Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Meeting Summary
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The Wayland Union Schools Board of Education held their March meeting at Dorr Elementary School on Monday, March 14, 2022.
There were no public comments made. The Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, Pat Velie, presented the budget-to-actual spending report. Mrs. Velie reports “we’re right where we’re supposed to be at this time of year.”
In the student board representatives report:
Eco Club recently had their most successful “Wildcat Wear Again” event to date. They raised over $100.00 which will be used to purchase new landscaping materials around the HS.
NHS students will be reading to elementary age students this month in celebration of Reading month.
Michigan Youth in Government will be traveling to their state conference later this month.
Student Council attended their state conference where students were nominated for the Star Student and Unsung Hero Awards and advisor Nicole Cardosa was nominated for the Award of Excellence.
Theater students just wrapped up successful performances of “Anne of Green Gables” and are now getting ready to present “Clue” later this trimester. The murder mystery dinner is taking place this Thursday.
Orchestra received a 1 rating at their festival event. Choir also received a 1.
The girls bowling team took 1st at their regional tournament. Girls basketball won their district championship game. The Wayland/Byron Center combined hockey team won their conference. The boys swim team placed 19th overall at the state meet. Two members of the wrestling team qualified for the state meet.
Mr. Zondervan reported on the Curriculum and Technology Committee Meeting. Mrs. Ordway and Mr. Cassini shared their experience and observations from the Capturing Kids Hearts Flagship Event they attended on March 1-2, 2022 in Livonia, Michigan.
The superintendent report included the rescission of Executive Order on “Reporting Positive and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Schools,” the transition to ACHD’s Health Resource Advocate making all close contact notifications, and highlighted building celebrations. Please see the link to the full report here.
Bond 2022 is on track. Residents have attended the community tours scheduled yesterday. There’s another opportunity on Thursday, March 17 at 6:00pm to participate in a tour of our High School pool, choir and band rooms, and other areas impacted by the bond project. Dr. Hinds explained that the bond is on schedule with a recent pre-qualification meeting held with the State of Michigan Treasury Department on March 9, 2022. The Board approved the application, which will be sent immediately to the Treasury for full approval.
Mrs. Velie presented the possibility of a memorial bench, honoring a beloved WUS employee, Russ Porteous, who died in December. Mr. Porteous’s wife, Tammy, would donate the bench and would like it placed inside the athletic stadium where Mr. Porteous often supervised events. The Board will make a final decision on this offer at the next Regular Board Meeting in April.
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Teresa Fulk, presented three proposals for curriculum adoption: 1) Middle School ELA Curriculum; 2) Middle & High School Health Textbook; and 3) Career Connections Academy Proposal for 2022-2023.
District calendars for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 have been approved and will be published soon. Other items include the demolition of the old CCA building, the loan application. For a full review of topics and supporting documents, please access BoardDocs here, select Meetings and then select the date of the meeting.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181