume in September
In addition, the PHM DVT/Planetarium will be closed for the summer but will resume public shows in September 2023! Please check back with us in late August/early September for our 2023-2024 public show programs!
Tickets are usually $5 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens and seats can be reserved by visiting the DVT webpage on the PHM Schools website, or tickets can be purchased at the door with cash, check, or card 30 minutes before the show starts. The DVT is located inside Bittersweet Elementary.
Have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you soon in September!
Transportation Information for 2023-24 school year
Please click below for Transportation information
Playschool, Toddler Time enrollment open
Enrollment is open for Playschool (potty-trained children ages 3-4), Playschool 2 (potty-trained children ages 4-5), and Toddler Time (children ages 1-3 and a parent/caregiver).
Each year the Penn High School students enrolled in Childhood Development classes offer the two unique programs described below for preschoolers in our community.
We encourage you to take advantage of PLAYSCHOOL and TODDLER TIME if you have young children in your household, and to tell your friends as well!
Parents can sign their children up for more than one group. For example, if they would like to come every day, they could sign up for the G3 Orange group & B3 Blue Group, or G4 Yellow Group & B4 Blue Group. G2 Red group is filling up fast for Toddler Time.
Click the links below to register:
Community events open to P-H-M students and families
Jobs available for Penn students
Click here for information about jobs available for Penn students.
Join the Kingsmen Team as an employee
Join an institution committed to excellence. P-H-M is looking for prospective employees in a number of areas.
Click here for the jobs board.
Visit www.phmef.org for info on upcoming P-H-M Education Foundation events
The P-H-M Education Foundation has many new upcoming events. Please visit www.phmef.org for event information, to signup for our quarterly news letter or to find out how PHMEF supports excellence in education in the P-H-M school district.
PNN on YouTube
Click here for the Penn News Network (PNN) YouTube Channel. Subscribe to the PNN YouTube Channel to stay up-to-date on Penn news.
Community Fitness opportunities
Penn-Harris-Madison is happy to pilot free fitness opportunities for the P-H-M community.
Who is eligible to participate: The P-H-M Adult Community and Staff (no students). This includes residents of the school district and non-resident parents/guardians of attending students.
What: Access to walking/jogging tracks, open gym/basketball courts, and weight room
When: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at the sites listed below. Note: The Fitness Centers will be closed during designated school recess dates.
- Penn: Weekly on Saturdays and Sundays from 7-9 p.m.
- Discovery: Weekly on Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m.
- Grissom: Weekly on Fridays from 7-9 p.m.
Safe School Helpline now available as an app
The Safe School Helpline® is a confidential way to report student concerns about threats, suicide, drugs, bullying or anything that threatens the safety of our schools. It's Available 24/7. Click to watch a video on how to get in touch with Administration anonymously 24/7/365.
Four Ways to Report to the Safe School Helpline®
Call: 1-800-418-6423 ext 359
Text: TIPS to 66746
Online: SafeSchoolHelpline.com
Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the APPLE APP STORE
- The app makes it easy to anonymously report a safety or mental health concern using your mobile device to text, call, or submit an online form.
Community Resources list
Click here for a listing of non-school community resources available to Penn students and families by businesses area organizations.
Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required to view the pdfs on this page. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe’s website, at this link http://www.get.adobe.com/reader/www.get.adobe.com/reader/, to download your free version. Or you can stop by the Educational Services Center at 55900 Bittersweet Rd., Mishawaka to pick up a copy.
Student-Athletes must be picked up at Door D after practice
Parents/Guardians are asked not to pick up student-athletes at Door E due to safety concerns.
Students must register online to participate in Athletics
All-Sports Passes on sale now
All-Sports Passes are now available for purchase. Please click the link below to purchase passes as well as tickets for upcoming home sporting events. Any issues please contact Heather Nania at hnania@phm.k12.in.us.
All-Sports Passes: https://phmschools.hometownticketing.com
Penn Varsity Football: We are introducing a new pricing structure this school year for purchasing of individual tickets. All individual tickets purchased before Game Day will be $6. Tickets sold on the day of the game will be $7.
Penn High School Students - No bags are allowed into the football stadium. Student IDs must be presented at the gate.
P-H-M Students K-8 (New Policy this season) - ALL P-H-M Students Kindergarten-8th grade must be accompanied by an adult when they enter the facility, otherwise they will not be admitted into the game.
Connect with a Kingsmen Tutor
If students want to meet with a Kingsmen Tutor for academic assistance, they need to see their counselor for a pass.
Counseling Center Staff Directory
Click here for the Counseling Center Staff Directory and contact information.
Scholarship list
Click here for the current scholarship list.
PTO introduction
Penn PTO is a group of devoted parents and volunteers who work hand-in-hand with administration to support our students, staff and teachers through events that bring together community and show appreciation.
The PTO provides grants to our teachers, clubs and student groups.
We also coordinate Snowball (an event your student will not want to miss), teacher appreciation week and monthly appreciation events for teachers and staff, as well as organizing and funding special events.
We have meetings once a month and would love for you to join us and learn more. Please email pennhspto@gmail.com to be added to our meeting invite list for a virtual meeting option or check the calendar and join us in person.
PACA to meet on Friday, Aug. 25
The First Penn Association for Children with Autism meeting will be Friday, Aug. 25, in LGI-B from 7:40-8:15 a.m.
Connect with Kingsmen Court
Follow Kingsmen Court !!!
Instagram: @pennkingsmencourt
Twitter: @courtkingsmen
E-mail us with any questions @penn-kingsmen-court-grp@phm.k12.in.us
Student before-school drop-off procedures
Student after-school pick-up procedures
Important School Information
Click on the following links for IMPORTANT SCHOOL INFORMATION:
School Messenger, the alert notification service: https://www.phmschools.org/parents/schoolmessenger
Parent FAQ on Emergency Preparedness:
12th-grade Immunization Requirements:
Skyward and student progress
Dr. Sean Galiher, Principal
Email: srgaliher@phm.k12.in.us
Website: https://penn.phmschools.org/
Phone: 574-258-9503
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennHighSchool/
Twitter: @SeanGaliher