Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- September 21st, 2023
Dear God,
Grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who aren’t thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
In the 21st century, although there are so many advanced things to draw our attention away from our parish and our school, I believe that the heart of Holy Trinity should remain strong. What a great place for people to worship together. Where can you find friends with like values to socialize with? What a great cause to still raise funds for. And wow, do we have an excellent school where families can educate their children together?
I want to express my thanks on behalf of our entire school community for the hard work of our Home and School Organization. Already this school year, our Home and School has provided some breakfast for the faculty during Teacher Inservice, set up and organized Kindergarten Round-up, and working on organizing the Book Fair and Meetings. It is only through their hard work and dedication that most of our events are possible. All parents and teachers are part of our Home and School automatically. I encourage everyone to attend the meetings whenever possible and see how you can volunteer. Our Home and School leadership is already preparing for our Wreath and Poinsettia Sale, and you'll be receiving information soon.
Mrs. Longden
Blessed Carlo Acutis
Born in London, in 1991, Carlo and his family soon moved back to Italy, where he grew up as an ordinary only child. He loved football, Pokémon, action films, and all animals (he had four dogs, two cats and many goldfish as pets). From early childhood, his first love was Our Lord in the Eucharist. Neither of his parents were religious, yet from an early age Carlo never wanted to pass a church without going in to “say hello to Jesus.” As a result, his mother came back to faith, then his father.
“The Eucharist is my highway to Heaven!” he would say. And, “If we get in front of the sun, we get sun tans, but when we get in front of Jesus in the Eucharist, we become Saints.” A “computer genius” and possible future patron saint of the internet, by age fourteen he had created a Eucharistic Miracle display that would tour the world, along with a website. He believed that if people knew that Jesus was truly in the Eucharist, they would turn to God. Then, in early October, 2006, Carlo became ill . He was admitted to hospital, receiving a terrible diagnosis: “It is a devastating leukemia.”
“I am happy to die,” he said, “because I have lived my life without wasting a minute on those things which do not please God.” He died on October 12. He is now a Blessed on his way to being a saint! What a young and powerful witness! Do we spend our lives without wasting minutes on things that don’t please God? How often do we sit with Jesus so we too can become saints?
School Information Meeting
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
You and your family are welcome to attend Mass at 5:00.
After the 5:00 Mass we will have the school open to visit classrooms and talk with teachers about grading, curriculum, classroom routines, activities, etc. This is also a great time to ask questions.
6:00 Meeting in the Gym. Items to be discussed include School Advisory Commission, Home and School Association, SCRIP, Tuition/Finance, Accreditation Visit, Marketing, and Athletics.
At the end of the meeting, be sure to pick up your envelope with out of dress code coupons for your children.
See the schedule attached.
Long-Term Substitute
If you are interested, or know of someone that might be interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net.
Thank you!
Picture Retake Day
If you would like your child's picture retaken, please contact the school office.
Thank you.
Grandparents Day
Information was sent home in Family Folders this week.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Forms were sent home in Family Folders.
They are also attached here.
Family Folders
Conference sign-up Information
Grandparents Day Information
October Lunch Menu
School Photos (if you ordered school photos and did not receive them, please reach out to the school office)
Drill Week
October Lunch Menu
Holy Trinity School Choir
Spirit Wear
Please click on the link to check it out!
Band Interest
If your child is in grades 4-8 and interested in possibly being in band, please email Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 22nd - Baptism Mass (August/September Baptisms)
Tuesday, September 26th - School Informational Meeting
Wednesday, September 27th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Thursday, September 28th - Packer Day (Wear your Packer Gear with Jeans)
Friday, September 29th - Mass
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 3rd and 4th - Accreditation Visit
Wednesday, October 4th - Mass
Thursday, October 5th - Mass
Friday, October 6th - No School
Wednesday, October 11th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, October 12th - 6th-8th Grade Retreat
Friday, October 13th - Mass
Wednesday, October 18th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Thursday, October 19th - Grandparents Day (Dismissal at 11)
Thursday, October 19th - Conferences 12 P.M.-6 P.M.
Friday, October 20th - Mass
Calendar of Cash
September 14 - Milli Kreif
September 15 - Ceil Waala
September 18 - Jamie Rabuck
September 19 - Audrey Struebing
September 20 -Kelley Peterson
Family Directory
Thursday & Friday: Earn big with bonuses on eGift cards and reloaded gift cards. 135+ brands on bonus!! You must have an online account to participate.
How to Participate: Already have a RaiseRight participant account? View and shop bonuses September 21-22 on the RaiseRight mobile app or at RaiseRight.com. Don’t have a RaiseRight yet? Follow the easy steps to get started at RaiseRight.com/m/StartEarning. Check with your program coordinator to get your organization’s unique enrollment code.In addition to Raise Days, there are other bonuses available on physical gift cards. If you need to stock up on Kwik Trip cards this is a great time to get an extra 5% rebate!
Volleyball Schedule
Thursday, September 28th - at Holy Angels
Friday, September 29th - at St. Matt's
Thursday, October 5th - St. Katherine Drexel (Parent Night)
Monday, October 9th - Divine Savior, Fredonia (B Team)
October 9th-15th - Holy Angels Tournament (A Team)
Friday, October 20th - St. Matt's
Friday, November 3rd - Shepherd of the Hills (8th Grade Night)
2nd-8th Grade Boys Basketball Opportunity
ATTENTION PARENTS OF 2nd-8th grade Boys.
The Kewaskum Indian Igniters have re-opened their registration link so interested HTS students can join their program. BUT HURRY! It's only open until this Friday at noon.
As you know, HTS offers Wildcat basketball from 5th-8th grade, and I've been approached by parents of younger students about local opportunities to get started earlier. Some of our older students who really love basketball, join both programs.
Here's the link to join: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eFcxVGAlxUvV7YOZionSdBDBRry_e9j2Y7iK7OJyFis/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR2j0oLL1frKdVhkUBLZXL2XuGQZapSvbtDmuqo2j-OGOjiycK4Ywfk9XwA&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Kewaskum and West Bend Catholic Mom's Group
Hello families,
The basketball season will be here before we know it! School and Parish boys and girls in 5th-8th grade are invited to play Wildcat basketball this upcoming season. We will be hosting a parent meeting Sept 25th at 6pm at the HTS Cafe. Whether your child is for sure playing, or you are still deciding, we hope you’re able to come to the meeting. Coaches and athletic directors will be there to answer questions.
Below are the forms needed in order to participate in Wildcat Athletics. They must be completed in their entirety before the season starts, so we encourage you to please complete them and bring them to the meeting, so it's one less thing to think about later. Fees are $50 for 1 sport and $75 for 2 or more sports (basketball/volleyball) per child. Checks payable to Holy Trinity Athletics.
Forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K4IIaHuo2EXb_YTtHuV-6hPfc6RyngK-?usp=share_link
If Sept 25 does not work for you, please email us your contact info, your child's name and grade and we will keep you posted of info shared at the meeting. athleticdirector@htschool.net
Kind regards,
Nick and Angie Kern
Athletic Directors
KEYS Run/Walk
With a legacy of over $3 million in academic scholarships awarded, KEYS, Inc. has transformed lives and paved the way for countless individuals to pursue their educational dreams. This year's event holds special significance as we celebrate three decades of unwavering dedication to education and empowerment.
Whether you're a preK-8 student eyeing the chance to win a local business gift card or a KHS student vying for a chance to win a $500 scholarship, these race registration incentives are just the cherry on top of a rewarding experience.
Join us at Keys-Scholarships.org or scan the QR code to register and secure your spot. Let's make this year's event the biggest yet, honoring our past achievements while building an even brighter future. As the countdown begins, we look forward to seeing you at the starting line on October 8th, united in our commitment to education and community. Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact for generations to come.
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603