Band Notes Week 1
August 16-20 2021
A Note From Your Directors
We had a great couple of days back at school and are excited for an amazing year in the Staley Band! This is our first of many newsletters to keep you informed of all things band. Note that you should always receive at least one email from band a week and you may need to check your junk email in case this doesn't make it through.
Beginning Band (Periods 1,2, 4, 6, & 8)
This week we have begun practicing and starting our band instruction. Keep in mind at this point of the year many students are still securing instruments so our practice time may involve things like posture, breathing, or other fundamentals. If you ever have any questions please reach out to your child's teacher or have them explain what we are doing in class as we always give students a very clear outline of WHAT to practice. Also- don't forget to use a metronome and mark your time down on your practice journal (PJ).
Advanced Band (Periods 3 & 5)
This week we are working on air flow, tone production, and scales! Students have their first scale pass off -SB on Canvas, HB in person, and we will also be passing out All-Region Music (more info to come later). Please be sure to review the sectional information below as we are doing things differently this year compared to last. Let us know if you have any questions.
Beginning Band Code: UK6BANU3
Advanced Band Code: U8WK4Y9B
Forms and Paperwork
Band Fees
We are proud to continue to offer the lowest fees in the district! Please note that whether you pay via cash, check, or venmo- it is important to bring us the paperwork with each required fee. You do not need to write separate check or venmo transactions for each form (you can also combine payments for multiple students in band, but please have each student bring their own form).
- Form 1- Band Fee: $50 or $25 for Free and Reduced lunch recipients. This covers costs associated with concerts, contests, travel, and small student rewards throughout the year. Note that this fee does not cover optional reward events throughout the year.
- Form 2- Band Uniform: $ amount varies All students need a blue band t-shirt. Honor and Symphonic band also need a black band polo. If you are a returning student you do not need to order anything unless your student has lost or outgrown their old ones.
- Form 3- BPA Membership: $10 This is an optional fee to support our booster organization. We hope everyone considers joining the Band Parent Association as this is the group that helps provide scholarships, rewards, and anything else the district cannot provide for our students. The $10 fee is per family, so if you have two students in the Staley Band you still only pay $10.
- Form 4- Instrument Usage: $100 or $50 This is only for students using SCHOOL OWNED INSTRUMENTS. We will send this form along with a contract once we have assigned your child their instrument. There is no need to worry about this until you hear from us! Please note that there will be TWO forms to complete this step and again, you do not need to worry about this step until we have instruments checked out. Our goal is to have these forms sent home on or before Friday 8/18.
We know this can be overwhelming if you are new to band. Please know that we are happy to work with your family to make band a reality for EVERY student, no matter what financial hardships their parents or guardians are in. That being said, to take advantage of our reduced fees, please fill out the FISD Free and Reduced Lunch Application found at THIS LINK. As it states on the website, this application is for so much more than just free/reduced lunch. It takes a few days for FISD to process the paperwork, so please complete this ASAP if you are wanting to take advantage of our reduced rates.
If the reduced rates are still too much of a burden please reach out to Mr. Wood (woodc@friscoisd.org) so we can work out a plan together to keep your child in band! We NEVER want a student unenrolled due to costs or expenses associated with our class.
Annual Band Picnic!
Honor & Symphonic Band Sectionals
(7th and 8th Graders ONLY- beginning band please skip this section)
***New for 2023- All Honor Band students will have their sectional during class and will not begin before or after school until week 12 (the week of 10/30)***
All advanced band students are required to attend one sectional per week for a grade. This is the only time we are able to work in instrument specific groups and get more one on one time with a director. Morning sectionals take place from 7:15-8:15 and after school sectionals take place from 3:55-4:55.
We are setting the schedule this week! It is very helpful if all students know their schedule, especially with outside of school activities, since we do our best to make everyone happy. That being said, it is impossible to avoid all conflicts and we will work with our busy students to help find ways for them to participate.
Click here to view sectional schedule. This is a 'live' google sheet, so any updates will always appear here.
Required Materials
- BLACK 1 inch Binder with pockets
- Pencil
- Flip Folder
Beginning Band (periods 1, 2, 3, 6, & 8)
- 1 inch Binder (of any color) with pockets
- Pencil
- Traditions Of Excellence Book (for your instrument)
- See start of year paperwork for instrument specific info. LINK
Please reference earlier s'more for more instrument specific supplies.
- Week of 8/21- Sectionals start for Honor & Symphonic Bands
- Tuesday 8/22- Band Parent meeting in the band hall TBA (Meet the teacher night) This is a come and go event, so we encourage everyone to come hear about the exciting things going on in band and then visit your other teachers!
- Family Picnic- August 25th CLICK HERE for additional information and and to RSVP
- Band Paperwork and fees are all due on August 25th. If your family is interested in reduced fees please fill out the the FISD Free & Reduced Lunch application ASAP.
Director Contact Info
Mr. Chad Wood- Director of Bands: woodc@friscoisd.org
- Symphonic Band (5th period)
- Beginning Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium & Tuba
- Any general questions about band, materials, or financial aid
Andi Webb- Assistant Director: webband@friscoisd.org
- Honor Band (3rd period)
- Beginning Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, and Saxophone
- Any instrument or private lessons questions.
Mr. Jacob Carter- Percussion Director: carterja@friscoisd.org
- Honor and Symphonic Band Percussion specific questions
- Beginning Percussion class
- Supplies, rentals, and percussion private lesson questions
Band Hall Direct Line: 469-633-4520
- Note that we are in the band hall all day away from our office phone and the best way to reach us will be via email. We will continue to do our best to return your contact within 24 hours. The best source of all things band (and the answer to most questions) can be found at www.staleyband.org