Trebein Tribune
March 2022
Trebein Elementary School
Website: https://www.gocreek.org/apps/pages/Trebein
Location: 1728 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, OH 45385
Phone: 937-458-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcityschools
A Note from our Principal, Mrs. Walk
Hello Parents,
Thank you for your incredible generosity during our Feed the Creek food drive. Our friends at BHS who are part of the National Honor Society led this collection, and our Trebein families proved once again to be very supportive members of our Beavercreek community!
Our focus at this point in the year is to really figure out what content standards students have mastered and implement interventions or different approaches in areas that are still a struggle. There are a variety of formal and informal assessments that help to guide our practice.
This month brings us to our final chapter in the book Thrivers by Michele Borba, Ed.D. The focus is on Optimism. Optimistic kids view challenges and obstacles as temporary and able to be overcome, so they are more likely to succeed. But, just telling a child, "Be positive!" does not work. Our kids live in a world of fear...lockdown drills, a pandemic, frightening media images, terrorism, natural disasters, hate, global warming...actually things that instill fear in all of us. But, for children, these can become overwhelming. All the challenges our kids face when trying to find an optimistic outlook on life are very real, but there are three proven qualities parents can instill to nurture optimism: optimistic thinking, assertive communication, and hope.
This chapter goes into detail for each of the areas and breaks down strategies by age level. I would not be able to do it justice in this short newsletter article, so I will simply provide the Top Five Takeaways from this chapter:
- Kids who remain upbeat about life despite uncertain times have parents who model optimism. Be the model you want your kids to copy.
- Ungrounded pessimistic thinking erodes hope, sets kids up for failure, and shortchanges their thriving abilities, but optimism can be taught.
- Seeing repeated violent images exacerbates anxiety, increases fear, and decreases optimism, which is why we must monitor kids' news intake during disasters or tragedies.
- Parents who raise grateful kids expect them to be appreciative.
- Every kid makes negative comments; be concerned when pessimism becomes your child's typical operating mode.
Later this month, we will be off for a week for Spring Break. I hope you are able to spend some time enjoying the people you love!
Lisa Walk
We Are Better Together!
Last month at Trebein, we focused on our friendship skills as part of our Better Together Character Education Initiative. We had a lot of fun coming up with all of the things in life that go better together like peanut butter and jelly, campfires and s'mores, macaroni and cheese, and cereal and milk. We also discussed how people are better together in friendships, families, and as students and staff at Trebein. We spent time defining what a friendship is, discussing why it is important to have strong and healthy friendships, and what our role is in making sure that we are better together with our friends.
Classes in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades began working on a Better Together classroom book where they identified ways that they can be a friend. Classes in 3rd, 4th, and 5th identified ways that they can show support and encouragement and loyalty and trustworthiness in their Better Together friendships. They also identified how they can continue to be themselves in their friendships.
Next month, we are going to continue our focus on Better Together friendships by learning skills to communicate with each other and resolve conflict in a positive way.
If you are interested in continuing this conversation at home, here are a few books that might be helpful!
This month's strategy from BigLifeJournal.com
Read Across America Week - Spirit Days
Monday - "Cat in the Hat" Day - Wear Stripes
Tuesday - "Fox in Socks" Day - Wear Silly Socks
Wednesday - "Wacky Wednesday" Day - Wear Mismatched Clothes
Thursday - "Sleep Book" Day - Wear Your Pajamas
Friday - "Many Colored Days" Day - Wear Your Favorite Color
March Staff Spotlight
Let the Good Times Roll at the Trebein Skating Party!
Enjoy an out-of-this-world fun time at the Family Dance!
Twos-Day (2-22-22) - Trebein Twins & Triplets
Twos-Day at Trebein Elementary had us seeing double! In honor of this once-in-a-century special day, students celebrated with fun games, treats, and "Twin" Day!
Fun Fact: Speaking of twins, did you know Trebein Elementary has 22 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets?
Oliver and Phillip O’Neill
Alex and Charles Crawford, Anna and Abby Wrzesinski, and Ellory and Finley McCoy
Blake and Kyle Johnson
Brogan, Alexis and Cameron Stewart
All our Trebein Twins and Triplets!
Nominate an Outstanding Educator/Support Staff
Thank You for Giving Back!
Volunteer Opportunities
March Staff Appreciation - Wednesday, March 16
To volunteer, sign up here: https://bit.ly/3L0w56G
Junior Achievement:
To volunteer, sign up here: http://bit.ly/3EM6JGe
If you have any questions, email: volunteer4trebein@gmail.com
Thank you Trebein Families for your continued support of our Monthly Staff Appreciation Events.
Everybody Counts!
Typically, each year the Trebein PTO presents a program called Everybody Counts to each one of our classes. This program teaches students about disabilities and the value of all people. The goal of Everybody Counts is to help students learn about disabilities, value each person that has a disability, and to create a culture where everyone feels comfortable with the differences they see in each other.
We were unable to present the program during the 2020-2021 school year, but we are working to revamp the program and aiming to present it to classes after Spring Break this year. We are looking for anyone in our Trebein community who might have special insight, knowledge, and/or experience with speech, visual, hearing, physical, cognitive, and/or learning differences and/or disabilities. To volunteer or learn more, please email Jenna Stites at TrebeinVicePresident@gmail.com.
PTO Board and Committee Positions Open!
This year we worked diligently to reconfigure and bring back many of our favorite Trebein celebrations, like the Fall Harvest Festival, Holiday Shoppe, and more! We are all looking forward to more of our regular programming in the future, but we need your help to make it all happen in 2022-2023!
The Trebein PTO is looking for nominations to fill two Executive Board Positions -- Treasurer and Historian, as well as committee chairs for the 2022-2023 school year. Please take a look at the open positions by clicking the link below, and consider signing up to help http://bit.ly/3obyfXh
Upcoming Events
March PTO Meeting
*Free childcare available
Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022, 07:00 PM
Trebein IMC
Who's Ready for Summer?
If you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, please send an email to