Knights News
Unity Elementary School
Newsletter Translation
Principal's Message
Welcome to February Knight Families!
I'm so proud of your children and your teachers! Together we have observed an 8% gain in the number of students proficient in their reading fluency... WOW! We are also making amazing growth towards grade-level standards in math. 23% of our students are now at or above grade level in their iReady math diagnostic, which is up from just 5% in the fall. That is simply amazing and hard work your children are doing!
Your teacher will be leading you through your child's individual growth during conferences, which will be held Tuesday, February 7th (Language Supported), Monday, February 20th, and Tuesday, February 21st. Be on the lookout for a separate email communication from me for more details on our spring conferences.
As always, I'm proud to work for this school, these teachers, and your children and family. If there is anything I can do for you please reach out via phone or email.
Yours in Education,
Eric Kilburn | Unity Principal
Snow Make Up Days
Because we have had a couple of snow days so far this year, March 24th and April 28th will now be school make-up days. Please update those dates on your calendar as school days
PTO News
If you have questions about how you can be a part of the Unity PTO, please email us at:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
You may sign up for conferences now! Go to (or just click on that link) to sign up for your child's spring conference.
Language Supported Conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 7th from 4-6 pm
Tuesday, February 21st will be a regular school day for students and conferences will be available that evening from 4:00 to 6:00.
There will also be NO SCHOOL for staff and students on Friday, February 24th because of an Exchange Day
Bring a Book, Take a Book
Friday, February 17th
Friday, March 31st
Friday, April 21st
Friday, May 19th - All school day event where all students receive a book for summer break
Glow Dance
Unity's Glow Dance will be held on Friday, February 17th, from 6:00-7:30. Tickets are $4 if you buy them in advance and $5 at the door. Tickets include a dinner consisting of a hotdog, chips, drink, and one glow item. Additional Glow items will be available for purchase at the dance. Tickets are available now in the main office.
Title 1 News
Kindergarten Lunch & Learn
All Kindergarten parents are invited to Unity for our Kindergarten Lunch & Learn on Thursday, February 16th at 11:30 am. If parents can’t make it, grandparents/friends are welcome to attend. You are invited to eat lunch with your child (either bring a cold lunch for yourself or purchase a school lunch). When the children are dismissed, parents will stay for a short “Parent Connection” time. All parents who attend the presentation will receive valuable information about how to help your child at home to become a better reader, along with a free book for your child.
Please look for an invitation that will be sent home this week with your Kindergarten children as we will need you to RSVP for this event. (If you would like to purchase an adult lunch, the cost is $4.40)
We look forward to seeing you!!
Title Teachers
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration at Unity will be held on Tuesday, April 4th. Please call the office at 712-279-6839 to set up a time to bring your child in for registration.
Spring Break
There will be no school on Thursday, Friday, and Monday (April 6th, 7th, and 10th), due to our Spring Break. Enjoy this time off with family and friends!
Mobile App
The District’s new mobile app provides quick and convenient information at your fingertips. Download the mobile to receive push notifications from the District about closings and cancellations and stay updated on today’s school lunch menu, upcoming events, and school news. Look for Sioux City Community Schools in your app store today! (Please note: If you have an older version of the District mobile app, you will need to delete that app before downloading the new app.)
Construction Positions
Please click on the link below for information on construction jobs available for the district:
Cell Phone Protocols in Place
To ensure an engaging learning experience for our students, the District’s cell phone protocols are still in place for the spring semester. The protocols restrict the use of electronic devices during the school day. For more information, please review the 2022-2023 Parent/Guardian and Student Handbook on the District website.
Spring Conferences
Mark your calendar for spring parent-teacher conferences on Monday, February 20 and Tuesday, February 21. There will be no school on Monday, February 20 and Friday, February 24.
Dismissal Procedures
Our TK & Kindergarten students exit from doors 25 and 26 (Mrs. Poulson and Mrs. Anderson's rooms). Our 1st and 2nd-grade students exit from the main entryway (door 1). Our 3rd-grade students exit from door 3 which is located behind our loading dock. The 4th and 5th graders exit from door 4 at the North end of the building. Please see the image below to assist you with this visualization. Please work with your family to agree to a common meeting place outside of the building. We do our best to limit student traffic within the building after school.
If you have a preschool child and a child in another grade level we can make special accommodations so that you can pick up all of your children at the preschool door. Please contact your child's teacher to work through this.
Notes from the Nurse
Elementary Mental Health
Everyone feels sad, mad or worried sometimes. While it may be hard to let others know how you are feeling, you may show it in how you think, feel, or act. You may
· Eat less or more
· Argue more
· Cry easily
· Feel bored with things you like
· Have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep
· Want to be alone a lot
· Act before thinking
· Have less energy
· Feel nervous/stressed
When you feel this way, you may want to do something to help you feel better, such as
· Write a story
· Play outside
· Do a puzzle
· Smile or laugh
· Ride a bike
· Draw or paint
If this does not help, talk with a parent or grown up! They should be able to help.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Sioux City Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas: Business & Marketing, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, and Industrial Arts, Technology, & PLTW.
The Sioux City Community School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. It is an unfair or discriminatory practice for any educational institution to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information (for employment), national origin, religion, age (for employment), disability, socioeconomic status (for programs), marital status (for programs), or veteran status (for employment) in its educational programs and its employment practices.
Inquiries or grievances, including Section 504 grievances and grievances under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, may be directed to Jen Gomez, Director of Student Services & Equity Education at 627 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101, (712) 279-6075, Please see District Board policies 103 and 504.4 for additional information on available grievance procedures.
Unity Elementary School
Principal: Eric Kilburn
Location: 1901 Unity Avenue, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712-279-6839
Twitter: @UnityFuture