Charles Town Prowler
January 17, 2023
Principal's update:
Next week, students will be participating in the Math and ELA interim assessment. This benchmark test will provide performance data that will help our teachers plan instruction for the remainder of the school year. This test, known as the Fixed Form CIA, will give students the opportunity to practice logging into the same platform they'll use for the WV General Summative Assessment in May.
Early Dismissal - January 27, 2023
The faculty senate meeting canceled due to inclement weather in Dec. will take place on Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. Students in all Jefferson County Schools will DISMISS TWO HOURS EARLY that afternoon to accommodate the rescheduled meetings. We recognize the importance of these legally required meetings to give faculty senates time to meet and discuss important issues. Thank you for supporting their work and partnering with us for student success.
Save the Dates:
January 17th- Basketball- Girls Home - Boys Away 6:00 vs. Wildwood
January 18th - Wrestling Home - 6:00
January 19th - Basketball- Girls Away - Boys Home 6:00 vs. Mt. Ridge Middle
Wrestling Away
January 23rd- Basketball - Girls Home - Boys Away 6:00 vs. Shepherdstown Middle
January 24th - After School Tutoring Begins
January 25th - CTMS Hosts County History Bowl
January 25th - Club Day - PM
January 25th - WHS Rising 9th Grade Night 6:00 - WHS Auditorium
January 25th - 8th grade band, honor band recording concert, WDIS 7:00
January 26th - Basketball - Girls Home - Boys Away 6:00 vs. Musselman Middle
January 26th - PTO Meeting 6:00 CTMS Media Center
January 27th - 2 Hour Early Dismissal - Faculty Senate
January 27th and 28th - Wrestling at WSAZ - Huntington, WV
January 30th - Basketball - Girls Away - Boys Home 6:00 vs. Spring Mills
February 1st - Wrestling @ Wildwood 5:30
February 2nd - Basketball - Girls Away - Boys Home 6:00 vs. South Middle
February 7th - Mid-Point of the 3rd 9-Weeks
February 18th - Shepherd Jazz Festival
February 20th - Professional Learning Day (No School for Students)
February 22nd - Club Day
February 23rd - PTO Meeting 6:00 CTMS Media Center
February 25th - Eastern Regional Jazz Festival
March 13th - Third 9-weeks Ends - Professional Learning Day (No School for Students)
March 14th - Fourth 9-weeks Begins
March 20th - Report Cards Issued
March 29th - Club Day
March 30th - 7th and 8th Grade Band Concert Band Festival
March 30th - PTO Meeting 6:00 CTMS Media Center
April 6th - Faculty Senate Day (2 Hour Early Dismissal for Students)
April 7th - 14th- Spring Break - No School for Students
April 24th - Mid-Point of the Fourth 9-weeks
April 26th - Club Day
April 26th - Spring Band Concert @ WHS 7:00
April 27th - PTO Meeting 6:00 CTMS Media Center
May 1st - 26th- GSA Testing Window Opens
May 24th - 8th Grade Promotion/Awards Ceremony
May 25th - 6th/7th Grade Awards Ceremony
May 26th - Last Day of school for students (tentatitve due to weather)
Attendance Matters!
Showing up to school dramatically impacts a student’s academic success. Families play a crucial role in ensuring that a student gets to school safely and on time daily. We understand that absences are unavoidable, such as illness or medical appointments. Please call the appropriate attendance line if your child will be missing school.
Attendance reporting - Please call in advance if your child is absent from school.
CTMS Attendance Secretary: (304) 725-3413
Electronic Absence Note Link:
WV Explore Manufacturing Video Competition
These students will take the knowledge they learned and pictures/video they took to create a promotional video to highlight STEM careers within West Virginia.
Be on the look out for the final production.
Project Cold Front
Rising 9th Grade Schedules Due
Major Sudyam from JHS visited with students today to discuss opportunities with ROTC at JHS.
Don't forget about the WHS parent night on Wednesday, January 25th at 6:00 in the WHS Auditorium.
Track and Field Coaches Needed
Track season officially begins February 27, 2023.