Boonsboro Middle School
Connect! Inspire! Achieve!
From the Principal’s Desk
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday break. Welcome back and Happy New Year!
This newsletter has a lot of important information about upcoming events. Our 8th grade parents and guardians should pay special attention to the information in the Counseling Corner. Our newsletter also shares information about some of the events that happened before the holiday break. I want to congratulate all of our students who participated in one of the Band, Chorus, or Orchestra concerts. In addition, congratulations to all of our students who participated in the school Spelling Bee and Geography Bee. We have such a talented group of students. Finally, I want to thank all of the volunteers who participated in our Career Day!
In addition to the information in this newsletter, we have updated the calendar on our school website to include many of the upcoming events that we want you to be aware of. Of course, we will add more things as the year goes on, but we have added testing dates and special events that we have planned for the remainder of the year. Our website is http://wcpsmd.com/schools/middle-schools/boonsboro-middle
If you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to reach out to us!
Thank you
Mr. Willow
Counseling Corner
8th Grade Transition Nights: The Boonsboro High School staff have created an awesome site with information about transition night. Please make sure you review the information!
https://sites.google.com/wcps.k12.md.us/bhs-2022/home. In addition, there is a video below that we would like 8th grade parents and students to watch.
SSL reminder: 8th grade students who have community activities that are with Non-Profit Organizations should come to the Counseling Center for pre-approval of the activity. Additionally, after a student has completed a pre-approved activity, they should complete the questions on the back of the yellow SSL card and return it to the Counseling Center as soon as possible.
Attendance Matters
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence.
- By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
- When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.
- Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduation.
Read More: http://www.attendanceworks.org/research/attendance-works-reports/
Make school attendance a priority. Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, and make it the expectation.
School News
Geography Bee Results
1st Place: Erika Davidson
2nd Place: Summer Righter
3rd Place: Jackson Raab
Spelling Bee Results
8th Grade Spelling Bee Results
1st Place: Mac Simpson
2nd Place: Daniel Klimes
3rd Place: Abigail Morman
7th Grade Spelling Bee Results
1st Place: Yifan Zhang
2nd Place: Ella Murthy
3rd Place: Ryan Lord
6th Grade Spelling Bee Results
1st Place: Jackson McGrady
2nd Place: Aaqib Masood
3rd Place: Ian Ward
8th Grade Field Trip
Yearbook Ordering
Community Fundraiser
Pennies for Patients
The BMS LEO Club is holding their annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society from January 4th through January 25th.
Students are encouraged to bring in any donation of loose change or small bills. The first period class of each grade will be given a reward!
Help Support for our School!
PTO Meeting
Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018, 06:30 PM
Boonsboro Middle School, Jh Wade Drive, Boonsboro, MD, United States
Free Financial Support for our School with the Martins A plus Rewards Program!
Update from Martins:
- ONLY NEW SUPPORTERS MUST follow the new steps to link their BONUSCARD® to your school ID. If you need help, the link is below, or please feel free to call us.
- Once supporters link their card to your school ID, the card remains linked to that ID until the supporter is ready to make a change. There is no need to re-register a card year-to-year.
Box Tops
Please send in your Box Tops with your child. Students are able to place Box Tops in the specified containers held in the cafeteria. The grade level with the most Box Tops will receive a reward!