The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Growing Momentum
Please take two quick and easy actions today:
1.Click here to email Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Patrick and let them know you want the billions of federal dollars to go to districts to help schools, students, and teachers recover from this challenging year. That’s what they are intended for!
2.Make quick calls to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor and tell them:
- To please make sure the $18 billion of federal recovery funds intended for our schools go to our districts and schools ASAP.
- These funds are meant to be in addition to state funds, not instead of them, as was done with the first $1.3 billion.
- Governor Greg Abbott: 512-463-2000
- Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick: 512-463-0001
Trivia For a Cause
Annnnnnndddddd....we raised enough for one $1000 scholarship for a deserving senior! We’re not done raising money or taking applicants so keep it coming!! #RootEd
Counselors, Advisors, Parents: Scholarship Opportunity!
RootEd is fundraising to create up to five college scholarships for high school seniors from RootEd schools. The student applicant must be a senior in good standing from NISD, NEISD, Southside ISD, Harlandale ISD, SWISD, ECISD, Floresville ISD or Alamo Heights ISD to apply.
Will you help make a difference in someone's life and make a donation towards a scholarship?
RootEd is a 501c3 grassroots organization and your donation is tax deductible.
There are three ways to donate:
- Easiest way to donate is through Venmo - @RootEdSA with 'college scholarship' in the memo.
- You can donate on our website: Donate – RootEd (proudlyrooted.com)
- Checks are definitely welcome and can be mailed to
14019 Gray Wing St.
San Antonio, TX 78231
Any amount is appreciated and will make an impact. Please direct any questions to sofia@proudlyrooted.com
Where are the worms??
Science in Action
Author's Inspiration
Spring is in the Air
Music while we wait
#RootEdMcAuliffe #RootEdSWISD
RootEd out in the Community
RootEd Rep Meeting
RootEd Facebook Groups
Ready to dive into some podcasts that either may get you fired up about public education? Or want to be in the know about our legislative priorities and what's going on in public education in Texas?
Check us out. Click on the graphic below for links.
Go Public Partnership
Monthly Updates
RootEd Hashtags
What's RootEd this Month?
Think about planning a socially distant incoming kinder meet-up.
Continue creating post content with end of the year music performances, etc.
Be sure to use your RootEd hashtag!
Rep Spotlight of the Month
This month's Rep Spotlight is on Sarah who is one of our Reps at Colonies North Elementary and Hobby Middle School. Sarah is a huge advocate for her schools. She understands the ends and outs of what it takes to be heard to bring change. We are very lucky that she's a part of RootEd.
"I am excited to be part of a team of Rooted Reps for Colonies North Elementary and Hobby Middle School! Together we are an unstoppable group of moms with a shared vision of supporting our community schools. My children may have graduated from Colonies North, but I continue to support the students and teachers at my neighborhood campus.
When I first joined the Rooted team, I had recently left the classroom at Colonies North where both my children were still attending. As a former public education teacher and current literacy specialist, I take pride in advocating for both the students and the teachers. I firmly believe if you support teachers, you support kids. I actively promote all the amazing things happening at Colonies North and Hobby through Twitter and Facebook.
Attending our neighborhood public schools has provided my children with amazing opportunities. Starting in kindergarten, my boys have been friends with kids from all over the world which has enriched their worldviews. While at Colonies, my oldest benefitted from the GT program and my youngest loved the STEM class. Now that they are both at Hobby, they participate in as many athletics teams as possible and enjoy the band. My 8th grader will also start Clark next year with three high school credits! I have seen first hand how much the teachers at both schools care about each of their students. This year has been particularly stressful for teachers and I hope they know how much we appreciate them and will continue to advocate on their behalf."
#RootedColoniesNorth #RootEdHobby
About RootEd
For past newsletters: https://www.smore.com/u/rooted
Email: info@proudlyrooted.com
Website: www.proudlyrooted.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Facebook: facebook.com/RootEdTexas
Twitter: @RootEdSA