The Social Studies Connection
More than a Newsletter for Secondary Social Studies Teachers
Matthew I. Doran
Office of Teaching & Learning
Curriculum Division
Southland Center
Email: mdoran2067@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: http://www.ccsoh.us/socialstudies
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 380.997.0470
Twitter: @mdoran2067
In this edition:
- Curriculum and Instruction: Constitution Day, September 17, 2022
- Curriculum and Instruction: TCI Canvas Integration
- Curriculum and Instruction: History Alive! and Government Alive! Placards for Grades 8-11
- Professional Development: High School Department Chair Meetings
- Professional Development: TCI Professional Development
- External Professional Development: NCHE Equity Summit
- External Professional Development: Echoes & Reflections Webinars
- Student Programs: High School Mock Trial Program
- Student Programs: City Leaders Academy
- Student Programs: United States Senate Youth Program
Constitution Day, September 17, 2022
Since September 17 is a Saturday this year, Constitution Day activities should take place on Friday, September 16.
Teacher Resources
- Celebrating Our Constitution Lesson (TCI)
- American Founding Text Set (CommonLit)
- Constitution Day Lessons (Center for Civic Education)
- Constitution Day Resources (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Constitution Day Lesson Plan (iCivics)
- Ideals in U.S. Founding Documents (Choices Program)
- National Constitution Center Programs
Interactive Student Resources
TCI Canvas Integration
TCI Canvas integration requires three steps:
1. Connect your TCI account to your Canvas account;
2. Pair your TCI classes with your Canvas classes; and
3. Match your students in TCI rosters with your students in Canvas rosters.
Follow the step-by-step procedures here, or view the videos below for directions on using TCI with Canvas.
History Alive! and Government Alive! Placards for Grades 8 - 11
Laminated, reusable hard copy placards are included with our adoption for the following courses/grades.
- History Alive! The United States through Industrialism, Grade 8
- History Alive! World Connections, Grade 9
- History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals, Grade 10
- Government Alive! Power, Politics, and You, Grade 11
To request hard copies of placards for the programs above, use the support request here.
Since Grade 6, 7, and Global Issues are customized courses, hard copy placards are not included in the adoption package. However, placards are available in printable PDF from the "Materials" tab in the digital platform for all programs.
Snapshot of a Successful Secondary Social Studies Classroom
The Snapshot of a Successful Secondary Social Studies Classroom is a guiding tool to help teachers design their classrooms and learning experiences. This is a not checklist or evaluation instrument. It is illustrative, not exhaustive or conclusive. The most recent update of the Snapshot is linked below.
Click on the image below to download a PDF of the Snapshot.
High School Department Chair Meetings 2022-2023
High School Social Studies Department Chairs meet monthly for professional development and to collaboratively help shape CCS Social Studies. This year's meetings will be held on the second Wednesdays of month (except March and April):
- September 14, 2022
- October 12, 2022
- November 9, 2022
- December 14, 2022
- January 11, 2023
- February 8, 2023
- March 15, 2023
- April 19, 2023
- May 10, 2023
Meetings will be 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. The current plan is to hold meetings on Zoom. Department Chairs will receive a Zoom link.
Department Chair appointments are made by the building principal, in accordance with Article 905 of the Master Agreement.
New Department Chairs for 2022-2023 should email Matt Doran to make sure they are on the distribution list for this year.
TCI Professional Development: Learn TCI at Your Own Pace
Click on the graphic below for the Interactive Guidebook
NCHE Equity Summit
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Drawing upon the complex history of race, ethnicity, enslavement, poverty, and immigration in the American experience, sessions will emphasize opportunities, activism, and student empowerment. This Equity Summit fosters actively engaged and informed communities, fueled by the power of history.
Echoes & Reflection September Webinars
Echoes & Reflections webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust history, explore and access classroom-ready content, and support instructional practice to promote student learning and understanding of this complex history and its lasting effect on the world.
September 12th, 2022
The Establishment of the Ghettos
September 19th, 2022
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Exploring America & the Holocaust
September 21st, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
High School Mock Trial Program
Ohio Mock Trial offers an innovative approach to learning the law and how our legal system functions. Guided by teachers and volunteer legal advisors, students participate in an original, unscripted simulated trial written by attorneys. High school students argue both sides of the case in real courtrooms across the state. The state finals are held in the Ohio Statehouse and the winner advances to the national competition.
To compete in the Ohio Mock Trial program, each high school needs a team advisor. The advisor position is a supplemental contract granted by the building principal. The pay for the position is established by Article 905.01 (Group B) of the Master Agreement. If you are interested in advising a Mock Trial team at your school, please speak with your building principal regarding this position. Principals should complete the supplemental contract appointment form and submit it to Human Resources.
Additionally, please contact Matt Doran if you are interested in starting or continuing with Mock Trial. The Curriculum Division will cover the cost of case materials and team competition.
City Leaders Academy
The City Leaders Academy is now accepting applications for the 2022/2023 program. Up until now, this leadership program has been strictly for middle school students (6th-8th grade). This year, we are proud to announce we will now be accepting 9th grade students.
The City Leaders Academy introduces 6th-9th grade students to the leaders and locations that make Columbus a great opportunity city. This leadership academy is designed to educate and accelerate youth to become model citizens and future leaders of our great city. Our programming for 9th grade students will focus on college and life readiness. The ideal candidate for the program should exhibit leadership abilities at home, school and within the community, exhibit great behavior and really want to be part of this great program.
For more information and the full application, see the information here.
The United States Senate Youth Program
The United States Senate Youth Program is a unique educational experience for outstanding high school seniors interested in pursuing careers in public service. Two student leaders from each state will have the opportunity to spend a week in Washington, D.C., experiencing their national government in action during the annual program in March. Student delegates hear major policy addresses by Senators, cabinet members, officials from the Departments of State and Defense and directors of other federal agencies and participate in a meeting with a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Students selected to represent Ohio in the national program also receive a $10,000 scholarship. The application deadline is October 17.
To learn more about eligibility and access the application, visit the Ohio Department of Education page here.