Louisville Elementary School
Back-To-School 2022 Newsletter
Louisville Elementary School Happenings!
Meet the Teacher Night - Tuesday, August 16th 4:00-6:00 PM
If you're not sure where to go, we will have many teachers and staff members in the hallways helping you find the correct classrooms. We do have a few teachers who have moved to new locations, and we've borrowed a few classrooms from the middle school. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Mr. Mancuso's homeroom will be the former sensory Lions Den in room #129.
- Mrs. Richard's 5th-grade homeroom students will gather in room #240.
- If you are in Mr. Shelsta's 6th-grade homeroom, you will report to the elementary gym to drop off your supplies and meet our new PE teacher.
- If you are in Mrs. Stieren's 6th-grade homeroom, you will travel down the middle school hallway to room #211.
- If you are in Mrs. Klein's 6th-grade homeroom, you will travel down the middle school hallway to room #209.
This school year, we would like to continue to provide the opportunity for staff at Louisville Elementary to enjoy a cup of coffee from Black Sheep Coffee House in Springfield on Fridays. If you are interested in donating money to treat a staff member to a cup of coffee, please send donations in an envelope labeled “coffee” to Lisa Sheehan.
Each Friday, names are drawn to see whose order is paid for by the appreciative families of Louisville. Donations can be made at any time throughout the year. We thank you for your generosity!
Louisville Public Schools PTO
BACK TO SCHOOL: PTO is proud to be a key contributor to LPS’s 2022-23 Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 16th!
ONE Free Kona Ice Cup for ALL Students.
Elementary Students redeem your completed scavenger hunt card for your cup.
PTO is thrilled to welcome Food Trucks | Game Time Philly, Sweet Treats (BBQ & Sweets), The Cheese Life and Zemogs’s Mexican Kitchen from 4-7 p.m. in the bus lane. Dine with friends on the basketball courts.
Stop by the PTO Booth to: Learn More, Sign Up for a Committee and Participate in our 50/50 Raffle. $1 Raffle Tickets Available! LIVE Drawing of Winner at 8 p.m.
Spirit Wear | COMING SOON! The PTO Spirit Wear Online Store will be opening soon. Stay tuned.
PTO | Meetings occur the 2nd Monday of the Month @ 5:30 p.m. in the Elementary. Can’t attend a meeting? No problem. Supporting our fundraisers, joining a committee, and sharing posts on social media for all to see are great options to help support the mission + purpose of PTO.
Questions? Reach out directly at louisvillelionspto@gmail.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at Louisville Lions PTO for event date announcements and timely updates.
Counselor's Corner - August 2022
year. I have a variety of job titles- elementary counselor, interventionist, Student Assistance Team Leader, 504 Coordinator, and District Safety Coordinator. Please reach out to me with any questions, concerns or assistance in any of these areas. My email is lallen@lpslions.org. Each newsletter will have a Counselor’s Corner with additional topics. This month’s topic is Back to School Exhaustion. A great website is https://www.sparkpeople.com/blog/blog_amp.asppost=helping_your_kids_cope_with_backtoschool_exhaustion. They basically say to remember these five things- 1) Get them to bed a little earlier. 2) provide healthy food snacks often. 3) Enjoy activities that use their large muscles- walking, hopping, skipping… 4) Follow a routine. 5) Have them time to regroup alone for a short period of time. And my suggestion- ask them to tell you about 3 good things that happened that day and one thing they wish they could have changed. We are off to a great school year- The Best One Yet!
PICTURE DAY - Tuesday, August 30
Picture Day for Louisville Elementary School is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug 30.
This event's Order Code is 70752RF.
Mark Your Calendars
August 16th - Meet the Teacher Night 4:00-6:00 PM
August 17th - First Day of School K-12
August 22nd - First Day of AM & PM Preschool
August 22nd - WATCHDOGS PIZZA NIGHT 6:00-7:30 PM
August 30 - PICTURE DAY
September 5 - No School - Labor Day
October 7th - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Staff Inservice
October 21st - NO SCHOOL
November 23rd-25th - NO SCHOOL
December 22nd-January 4th - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
January 4th - Staff Inservice
January 5th - First School Day of 2023
January 16th - No School
January 20th - Early Out at 1:00 PM
February 17th - NO SCHOOL
March 13th-17th - NO SCHOOL
April 7th - NO SCHOOL
April 20th - Early Out at 1:00 PM
May 3rd - Senior's Final Day
May 6th - Senior Graduation
May 24th and 25th - Early Out at 1:30 PM
August Elementary Lunch Menu
Louisville Elementary School
Email: smathis@lpslions.org
Website: https://louisvilleelementary.weebly.com
Location: 200 West 3rd Street, Louisville, NE, USA
Phone: (402) 234-4215
Twitter: @pride_purple