Williston Schools /June 9, 2021
A Message from the Administration
A Hopeful Farewell to the School Year
by Director of Student Services Sarah Crum
In most cultures, when we part ways, even briefly, we wish the other person well. It may be reflected in our words or gestures, but there is generally a sentiment that the journey ahead is a positive one and often that we might re-encounter one another before too long. It is not inherently sorrowful, but rather hopeful, the start of something rather than the end of something. And while some things may be left behind, there is so much more to look ahead to.
Our 8th graders will be starting their high school careers. Our early ed students may be starting their first experience in a school or with peers outside their home. Rising Kindergarten students will be just beginning their school age journeys. Each student is either starting a new class with a new teacher and an exciting new friend group yet to be developed or coming back to a classroom they are familiar with to start their journey as the leaders in that group. CVSD will be starting its largest summer program offering ever and partnering with other organizations to help students stay engaged and connected throughout the summer.
With each of these new beginnings, there is a parting of some kind, something that we leave behind. The biggest thing we may be leaving behind at this moment is the uncertainty that enveloped us this past year and more. Over the last year and a half, our lives changed drastically. Without a road map, we all embarked on a brand new journey together and we will carry that map with us always. We no longer have to question whether or not we can do remote learning, hybrid model, or shift models within a school year. We no longer have to wonder if kids will wear masks and comply with safety protocols; we know they can and they will and that they will help us keep our schools open. We know we can show up for kids each and every day and that they will show up for us, continuing to learn even in the most challenging circumstances.
I am not sorry to part ways with that uncertainty and I am inspired by knowing what we can do together. So whatever your plans are this summer, we hope you fare well and we look forward to when we will meet again, all of us a little further along in our journey.
Congratulations to our 8th Graders on your Graduation!
WSD Art Show
We have missed our Annual Art shows so much these past two years. The WCS Art Department would like you to enjoy these slide show presentations of the amazing work created by artists in grades 3-8.
Painted Ceramic Tiles by Mosaic 3rd Graders
Art and Haiku Poetry by Mosaic 4th Graders
Burlap Yarn Grades 3-4
Silk Hoops Grades 5-8
Self Portraits Grades 5-8
Late (Activity) Bus Ends June 7
Williston Schools Step Up Day, 2021
We are excited to announce that Williston Schools will be hosting our annual step up day on Monday, June 14th at 8:30 - 9:00 am. This is an important and exciting opportunity for students to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers and new classmates.
Current Kindergarten students will visit their new 1st grade classrooms and meet their teachers and classmates at ABS.
Current 2nd graders will take the bus from ABS over to WCS. Students will be organized in their new class groups at ABS before getting on the bus and will have an assigned ABS staff escort who will ride the bus with them and walk them into the building where they will meet their teacher and fellow classmates. After step-up day activities, they will take the bus back to ABS.
Current 4th graders will visit their 5th grade classrooms and meet their teachers and new classmates.
VLA Students: We welcome all VLA students to participate in our step-up day along with our in-person students. VLA parents should plan on arriving in the Allen Brook School (for rising 1st & 2nd grade) or Williston Central School (for rising 3rd - 8th grade) parking lot at 8:25 on June 14th. Please avoid arriving early as you will get caught in the busy arrival traffic. By June 7, VLA parents will be hearing from individual ABS / WCS teachers via email to personally invite them to this event and provide a few more details. All CVSD COVID protocols will be followed, which means parents are unfortunately unable to come into the building. (If you are not comfortable with this, alternative arrangements can be made for students to connect with their new teacher before the start of the school year.) Greeters will be on hand to meet students as they arrive and escort them into the school. After the event, students will be guided back out of the building by our friendly escorts.
Incoming Kindergarten Students do not participate in Step-up Day, but will receive an invitation to fun meet and greet activities coming in August!
Please contact Greg Marino with questions about Step-up Day! (gmarino@cvsdvt.org)
WCS Garden of Life Donation
The WCS Garden of Life would like to thank the Howell Family for the lovely donation of a mower and trimmer for our space. Besides mowing, the kids can't wait to help make leaf mulch for the gardens this fall.
Early Release Days Shift for the 2021-2022 School Year
Starting with the 2021-2022 school year, K-8 students will be dismissed one hour earlier on Wednesdays. Preschool schedules will be posted. More specific dismissal times will be provided by your schools.
You May be Eligible for $50 Grocery Coupon
Please join us by Zoom – Sunday, June 13th 9-10:30am Tuesday, June 15th 5:30-7:00pm Please RSVP by texting 802-922-3345 or emailing Kristin.fontaine@uvmhealth.org to receive the Zoom link. Interpreters available upon request!
Returning Student Devices to School
As the end of the school year approaches, we want to alert families that ALL K-8 school-provided devices - Chromebooks or iPads and their respective charging cords - need to be returned to school by June 10th. Most of these devices, which pre-COVID were always in the buildings, have been going back and forth between school and home, and in some cases, remaining at home, for more than a year. Our industrious IT staff needs to access each and every device to check on the status and condition and provide any needed repairs. Please return all devices, along with the charging cord, to your child’s classroom teacher(s) by June 10th. (VLA students - June 16 or 17)
We are hoping that students spend less time with screens this summer! However, if your child will be participating in a summer school-based program that requires a Chromebook, one will be provided to them at that time. Chromebooks for students entering grades 2-8 for next year will be made available for summer use through a sign-out process. Please fill out this form by July 1 to indicate your interest.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
ABS Library Summer Hours
Our Allen Brook School Library will be available for storytime and book checkouts along with our Dorothy Alling Library Bookmobile named Dottie!
We'll have crafts, stories, and book exchange in our grassy space behind the library.
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
June 30
July 7, 14, 21, 28
August 4, 11, 18
Looking for a fun, part-time summer job with preschool students?
We are looking for a dynamic person, 18 years or older, to support our youngest students in a play-based classroom program that provides new students an opportunity to learn about the school and returning students the opportunity to maintain the flow of coming to school. The group will be spending time outside daily as well as in the classroom.
If you are interested, contact Shelley Henson, Director of Early Education at shenson@cvsdvt.org.
Genius Hour Project Community Connection
In the next couple of weeks you might start to see these new recycling bins popping up around WCS. There will be two different bins. The yellow bin will be for batteries and the pink bin will be for flippy-floppy plastic.
The reason we are putting these bins out is because we are doing a Genius Hour project on how we can help stop pollution. Our hope is that these bins will make a difference in helping to stop pollution.
These bins will start off just being in the front WCS entrance and at the entrance of Sterling House, which is the house that my partner and I are in. If you need to dispose of Flippy-floppy plastic and batteries, just find one of these bins to dispose of them properly. We are hoping to get these recycling bins out in WCS by June 4th. There will also be signs above the bins to remind you what they are for.
Jacob Mazlish and Owen Mcuin
Affects of Stress
My name is Megan Rivard and I am an 8th grader on Swift House. For my 8th grade challenge, I'm focusing on stress and how it affects the brain and body. I created a site to create awareness and inform people about stress as well as raise money for the Howard Center. On the site, you can access the fundraising link along with an activity that can help control your stress through exercise and physical health.
Thank you,
Megan Rivard (She/Her)
8th Grade Challenge Project
Hi, my name is Gianna Petrunich and I am in 8th grade in Swift House. For my 8th grade challenge I chose to research Animal Testing and how we can help bring this practice to an end by purchasing Cruelty-Free products. I am holding a basket raffle full of Cruelty-Free items. The proceeds of my basket will go to The Kindness Ranch in Hartsville, Wyoming. This Animal Sanctuary rescues and rehabilitates animals who were used in laboratory research . They help these animals get a second chance at life and to find their forever homes!!!
Habitat for Humanity Basket Raffle
Hi, my name is Maeve Serinese and I’m an 8th Grade student in Swift House.
For my 8th Grade Challenge, I chose to study sustainable alternatives to everyday objects. I learned about eco-friendly products that can make a difference in your daily routine and reduce waste.
For my Community Connection, I'm holding a basket raffle full of sustainable products in order to raise awareness about eco-friendly alternatives while raising money for Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity. I will draw the winner after I give my final 8th Grade Project presentation in Swift House sometime in mid-June.
To learn more or buy a raffle ticket, please follow the link http://serinese.com/basket/
Again, all proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity.
Sustainable Materials
Hi, my name is Caleb Izor and I am an 8th grader in Swift house. For my 8th grade challenge, I am focused on the importance of sustainable materials and the benefits they have in architecture. I chose this topic because it is important for people in the community to know about what sustainable materials are, and how they can impact our community.
While using sustainable materials is important in many ways, being sure sustainable materials are used in architecture as the world moves forward is paramount. Sustainable architecture is an eco friendly way to build buildings that directly aligns with the United Nations Global Sustainability Goals (17 goals to make the world a better place).
Recycled wood, precast stone, and cotton are a few sustainable materials. Many historic buildings to date showcase sustainable materials, like the Trinity Church in Boston. Others take sustainable architecture a different route such as a skyscraper in Japan which reuses rain water for their sprinkler system.
Sustainable materials can impact Vermont’s carbon footprint in a big way. Using them can help reduce waste and our footprint on the beautiful environment that we live in. Doing a little research before embarking on home improvement projects and considering sustainable materials for patios and decks can help Vermont remain sustainable.
Intra-District K-8 School Choice
CVSD Summer Food Service Program starts on Monday 6/28!
Free meals availabe for ALL Children 18 years of age and younger.
Home Delivery Available. Pick up M, W, F at WCS, 10:00 - 10:30.
Use this order form link: http://bit.ly/WillistonRemoteMeals
More information will be sent home to all families and will be available at cvsdvt.org
This Institution is an equal opportunity
If your student has special dietary requirements please let us know. We will be happy to make reasonable accommodations (prepare a vegetarian version, substitute gluten free grain, bread or crust, soy milk or offer an alternate meal) to make sure they can have something nutritious and delicious to eat.
Breaking News:
Hello Busy Bees!
Our final Four Winds lesson of this school year focuses on how amazing Bees are! (How especially fitting for all of you ABS families and students).
Check out the presentation and all the fun activities HERE! Share your findings and photos with us on our Padlet.
Bonus Spring Scavenger Hunt for you to print out. See how many items you can find by you!
We look forward to joining YOU our wonderful volunteers, teachers and students back in the classroom this fall!
Four Winds lessons from this year
Full of fun facts, photos, hands-on activities, games, read alouds, science show episodes, and even the videos of the beloved PUPPET SHOW! Pick and choose the activities that are right for you!
Unit 1: Spiders
Unit 2: Tremendous Trees.
Unit 3: Predators and Prey
Unit 4: Skulls and Teeth
Unit 5: Birds of a Feather
Unit 6: Calling All Owls
Unit 7: Daunting Defenses
Unit 8: The Buzz on Bees
Bonus: Spring Scavenger Hunt
Family Resources
Resources to keep accessible:
- First Call - 488-7777: phone support, crisis intervention, assessment and referrals
- In Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) (National Hopeline Network: USA)
- 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (National Suicide Prevention Lifelife: USA)
- Crisis Text Line - text HOME to 741741 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
- Outright Vermont - support for LGBTQ+ community
- UVM Breathe In Breath Out - How to deal with stress due to COVID-19
- Vermont 211 -Vermont database of resources and services
ParentIN Resource
If you have a child who is experiencing anxiety, depression or other social and emotional challenges, Amy will be on hand to offer her support and guidance and be armed with useful resources in the community if you need/want them.
You can pop in for a quick question or to chat through a situation. Amy would love to try to help! Here is the link to join: meet.google.com/qvq-nwzz-hfm
ABS - Reminder for Safe Drop Off & Pick Up
We are sending this out again, as we have been getting parent feedback indicating that this routine can at times be a safety concern. Please be sure to do your part during our arrival/dismissal procedures so we can ensure a safe environment.
● Please drop off and pick up your child at their team’s designated location ensuring that you leave space for the other team locations.
● Parents must remain in vehicles for drop-off
● Please arrive between 7:50 and 8:10
● Please drive attentively, slowly, and safely, following directions of school staff
● For safety, all students must exit the passenger side of the vehicle
● Temperature taking will happen once your child enters the school
● Your child must have their mask on when entering the school
Please refer to this map for the correct location to drop off/pick up your student:
Four Winds
Unit 8: The Buzz on Bees
Bonus: Bonus Spring Scavenger Hunt
Link to Padlet for Uploading Photos
Four Winds website
Monthly Fitness Fun
School Nutrition Program
Please make payment checks out to 'CVSD - ABS' or 'CVSD-WCS'
Upcoming Events
Student device (Chromebooks & iPads) return: by June 10 (June 16/17 for VLA students)
8th Grade Spirit of Ethan Allen Cruise: June 9th
Horizon Field Day: Thursday, June 10
Swift to Sandbar State Park: Thursday, June 10; 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
8th Grade Graduation: Thursday, June 10th
Synergy Field Day: Friday, June 11
Sterling to Knight State Park: June 14; 9:30 am - 1:45 pm
Step Up Day: Monday, June 14; 8:30-9:30 am
Last School day: Tuesday, June 15; ABS dismissal 11:30/WCS dismissal 11:50
CVSD School Board
DAML Programs
Click here to access the DAML web site listing of events.
Frog & Toad Performance
Saturday, June 19, 2021 – 10:00 am & 3:00 pm | Dorothy Alling Library in Williston
The performances are free, and open to the public, but require online registration. https://lyrictheatrevt.org/frog-and-toad/
Recreation & Parks Offerings
Community Events
More Links, More information
Williston Schools
Email: cpavlik@cvsdvt.org
Website: https://www.cvsdvt.org
Location: 195 Central School Drive, Williston
Phone: (802) 878-2762
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Williston-School-District-1483758238612170/timeline/
Twitter: @wsdvt