January Newsletter
Continuing and Professional Education

January Newsletter
Continuing & Professional Education at Georgia College & State University
We offer a wide range of programs for all ages and interests. Admission to courses is open to anyone. Interest and desire to learn are the requirements.
New Year, New Discount!
Receive 10% off personal enrichment programs with promo code NEWYEAR when you register January 1-7. Participating programs include: Zumbini, Ballroom Dance, Declutter Your Life and more!
Wonders of Greece Lecture from Provost Spirou
Join Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Costas Spirou, January 9th to learn more about The School of Continuing & Professional Studies' upcoming trip to Greece. Provost Spirou will share some information about history, culture, his upbringing, and what to expect while exploring Greece.
Declutter Your Life
Join Dr. Stephanie McClure January 23 for an interactive workshop where you:
- Reflect on your challenges related to clutter and organization.
- Identify barriers to your successful organization.
- Learn strategies to address your barriers and challenges.
- Gain resources for follow-up actions.
2024 Spring Dance Registration is Open
The Georgia College Community Dance Program has opened registration for Spring 2024! Register for two or more CDP classes at once and receive 10% off your order with promo code DANCE24.
Notice: a new waiver for the 2024 calendar year is required to participate in the Community Dance Program.
Adult Ballroom Dance is Back!
Get back into the swing of things with Adult Ballroom Dance this January! Join the fun Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:30 PM as we learn a variety of dances including shag, waltz, swing, foxtrot, and more!
January sessions begin January 10th and will focus on swing for dancers of all levels.
Kids' U Spring Break Camp
Join us on April 1-5 for a week of sun and fun as your kids take a much-needed break from school. Enjoy games, crafts, activities and days packed with endless excitement! Perfect for kids K-6th grade.
New Year, New Waivers
New year means new waivers. All participants in our programs, both adults and minors, must fill out a new waiver for 2024. Participation in camps and programs is prohibited without submission of an updated waiver.
Check Out Our Personal Enrichment Programs
Hatha Yoga
Music Lessons
(478) 445-5277
Mailing Address:
Campus Box 40
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Physical Address:
100 Chappell Hall
211 North Clarke Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061