GISD Dyslexia Informer
September 2023 Newsletter
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Hello Dyslexia Families,
Welcome Back
We are off to a great start this year and have been working toward providing a positive, successful experience for our students and families.
Here is what we have to look forward to this year:
- Dyslexia Events:
- Dyslexia Simulation
- Parent Resource Nights
- Bilingual Events and more!
- GISD Symposium: We will be hosting another GISD Symposium for parents, teachers, dyslexia professionals and community members on Saturday, February 24! Please save the date!
- Dyslexia Instruction and Support: Every student identified will receive the services they need. Every grade level and campus provides dyslexia instruction, accommodations and support. We are here for you!
Join us at our first Parent Resource Night of the year!
Parent Resource Night
Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 06:00 PM
Sellers Middle School, Mars Drive, Garland, TX, USA
Dyslexia Updates
Did you know that the Texas Education Agency recently passed a House Bill that requires changes to concerning dyslexia services? One of those changes is that dyslexia instructional services have to take place through Special Education. Click the link below to find out more about Special Education. Join us Thursday, September 14 for more information on the changes required by the new House Bill.
Don Johnston Human Learning Tools: What are They and How They Can Help Your Student?
Don Johnston tools, such as Snap&Read and Co-Writer are available for all of our students, and can be a game changer in the life of students and families.
Check out Don Johnston Webinars and their Learning Academy, here: https://learningtools.donjohnston.com/learning-academy/
Resources for Parents
Informational PodCasts
Go Dyslexia with Dr. Erica Warren: https://godyslexia.libsyn.com/
Dyslexia Explored: https://www.bulletmapacademy.com/dyslexia-explored
Truth About Dyslexia: https://truthaboutdyslexia.com/adult-dyslexia-podcast/
Community Dyslexia Resources
International Dyslexia Association
StandUp LD
Our goal is to inspire students, educate parents, and support teachers! We have programming throughout the year in Dallas that is free for parents and students. Our target audience is parents and students who want support with Dyslexia, ADHD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, & Dyspraxia. Stay connected with us via Facebook and our website. Also, if you need help with anything feel free to contact us.
Contact: Heather McGehearty
cell: 972-948-1568
email: heather@standupld.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StandUpLD/
Website: https://standupld.org/
Contact Us
Email: MEisinger@garlandisd.net
Website: https://www.garlandisd.net/content/dyslexia
Location: 501 South Jupiter Road, Garland, TX, USA
Phone: (972)487-3347
Twitter: @gisd_dyslexia