Kirk Fenton News
12th November 2021
Please look on our website for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Autumn is well and truly here now with plenty of leaves falling around school and it is dark when children leave after school clubs. Please stick to paths as you move around school so that we can help to keep you safe.
On Thursday the whole school community gathered on the playground at 11:00am for a minute of silence. The children were incredibly respectful and I was very proud of them all. They know lots about the poppies and remembrance so do ask them.
The children enjoyed a day of cricket on Friday supported by Yorkshire Cricket club. They learned lots of new skills and had lots of fun judging by the laughter and cheering.
Most classes should have had parent/ teacher meetings now although due to illness some classes have had to be rearranged. I hope you enjoyed hearing how your children are doing in school and fingers crossed, we will be able to have you back in school after Christmas to see their work and visit their classrooms.
On that note, Covid levels in school are currently very low although we do still have the occasional positive case. Please continue to take lateral flow tests at home if you can.
Just a couple of reminders this week:
- Again, please do not park in the staff car park when collecting your children from after school activities. We have over 30 children in clubs every evening and it isn't safe or possible for everyone to use the car park especially as many clubs come out in the dark now.
- Please do not allow children to climb on the play equipment after school at collection time. As we are not able to supervise at this time, we cannot be held responsible for accidents. Once you have collected your child, please leave the school site.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Bears - Edward H and Bertie M
Bees - Hugo P-H and Arthur A
Hummingbirds - Evelyn A and Freddie W
Tigers - James D and Jacob H
Sharks - Milo M and Harrison P
Earthworms - Nate C and Toby A-T
Jaguars - Olivia M and Niamh M
Wolves - Abi C and Elliot S
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Bears - Min B
Bees - Raven L
Hummingbirds - Joseph E
Tigers - Albert F
Sharks - Ava B
Earthworms - Bradley S
Jaguars - Lillie J
Wolves - Isaac E
Winning Team
Message from the Head Boy and Head Girl
Hopefully everyone enjoyed their parents' evening . This week we have noticed that we have all played very nicely together and have been friendly and lots of children have been very respectful.
We hope everyone enjoyed cricket who did it on Friday.
Florence & Harry
Times Tables Rock Stars
We've seen a big increase in the activity across TTRockstars this week. Its great to see some new faces getting certificates this week. Our winner this week are: Flynn in Sharks, Hattie in Earthworms, Olivia in Jaguars and Amelia in Wolves.
Our class of the week this week is Hummingbirds. Well done to all!
Next week we will be starting a TTRockstars lunchtime club. More information will be sent out early next week.
Before/After School Clubs - Autumn 2 starting next week
There are a limited number of spaces on all clubs. If payment is via ParentPay, payment is confirmation of a place on the club as it won’t be available to pay if the club is full.
Funky Fingers - Mondays (15th, 22nd, 29th November; 6th, 13th December) 3:05-4pm £8 for 5 weeks via ParentPay (a fun club with lots of hands-on activities suitable for EYFS children; these will also be designed to support fine motor skills)
Lego Club - Wednesdays (17th, 24th November; 1st, 8th, 15th December) 3:05-4pm £8 for 5 weeks via ParentPay
KS1 (Years 1 & 2):
Art Club - Wednesdays (17th, 24th November; 1st, 8th, 15th December) 3:10-4pm £8 for 5 weeks via ParentPay
Parents Meetings - ALL are Online (Google Meet) or by Phonecall
w/c 15th November.
Bears: with Mrs Young or Mrs Skelton online - Wed 17th 3:30-5pm; Thurs 18th 3:30-5pm
Bees: with Mrs Westfeld by phone - Wed 17th 9.20-11.20; Thurs 18th 3.20 -5pm;
Fri 19th 3:30-5pm
Earthworms: with Mrs Harrison online - re-arranged date tbc
YR-Y6 Nasal Flu Vaccinations in School - consent required
25th November
Application for Primary School Places
Deadline is 15th January 2022
NYCC Primary School Places
FAO Parents of nursery age children
(who were born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018)
If you have a child who falls into the age range above they are due to start school in September 2022 and you must apply for a primary school place for them to start in Reception.
The deadline to submit your application is 15 January 2022
You must apply for a school place even if your child has an older sibling at the school you would like them to go to or they are attending a nursery attached to the school.
This information is for families living in North Yorkshire. Families living outside North Yorkshire will need to contact their home authority to obtain their information regarding school admissions.
The information you need to apply for a primary school place is available at
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
“Early Years Playground Refresh
Friends would like to ask for any volunteers to get in contact who would like to help with a light refresh of the Early Years playground (as used by Bears and Bees). It would be great if any parents of children in those classes could join in to help. Ideally we would like to try and complete the clean up and light maintenance works during this term (ideally around the end of November) however this will depend on numbers and availability of volunteers.
Please contact Friends via Facebook or via email at for more information.
Friends also look forward to sharing plans for the rest of this academic year in coming weeks so watch this space.”
Registered charity no: 1154660
The easiest ways to raise funds for us is to register with Easy Fundraising and raise money as you shop online at no cost to you and search online with Easy Search
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
Community Information
Santa at The Motorist
‘Santa has dropped in at The Motorist for Christmas this year…but he's doing things differently and has swapped his sleigh for a MK1 Ford Transit!
Each child will have 10 minutes with Santa to chat about what’s on their Christmas list and get them (even more!) excited for the big day, before getting a present and a chance to have a photo with Santa in his magical Transit.
The event runs from 9am – 4pm across 4 different Saturdays leading up to Christmas, and we'd advise checking other dates if your first choice is not available.’
Here’s a link to our website too where tickets to meet Santa can be purchased-