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Dawson Diary
What's happening at Dawson this week beginning 04/19/2020
Last Week for Learning Packet Pick-Up!
Next week, the school district will begin with a learning packet mail out to families who receive free/reduced lunch. If your family does not qualify, but you still need a packet, let us know so we can still get one to you for your child.
Earth Day is on Wednesday!
Fire Drill at 10:00 a.m. on Friday!
Since we cannot be on campus to practice our monthly fire drill, I am asking that Dawson families participate in a family fire drill at 10:00 a.m. I'll be sharing with you how it does with my family, and I look forward to hearing about yours. Do you think you can exit your home in less than three minutes?
Thank you for participating with us!
It is Registration Time!
Do you need some help with registration? Please call the front office and leave us a message with your name and the best contact number. One of our office staff will call you back and assist you with your registration needs.
Dolphin Tickets
Please consider submitting a Dolphin Ticket for your child or another family member. Students, you could submit a Dolphin Ticket for a family member, too!
Dolphin Tickets will be read each Friday in Mrs. Jedele's video message. They will also be posted on our school website. Here is the link to see this week's Dolphin Tickets: https://dawson.austinschools.org/showcase
Here's the link to submit a Dolphin Ticket: Dolphin Tickets
Curbside Meals!
Counselor Corner - Ms. Zaizar & Ms. Murrmann, Dawson School Counselors
For Kids: Feelings will come, and feelings will go. During this very strange time of unexpected change, be patient with yourself, and know that uncomfortable feelings, like worry and frustration, will pass. Please use your skills: remember to stop, take a deep breath, then recognize, accept, and name that feeling. Next you choose which tool you’ll use to manage that feeling, so the actions you choose are safe and kind. Will you talk with someone and name the feeling your experiencing out loud, draw, move your body, one idea could be this 5 Senses Grounding Technique, details are in the link below https://copingskillsforkids.com/blog/2016/4/27/coping-skill-spotlight-5-4-3-2-1-groundingtechnique
What feels good for you today and in this moment?
For Parents: There are so many excellent resources out there for parents, it can be overwhelming. We chose one that stands out as especially helpful to share with Dawson families. This is a brief reminder about the importance of taking time to talk as family about feelings.
While nothing can take the place of a face to face, real time conversation, we are working on ways to best connect through phone calls, emails, videos and the Dawson Counselor BLEND site. Please stay safe! We really miss you all.
About us
Email: dawson@austinisd.org
Website: dawson.austinschools.org
Location: 3001 South 1st Street, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: (512)414-2070
Facebook: facebook.com/Dawson78704
Twitter: @DawsonDolphins