PCH Community Update
2023-2024: The Weeks of September 11 & September 18
As we settle into the school year and prepare for weeks four and five, please take a moment to review this two week edition of PCH Community Update, which includes information about our Homcoming 2023 festivities, as well as information on these important topics:
- Calendar Reminders
- Student Fees & Fines
- Free & Reduced Meals
- College Series
- Homecoming 2023: Starting the Year on the Right NOTE!
- PCH Publications: Spur Yearbook Info
- PCH Athletics & Activites: September Edition
- Purchase a 2023-2024 Athletic Pass
- Event Guidelines for Varsity Football Games
- Parents: Update Family Profile
- From the PTO: New Leadership Board
- Student Attendance
- Daily Building Procedures
- General Resources
- Links to Nutrition, Technology, Staff Directory.
- Central High Administrators
As a reminder, PCH Community Update is the school newsletter shared with students and parents throughout the school year. For much of the content, students are the primary audience. Parents, please encourage your student to regularly check their Parkway email account to review new updates. Thank you for your support and, as always, Go Colts!
Tim McCarthy
Principal, PCH
Calendar Reminders
The daily schedule for the week of September 11 is:
- Monday, September 11: ALL (Purple) Day
- Tuesday, September 12: ODD (Red) Day
- Wednesday, September 13: E-ER (Light Blue) Day --- No Ac Lab, Dismissal at 12:30 pm
- Thursday, September 14: ODD (Red) Day
- Friday, September 15: EVEN (Blue) Day --- Ac Lab: Modules 1 & 2
The daily schedule for the week of September 18 is:
- Monday, September 18: ALL (Purple) Day
- Tuesday, September 19: ODD (Red) Day
- Wednesday, September 20: EVEN (Blue) Day --- Ac Lab: Modules 1 & 2
- Thursday, September 21: ODD (Red) Day
- Friday, September 22 EVEN (Blue) Day --- No Ac Lab, Pep Rally --- Block Sequence = 2,8,6,4
The daily schedule for the week of September 25 is:
- Monday, September 25: ALL (Purple) Day
- Tuesday, September 26: ODD (Red) Day
- Wednesday, September 27: EVEN (Blue) Day --- Ac Lab: Modules 1 & 2
- Thursday, September 28: ODD (Red) Day
- Friday, September 29 EVEN (Blue) Day --- Ac Lab: Modules 1 & 2
Additional minutes of Study Time are built into 6th Block on ALL (Purple) Days, which are scheduled on the following dates in the next two weeks:
- Monday, September 11
- Monday, September 18
- Monday, September 25
In addition, please mark the following IMPORTANT dates / events on your calendar:
Monday, September 11: College Series - Parkway / Rockwood College Fair, 6 pm @ Queeny Park
Wednesday, September 13: Even Early Release Day, 12:30 pm Dismissal
Monday, September 18: Homecoming Week Begins
Friday, September 22: Homecoming Pep Rally
Saturday, September 23: College Series - HBCU College Fair, 11 am @ Harris Stowe State University
Saturday, September 23: Homecoming Dance
Wednesday, September 27: Parkway Board of Education Meeting, 7 pm
Thursday, September 28: Project Parkway, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm @ Central High
Monday, October 2: Choir - Fall Concert, 7:30 pm
Tuesday, October 3: Orchestra - Fall Concert, 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 5: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 11: College Series - College Admissions: Resources for Families, 6 pm @ PCH Theater
Thursday, October 12: Even Early Release Day, 12:30 pm Dismissal
Friday, October 13: No School --- Fall Break
Monday, October 16: No School --- Fall Break
To download Central High's 2023-2024 academic calendar, click on the calendar link in the General Resources folder toward the bottom of the newsletter.
Student Fees & Fines
To pay the balance of the account, please do so through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by contacting Pam Foutch in the Central High school store (pfoutch@parkwayschools.net / (314) 415-7927) for additional options. If you have school-issued materials to return, please bring those items to the school store. Once received, those items will be removed from your student’s balance. If you have a question regarding a specific fine or fee, please contact the appropriate teacher, coach, sponsor or your student’s grade level administrator.
Note on Homecoming Tickets: To purchase a Homecoming 2023 dance ticket, students are expected to pay in full all fees and fines added to their account before Tuesday, September 5, 2923.
Free & Reduced Meals
College Series
The next two upcoming events include...
Parkway / Rockwood Regional College Fair
Monday, September 11, 2023: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Edgar M. Queeny County Park
This annual college fair is a great opportunity to collect materials from multiple colleges and universities in a short period of time while giving students a chance to meet and talk with college admissions representatives in person. Students will need to register for the college fair prior to arrival at http://www.strivefair.com/. Although college fairs are generally focused towards juniors, seniors, and their parents, anyone is welcome to attend. Colleges are still registering for the event, but the most recent list of participants may be found HERE.
HBCU College Fair
Saturday, September 23, 2023: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Harris Stowe State University, Emerson Performing Arts Building
This annual college fair sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated Omicron Theta Omega Chapter. Gather information, network with peers and discover diverse educational opportunities available at Historically Black Colleges & Universities across the country. Admission to the fair is free and no registration is required. You are encouraged to come prepared with questions and an open mind, ready to explore the possibilities. Registration is not required to attend.
Other upcoming events in Central High's College Series includes...
- Wednesday, October 11: College Admissions --- Resources for Families (PCH Theater)
- Tuesday, October 24: Financial Aid 101 (PCH Commons)
- Sunday, October 29: National College Fair - St. Louis (St. Louis University)
- Wednesday, December 13: FAFSA for Senior Parents (PCH Theater)
Homecoming 2023: Starting the Year on the Right NOTE!
Dates: Monday, September 18 - Saturday, September 23
Theme: Music
Spirit Days:
- Monday: Twin Day
- Tuesday: Class Theme Day (Freshman = Rock, Sophomores P= op, Juniors = Country, Seniors Disco)
- Wednesday: Class Color Day (Freshman = Blue, Sophomores = Pink, Juniors = White, Seniors B= lack)
- Thursday: Dress Your Age Day (Freshman = Babies, Sophomores = Pre-teens, Juniors = Parents, Seniors = Senior Citizens)
- Friday: PCH Spirit Day!
The Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, September 23rd from 7:30-10pm (doors close at 8:30pm) in Gym A. Tickets go on sale the week of September 11th for $10/each. Ticket prices go up to $12/each the week of September 18th. The last day to purchase tickets for the dance is September 21st. Tickets can be purchased in the School Store or through the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. Fees and fines added to a student's account before Tuesday, September 5 must be paid in full for a student to be eligible to purchase Homecoming 2023 dance tickets.
Other activities that week include the annual Class vs. Class Kickball Game on Wednesday, September 20th from 6-7pm. Our Homecoming Pep Assembly will be on Friday, September 22nd from 1-2:30pm (no Academic Lab that day).
PCH Publications: Spur Yearbook Information
2023-24 Parkway Central High Yearbooks are now available for preorder
Preorder your 23-24 yearbook today! Order by Oct. 27 for the lowest price of the year and free personalization!
Pick up your 2022-23 Parkway Central High Yearbook
Students who ordered a 22-23 Parkway Central High Yearbook but have yet to pick it up can come by the journalism room (948-950) to pick up their yearbook during school hours. We have a few extras for sale if you didn't buy one and would like to. Email cstricker@parkwayschools.net for more information.
Retakes/Absentee Picture Day is Oct. 11
Picture retakes for students in grades 9, 10, and 11 who were absent on picture day or ordered pictures and need a retake is scheduled for Oct. 11 during Ac Lab.
For more information, go to the yearbook page on the school website or contact cstricker@parkwayschools.net
Purchase a 2023-2024 PCH Athletic Pass
In Parkway, there is an admission fee for many athletic events, including varsity football, varsity soccer, volleyball (all levels), and basketball (all levels). 2023-2024 admission fees are
- Adult- $5
- Grades K-12 - $3
- No charge for Pre-K and 65+
Passes are for home events only. Passes are NOT accepted for tournament play, MSHSAA post-season events, or non-athletic events.
Pass Pricing:
Student = $35
Family = $103
Scan the QR code below to buy a digital pass. Students will need to enter the last name of their Academic Lab teacher (all lowercase and remove hyphens from hyphenated names) in order to receive student pricing. Please wait to order student passes until those teachers have been assigned.
Event Guidelines for Varsity Football Games
The home opener for the varsity football team is Friday, September 8 versus Rockwood Summit. Kickoff is at 07:00 pm. Varsity football games continue to be community events that include the Marching Colts along with the cheer and dance teams. Our primary purpose at an event such as this is to support our students as they compete and perform. To that end, please review the guidelines below:
- Middle school-age or younger students will only be admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian (25 or older) and are expected to be in the stands watching the event.
- Footballs, or other pieces of sporting equipment, are not allowed.
- No outside food or drink.
- No pets.
- No re-entry.
Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and support.
Parents: Update Your Family Profile
From the PTO: New Leadership Board
Central High's PTO is pleased to announce the new leadership board for this school year:
Jessica Malone - President
Trilce Encarnacion - Vice President
Sonya Land -Treasurer
Kia Davis - Assistant Treasurer
Stephanie Harvey - Secretary
Thank you to these individuals for their service to the PCH community! For more PTO information, click the button below.
Student Attendance
- Class of 2024: Karena Gantner --- (314) 415-7904 / kgantner@parkwayschools.net
- Class of 2025: Jordan Berry --- (314) 415-7908 / jberry1@parkwayschools.net
Class of 2026: Trish Reynolds --- (314) 415-7910 / preynolds@parkwayschools.net
- Class of 2027: John Reyes --- (314) 415-7906 / jreyes2@parkwayschools.net
To review Parkway's official attendance policy for high school students and Central High's complete building procedures, please click HERE.
Daily Building Procedures
Students and parents, please review the daily building procedures below.
- The building opens to students at 07:00 am.
- In the morning, students are expected to enter through Door #1 - Main Entrance (student drivers and students being dropped off) or Door #40 - Back Athletic Entrance (bus riders).
- Breakfast is available from 07:00 am - 07:30 am.
- Classes begin at 07:35 am. Students are expected to be in their assigned room by 07:35 am. For the first few days of school, we will work with students as some adjust to a new building and all to a new schedule.
- The internal set of doors at the main entrance will be locked at 07:35 am. Students tardy to school will check in inside the new vestibule. Students will be issued a pass, then report to class.
- All visitors, includng parents, are expected to enter through the main entrance and check in using vestibule.
- Visitors cleared to enter the main building are expected to wear their school issued visitor badge for the duration of their visit to PCH.
- Students dismissed during the school day (e.g. for an appointment with a parent) are expected to exit the building through the main entrance.
- During school hours (07:00 am - 02:30 am), deliveries for students from outside entities, including, but not limited to, food delivery services are not allowed. Parents may continue to drop off items for students (e.g. lunch), when necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
General Resources
Below are several documents for your reference regarding Central High academic calendar and the various bell schedules for Parkway high schools.
PCH - 2023-2024 - Calendar - 07-25-23
PCH - 2023-2024 - Lunch Schedule - Sem 1
PSD - HS - Bell Schedule - 01 - Regular Days
PSD - HS - Bell Schedule - 02 - Adjusted Days
PSD - HS - Bell Schedule - 03 - Late Arrival Days
PSD - HS - Bell Schedule - 04 - Final Exams - Sem 1 - 2023-2024
PSD - HS - Bell Schedule - 05 - Final Exams - Sem 2 - 2023-2024
PCH Daily Cafeteria Menu
Parkway Technology
PCH Staff Directory
Parkway Central High School
Email: tmccarthy@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/31
Location: 369 N Woods Mill Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Phone: (314)415-7900
Twitter: @PCHPrincipal
Central High Administrators
Tim McCarthy, Principal
- Email: tmccarthy@parkwayschools.net
- Adminstrative Assistant: Kim Orf
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7902
Marvin Byrd, Assistant Principal - Class of 2024
- Email: mbyrd1@parkwayschools.net
- Administrative Assistant: Karena Gantner (kgantner@parkwayschools.net)
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7904
Amy Grich, Assistant Principal - Class of 2025
- Email: agrich@parkwayschools.net
- Administrative Assistant: Jordan Berry (jberry1@parkwayschools.net)
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7908
Travis Fast, Assistant Principal - Class of 2026
- Email: tfast@parkwayschools.net
- Administrative Assistant: Trish Reynolds
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7910
Shruti Upadhyay, Assistant Principal - Class of 2027
- Email: supadhyay@parkwayschools.net
- Administrative Assistant: John Reyes
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7906
Teale London, Special Education Coordinator
- Email: tlondon@parkwayschools.net
- Office Telephone: 314-415-5972
Brian Guilfoyle, Director of Athletics & Activities
- Email: bguilfoyle@parkwayschools.net
- Administrative Assistant: Tina Uihlein (tuihlein@parkwayschools.net)
- Office Telephone: 314-415-7936