Inside Riverside
August 21, 2023
I hope your Ram had a great first full week of school! Remember to check our Riverside website for announcements and information including our RES Parent Handbook.
Riverside will use Class Dojo school-wide this year. This will allow you to communicate with your child's teacher and receive school-wide messages. Your teacher should give you information on how to join if you haven't already.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to establish our carpool routines. Please see carpool reminders below. Remember, the school day begins each day at 7:25 and ends at 2:50. If you arrive after 7:25, please park and walk your child to the office to check in.
Finally, school fees are $25 this year and can be paid on www.payschoolscentral.com beginning now.
Thank you for supporting our school and I look forward to a wonderful year!
Mrs. Hobson
Riverside Principal
We Care School
Riverside is excited to be a "We Care" school through Community Renewal. We are working to establish a "Culture of Caring". Students and staff will be looking for Rams demonstrating caring acts. When a Ram is caught caring, he or she will be recognized using our "Caught You Caring" cards.
Carpool Procedures
Morning Drop Off/Carpool Reminders
*The carline will run down the entire length of the driveway. Please pull all the way forward so we can get as many cars off the street as possible and expedite the drop-off process. School staff will be on duty and in position to direct students as they exit their vehicles.
*Breakfast will be served from 7:05-7:20. Students must be in their classroom by 7:25 or they are tardy.
*Students arriving at 7:25 or later will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian in the office. Please park and walk your child to the office if you arrive late.
Dismissal Reminders
*Dismissal for ECSE classes will take place at 2:15 in the front carline.
*Dismissal for all PreK-5th students will begin at 2:50.
*All PreK-3rd grade car riders will be picked up at the front carpool line and all 4th and 5th car riders will be picked up at the back car line. Siblings will remain with their grade level.
*Walkers will meet in the cafeteria. Once all walkers have arrived, the duty personnel will walk all walkers to the crosswalk. The duty personnel will stop the carpool line and monitor these students as they walk across the crosswalk to meet a parent/guardian or move to the sidewalk to walk home.
*All parents of students who do not ride a bus and are not approved walkers (students that walk to and from their home to school) must use the carpool line.
Back-to-School Night
Thursday, Sep 7, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 p
Riverside Elementary School, Dixie Garden Drive, Shreveport, LA, USA
Riverside Spirit Shirts on Sale Now!
Website: riverside.caddoschools.org
Location: 625 Dixie Garden Drive, Shreveport, LA, USA
Phone: (318)865-3576