Fayette Central Flyer
October 2021
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe but the end of the first quarter will soon be here. It has certainly been another different year with masks and social distancing but our kids have done such a nice job of adapting to our new expectations and we really appreciate all your help in this.
School picture day is also coming up October 5th. All students' pictures will be taken so they can be in our yearbook with their classmates.If anyone happens to be absent on the 6th we will have a retake day in November .
Following that we will have our fall conferences on October 13th. Students will not come to school that day so our teachers will have time for professional development in the morning and then through the afternoon and throughout specially scheduled times until November 13 we will hold parent/teacher conferences for all of our students. It is important that teachers connect with each and everyone of their families. All of our conferences will be either in person, phone, or virtual this year. Our teachers will still have complete information to share with you as to what our students have been working on this fall and the individual strengths and areas of focus for each student.
Fall Break is the next week from October 25 - 29.
Thank-you to our morning car rider parents who drive into the cone zone before letting their children out on the passenger side by the sidewalk. Our tardy bell is set by our computers and rings at 7:55. Anyone arriving after that must enter through the front doors and parents must sign them in. Thank-you for having your students at school on time every day ready to work. Good attendance and getting your children off to a positive start is so helpful to their success in school.
Dismissal time is also a very hectic time for us. Please help us ensure your child gets home the way you desire by letting us know of any changes by 1:00 PM so we have time to alert them of your changes.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Mrs. O'Rourke's Classroom News
WELCOME BACK!!!! So glad to be here!!! August was packed full of activities to get to know each other again and to welcome new students to our classroom. We also practiced our procedures and routines. In September, we pushed ahead with teaching our academic standards. Lower elementary is learning short vowels, number sense and about our communities. Already we can see progress being made!!! Upper elementary is practicing 2 digit times 2 digit. It’s hard to get that process down!! Keep practicing!!
As we go into fall and the upcoming holidays, please take the time to count your blessings.
Mrs. O’Rourke
Mrs. Poe's Second Grade News
Mrs. Poe’s second grade class has been studying base ten blocks. We have been learning to group 10 ones as ten, 10 tens as a hundred, and learning place value. We can represent two and their digit numbers using blocks and working our way to writing to one thousand. Mrs. Poe’s second grade classroom will also be studying Science, air and weather. We will have hands on activities to help us better understand the properties of air and weather.
The Air and Weather Module provides experiences that heighten primary students' awareness, curiosity, and understanding of Earth's dynamic atmosphere and provides opportunities for young students to engage in scientific and engineering practices. Students explore the natural world by using simple instruments to observe and monitor change. In this module, students will:
Discover properties of air by observing interactions of air with objects.
Demonstrate that compressed air can be used to make things move.
Construct parachutes, pinwheels, and kites, and observe how they interact with air.
Upcoming Events
October 5- Picture Day
October 19- P.T.O. at 6:00 PM at Arby's- This is Title I parent Night and we will discuss our new spirit wear.
October 19- First Quarter Honors and Awards- In classrooms this year
October 25- Fall Break