Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ April 15, 2019
Reminder about Attendance on Good Friday
Oak Grove Board of Education - Superintendent Search Update
Multicultural Night
Multicultural Night was a success because of YOU!
Multicultural Week at Oak Grove began April 1st as Marla's Lunch featured International Foods week for the first time! It was a hit! Students were able to see, taste, smell and talk about all different types of food from a variety of cultures. The parent volunteers were fantastic as always teaching lessons in the classroom in grades Kindergarten-fifth grade. Students learned about Brazil, Poland, China, India, Nigeria and Peru. The week ended with our culminating event of Multicultural Night on Thursday, April 11th. We had students performing Kung Fu, Irish dancing, instrumental music, dancing, and singing from India! The Green Screen room run by Dr. Meltzer was a hit as families took virtual vacations all over the world! The food provided by our wonderful families was delicious and the kids loved their souvenirs! Passports were stamped and students walked away learning about so many different cultures. In a quick survey of students, their favorite parts were the performances, henna, and FOOD!
A special thank you to our amazing Multicultural Team! Thank you especially to our parent volunteers Raabia Khan, Elizabeth O'Neil, & Loucine Tokmakjian. Their countless hours of coordinating the booths, parent volunteers, evening volunteers and more made this night a huge success. Oak Grove is so fortunate to have Dr. Lemon, Dr. Cacciatore & Mr. Fenton on our Multicultural Team as well. They hear a dream or an idea and support the committee in every way they can, including coming to all the meetings! Thank you Mrs. Vance, Mrs. Kiefer, Mrs. Demma, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Taylor, & Dr. Meltzer for making this event one of the biggest attendance nights at Oak Grove. A special thank you to Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Saia who helped clean up the event without even being asked. We had over 900 people visiting booths and sharing their cultures! It truly was an unforgettable night!
Link to Photos:
Link to Parade Video
PTO Committee Chairs
The PTO is looking for a few new Committee Chairs for next year. Each has different levels of involvement. If you are interested in getting more involved with the school/PTO, contact Katrina Treutelaar - katrinatreutelaar@me.com
Open House
The fourth grade Open House is on Thursday, April 18, from 6:30pm-7:30pm. The PTO will be providing complimentary frozen treats in the elementary cafeteria. The ingredients and allergy information will be provided near the treats. There will also be a non-dairy option. This year there will be some Oak Grove spirit items available for purchase.
Variety Show
The Variety Show is Friday, May 3rd at 4pm & 7pm. Tickets are available NOW on Revtrak. Tickets are $8 until May 2 and $10 at the door. Paper tickets will not be issued. Seating is first come first serve; there is no reserved seating. Tickets will be available via will call at the door. All proceeds benefit the Oak Grove PTO.
Thanks again to all acts that tried out for the show - Oak Grove has some talented kids! For all the acts that made the show, please visit the Variety Show webpage, www.ogschool.org/vshow, to view all the important information.
We hope to see everyone at the show on May 3rd!
Elementary Book Fair Volunteers Needed
Parent volunteers will help the students choose age appropriate books as well as help them find the best value with the "buy one, get one free" sale starting April 22nd. We have 33 shifts and only 4 of them have been filled so far. Please, click here if you are able to give a couple hours of your time to help. Thank you!!
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Oak Grove Track & Field
Monday's Meet @ Lake Forest has been CANCELLED!!!
Parents and Athletes, make sure you sign up for REMIND in order to receive important announcements and communicate Coach Jasmine.
- Enter this number: 81010
- Text this message: @2019oakg
Athletes can sign up for Track and Field on Google Classroom. Guardians can be invited to receive updates through email.
- Join Code: bwe9s4
MONDAY: Practice 3:30-4:45
TUESDAY: No Practice (Due to Variety Show Pictures)
WEDNESDAY: Meet @ North Chicago HS, Neal Hosts, 4:30
Athletes Sign Up Below: (may be cancelled due to T-storms...TBD)
BOYS 4/17/19 @ North Chicago HS (Neal Hosts) Tr...
GIRLS 4/17/19 @ North Chicago HS (Neal Hosts) T...
THURSDAY: Practice 3:30-4:45
FRIDAY: No Practice (Early Release, 1 PM, Good Friday)
Other Important Documents:
Parent Meeting Track and Field
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Parents with students in grades 3 and/or 5 received CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) results March 22nd. One of the uses of the CogAT is to assist with students qualifying for Oak Grove’s TAG (Talented And Gifted) program. Please click here and scroll down on the page for additional results to understand your student’s CogAT scores.
Based on CogAT results, parents were then notified over spring break if their child would complete additional assessments, a writing assessment and/or math problem solving assessment. These additional assessments will take place early next week, April 22nd-24th. Completing additional assessments does not guarantee placement in the TAG program, nor does having a CogAT verbal, quantitative, or nonverbal SAS at or above 120. Students are considered for the TAG program with a SAS at or above 120. Please, reference the flowchart on page 13 of the TAG Handbook. Placement is based on a matrix, that is on page 10 of the TAG Handbook.
Parents will receive final placement letters at the beginning of May. These letters will be sent to parents who were notified that their child was taking the additional writing and/or math problem solving assessments.
Parents with current 3rd grade students:
Please remember that we revisit all placement decisions at the end of 5th grade as students transition into the middle school. This includes all students in both TAG classes as well as on-grade level classes. Placement in a TAG class in grades 4 and/or 5 does not guarantee placement in TAG classes beginning in grade 6. Those decisions will be based on more current data gathered at that time.
Parents with current 5th grade students:
Please remember TAG placement and/or placement in on-grade level classes does not determine the placement decisions that will be used in eighth grade for high school transitioning. Those decisions will be based on more current data gathered at that time.
Club/Activity Photos this Friday
Students, please wear Oak Grove colors or spirit wear this Friday. We will be taking group pictures of students in clubs and activities on Friday.
Parent Night Presentation
From the Illinois State Board of Education
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120